Forestry Research Papers/Topics

Woodland Structure, Basic Density And Above Ground Carbon Stock Estimations Of Wet Miombo Woodlands In Mbozi District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Species diversity, stocking, carbon stock and wood basic density for wet miombo woodlands of Iwuma forest reserve in Mbozi District were assessed. Biophysical data were collected through common methodology in forest inventory. Systematic sampling design technique was used to collect information in 37 rectangular plots measuring 20m x 40m each. Trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm were identified and measured for DBH, height, crown diameter and crown height. A total of 820 wood cores were extract...

The Role Of Non Wood Forest Products In Improving Livelihoods Of Communities Surrounding Jozani And Chwaka Bay National Park, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to asses the role of Non Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) in improving livelihoods of the communities surrounding Jozani and Chwaka Bay National Park in Zanzibar. The study aimed to document, asses the status and contribution of NWFPs, identify roles of user groups and constraints towards development of NWFPs in the study area. Six villages were selected based on accessibility to the forests and availability of NWFPs. Study was conducted in two phases: Phase one...

Influence Of Forestland Tenure Regimes On Forest Resource Condition And Livelihoods In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Forestland tenure regime has wide ranging implications on resource condition and livelihoods of forest adjacent communities. Historically, state forestland tenure regime was dominant in Tanzania, but the current move is towards allocating forests on general land to villages. However, there is little information on the influence of forestland tenure on resource condition and livelihoods. This study aimed at analysing the influence of forestland tenure regimes on forest resource cond...

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Household Dependency On Forest In Masida Community Forest, Zambezi Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide a better understanding of the drivers and effects of dependency on forest resources in Masida community forest in Zambezi region, Namibia. Specifically, the study assessed the livelihood strategies and contribution of forest resources to household incomes, assessed socio-economic determinants of households‟ dependency, determined extent and consequences of dependency and examined the people‟s perception on forest dependency. A cross-secti...

Stand Structure And Carbon Storage In The Nilo Nature Reserve, East Usambara, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Understanding forest stand structure is necessary for predicting losses and storage of carbon in forests. However, there is scanty knowledge on relationship between stand structure and carbon storage. This study assessed stand structure and its relationship with carbon storage in Nilo Nature Reserve. The specific objectives were to determine the forest stand structure, above ground and soil carbon stock and their relationship. The forest was stratified into four elevation bands....

Effect Of Human Activities On Composition And Regeneration Of Woody Species In Morogoro Fuelwood Reserve, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Morogoro Fuelwood Reserve (MFR) is a productive forest under the management of Mvomero district and Morogoro Municipal Authority. The reserve has been modified through human activities. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of human activities on composition and regeneration of woody species in MFR. Seventy four plots each with an area of 0.07 hectare were systematically established in 10 transects. Socioeconomic data obtained through household (5%) interviews using struct...

Reconnaissance Survey Of The Wildlife Sanctuary Of Stubb’s Creek Forest Reserve, Akwaibom State, Nigeria

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study was conducted at the instance of the Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Environment, Akwa Ibom State in realization of the need to assess the potentials of wildlife in the Stubbs-creek forest reserve of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. The terms of reference included, but not limited to provision of information on status of fauna and flora in the forest reserve, bearing in mind the level of human interference that had occurred in the last one decade. Using a combinati...

Power Struggles In Suledo Village Land Forest Reserve, Kiteto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT SULEDO Village Land Forest Reserve is important in supporting livelihoods of the adjacent local communities as well as for the economic development of the country at large. However, there is inadequate information on power struggles underlying the management and utilization of SULEDO VLFR. This study intended to assess power struggles underlying resource use conflicts in SULEDO VLFR. The study was conducted in three villages namely Sunya, Lengatei and Laiseri. Qualitative and quantit...

Carbon Storage Potential Of Grassland Ecosystems In The Eastern Arc Mountains: A Case Study Of Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Grasslands are believed to store carbon in below and above ground. However, little is known on the actual proportion amount of carbon stored in the different carbon pools in the grassland ecosystems. This study aimed at quantifying below and above ground carbon stocks of floodplain and upland grasslands. Quadrants measuring 1 m2 were established systematically along transects in the floodplain and upland grasslands. Above ground vegetation and litter were sampled in 1 m x 1 m plots a...

Alternative Pricing Mechanism Of Teak Forest Plantation Saw-Logs In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to analyze the various pricing mechanisms that can be used in setting prices for teak saw-logs and the prevailing market characteristics influencing prices in Tanzania. Primary data on the factors influencing auctioning and stumpage appraisal and, teak saw-logs production and trading costs were collected through questionnaires and field observations from Mtibwa and Longuza teak forest plantations, FBD head offices and winners of the various auction...

Role Of Agroforestry Products In Household Income And Poverty Reduction In Semi-Arid Areas Of Misungwi District, Mwanza, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Agroforestry practice like any other land use practice has been reported to produce different benefits and products, which enhance household incomes and reduce poverty. This study was conducted in order to examine the contribution of agroforestry products to total annual household incomes and poverty reduction in semi-arid areas of Misungwi district, Mwanza Tanzania. Research methodologies used included literature review, questionnaire surveys, discussion with key informants and pers...

Growth And Productivity Of Some Selected Indigenous Tree Species In Monoculture Plots In Morogoro – Tanzania

ABSTRACT Growth and productivity of four indigenous tree species (Miliciaexcelsa, Afzeliaquanzensis, DarbegiamelanoxylonandKhayaanthotheca) was evaluated in 23 year old rectangular 400 m2 (20 x 20 m) plots planted at Tanzania Tree Seed Agency (TTSA) Arboretum in Morogoro, Tanzania. Data was collected on survival, diameter at breast height (Dbh), total height, stem form and wood basic density. A t-test of the collected data (dbh, total height and wood basic density) have shown that there were ...

Carbon Storage Potential Of Trees Outside Forests Under Private And Communal Tenure Regimes In Ng’iresi Village, Arumeru District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Though people are getting benefits by favour of ToF in form of lumber, firewood, fruits honey and such products, little has been documented on their potential in timber supply, carbon sequestration and storage. This study was carried out to determine carbon storage potential of Trees outside Forests (ToF) that fall on private and communal tenure regimes in Ng’iresi village, Arumeru district, Tanzania. The village was stratified into 5 main strata; trees around homesteads, agrofores...

Estimation Of Tree Removals In Miombo Woodlands Of Mainland Tanzania

ABSTRACT Miombo woodlands are major vegetation type covering about 93% of the forest land of Mainland Tanzania. It forms an integral part of the rural landscape in Tanzania and plays a crucial role in providing a wide range of goods and services including carbon sequestration. However, the sustainability of miombo woodlands resources depend on the balance between increment/growth rate and the magnitude of utilization. While many studies have been conducted to evaluate growth rate/increment li...

Effects Of Institutional Changes On Forest Condition: A Case Of Chenene Forest Reserve In Bahi District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT This study assessed the effects of institutional changes on forest condition, stakeholders’ interests, the performance of local institutions and factors influencing the performance of local governance structures, using a case study of Chenene Forest Reserve (CFR) in Bahi, Tanzania. Data were collected through forest inventory using 120 systematically selected sample plots. Satellite images were collected and analysed using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System techniqu...

31 - 45 Of 78 Results