Agricultural Science Research Papers/Topics

Genetic variability between populations of the critically endangered frog Microbatrachella capensis, Boulenger 1910 (Anura: Ranidae: Cacosterninae)

Abstract: The micro frog, Microbatrachella capensis (Boulenger, 1910), is a Critically Endangered anuran found in fragmented marshland habitats along the southern coast of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The genetic diversity between and within the remaining populations (Kenilworth, Grootwitvlei, Kleinmond, Lamloch, Hagelkraal, and Buffeljacht/Ratelrivier) of Microbatrachella capensis in the Western Cape Province of South Africa was assessed, sampling 12 specimens from each popula...

Parentage analysis in a free-ranging, closed population of southern white rhinoceros : genetics, pedigrees and management

Abstract: Small populations of animals are vulnerable to the consequences of breeding within a closed group – inbreeding depression and genetic drift lead to reductions in genetic variability, which in turn can give rise to the amplification of deleterious traits. Traditionally, managers attempt to minimise these effects by controlling the genetic structure via a manipulation of the paternal line, in the case of rhinos usually by translocation of breeding and sub-adult bulls. This strategy...

The phenomenon of Apis mellifera capensis laying workers in Apis mellifera scutellata colonies in the summer rainfall region of South Africa

Abstract: African honeybee workers, Apis mellifera scutellata can activate their ovaries under queenless conditions to produce male (haploid) offspring. In contrast, laying workers of the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis, produce female (diploid) offspring via thelytokous parthenogenesis. In the early 1990’s colonies of A. m. capensis were transported into the distribution area of A. m. scutellata (corresponding to the summer rainfall region of South Africa), leading to the “capens...

Use Of Agroforestry Practices In Soil And Water Conservation A Case Study Of Kageyo Sector, Gicumbi District, Rwanda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTSACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS viiiLIST OFTABLES ixLIST OF PLATESLIST OF APPENDIXABSTRACTCHAPTERONEINTRODUCTION 11.0 Background of the study................................ 11.1. Statement of the problem........................... 31.2 Objectives of the study............................. 41.2.1 General objective 41.2.2 Specific objectives 41.3 Research questions 41.4 Scope of the study 41.4.1 Geographical Scope1.4.2...

Agoa And African Underdevelopment, A Critical Analysis of A Major Contradictions

ABSTRACT The study examines the African Growth and Opportunity Act and African underdevelopment, a critical analysis of major contradictions. The thrust of the research work is to find out if AGOA has spurred the level of investment needed to expand economic activity in the rural agricultural sector. The research work also seeks to examine if AGOA has promoted export diversification with particular reference to the clothing and textile industry and the degree the US trade with SSA countries ...

Comparative Cost - Benefit Analysis Of Fresh And Seed Okro Production At Kpando In The Volta Region

ABSTRA CT Okro is an important crop in the diet o f many Ghanaians and the economy o f Ghana. Fresh okro contains some amount o f protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A and C w ith traces o f B vitamins, as well as calcium phosphorus and iron. The problems o f removal o f subsidies on agricultural inputs, poor market price o f fresh okro, and nematode problem had resulted in low net income from fresh okro enterprise. Although Ghana has a high potential o f producing both fresh and seed okro, m os...

Small Holder Acess To Agricultural Resources in The Dangme East And West Districts of Ghana

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers in Ghana are confronted with the problem of low crop yields as a result of their lack of access to agricultural productive resources. Smallholder farmers within the Dangme East and Dangme West districts are no exception. The objective of this study was to examine the socio-economic and institutional factors that influence smallholder farmers‘ access to productive resources. Data was collected from 150 respondents who were selected from the Dangme East and Dangm...


ABSTRACT  The study was conducted among smallholder maize farmers in the Techiman Municipality of Brong-Ahafo Region. Semi-structured questionnaire was the main instrument for collecting the primary data. Using data from hundred (100) randomly sampled maize farmers in the Brong-Ahafo Region, the profitability of maize farming was assessed and the determinants of profit was examined. Budgetary technique, multiple regressions and Kendall’s coefficient of Concordance was used to analyze the f...

16 - 24 Of 24 Results