ABSTRACT This study assessed the effects of integrating Gliricidia sepium, rainwater harvesting known as chololo pits and planting times on soil moisture, maize growth and yield in Kongwa District, Dodoma, Tanzania. A factorial experiment was adopted to test the effects of planting times (Early, Normal and Late planting), and CSA practices (Maize monoculture, Gliricida sepium intercropping and intercropping with G. sepium and chololo pits. The planting times were Mid-November to Mid-Decembe...
ABSTRACT On-farm tree planting has been practiced all over the world in order to supplement reserved forests in terms of wood products. On-farm tree planting was a strategy to reduce pressure in the Amani Nature Reserve (ANR), which is biologically important in the Eastern Arc Mountains and globally at large. The objectives of this study were to assess the contribution of on-farm trees in conservation of the biodiversity of ANR. Measurements were taken from total of 135 on-farm plots measuri...
ABSTRACT There is no doubt that REDD+ payments can do many activities that lead to deforestation and forest degradation less attractive. However, countries considering participating in REDD+ mechanism, need information on what it would cost them to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This study was delimited to estimate transaction costs of REDD+ project with the Advancing REDD+ in Kolo Hill pilot project in Kondoa District as a case study. Socio-economic and biophys...
ABSTRACT A study was conducted at Meru/Usa forest plantation to determine quality, stocking and yield of Pinus patula and factors influencing them. The Meru/Usa forest plantation compartments were categorized into affected and non – affected by root disease and insect defoliators. Systematic sampling method was used to align transect and plots in the compartment. 198 sample plots of 0.04ha were laid and measurements taken for estimation of stem quality, stocking, basal area and volume. The...
ABSTRACT Forests and water are important Common Pool Resources (CPRs) in the Uluguru Mountains (UMs). Water connects socio-economic groups of different altitudinal zonation namely upstream and downstream with multiple uses and conflicting interests. Researches have been done on ecosystem value, CPRs depletions and the role of socioeconomic incentives in biodiversity conservation but little is known about power relations underlying upstream and downstream CPRs users. This study therefore, was...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the quantity of timber and extent of illegal timber harvesting in Eastern Arc Mountains. Data were collected using three techniques: desktop review which was used to collect information on timber stocks from two studies in EAMs while socio-economic and ecological surveys were employed to collect information on timber disturbances and timber stocks harvested illegally in NFR. Data analysis involved use of Microsoft excel and Statistical Package fo...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess the opportunity costs of REDD+ to the communities of Mufindi District. The specific objectives were, to identify and assess the economic value of alternative land use, the aboveground carbon stock of the sampled forest (Idewa Forest Reserve) under PFM, the profitability of each land use and compare with the REDD+ incentives, and the willingness to accept (WTA) of the communities towards REDD+. Structured and semi structured questionnair...
ABSTRACT Although future increase in timber supply in many countries is expected to come from agroforestry, the problem of on farm timber sawing, physical strain on sawyers caused by “Pitsawing” has to be addressed, to increase timber sawing productivity. This study was aimed at analyzing the productivity and energy expenditure by sawyers when using Traditional Pitsawing Platforms (PSP) and Portable Steel Log Sawing Platforms (PLSP) in agroforestry farms in Kiruweni and Nduweni villages...
ABSTRACT The future consumption and substitution of wood products in the building industry is not well analyzed and examined hence the demand for wood in the industry remain uncertain. The study on forecasting consumption and substitution of sawn wood in the building industry was carried out in Dar es Salaam city. Consumption forecasts of sawn wood for the years 2016, 2021 and 2026 were determined through the income elasticity of the demand forecasting model. The sampling unit was obtained f...
ABSTRACT Changes of conservation policy from fortress to community conservation aimed at balancing sustainable conservation and rural livelihoods. However, little is known as to how much Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) approach contributed to livelihoods enhancement. Similarly, impacts of wildlife conflicts as a result of successful conservation, and causes of poverty among local communities are poorly known. This study aimed at assessing poverty traps and wildlife conflicts in Mgor...
The study conducted in the Al Nour natural reserved forest of model forests in Blue Nile State. It is characterized by biodiversity such as broad leaves tree and acacias, shrubs and other wildlife and the forest became of place for students programs and researchers. Citizens Staying near the forest and internally displaced persons since civil war broke out in southern Blue Nile in 2011, to led cutting down of trees and led to deterioration. The purpose of this study is to find out the c...
ABSTRACT Mara River Basin ecosystem is shared by Tarime, Serengeti and Musoma districts. While there is a great understanding on the availability of natural resources in the basin, less is known on the implications of natural resources use conflicts on the livelihoods and on the resource base. The overall objective of the study was to assess natural resources use conflicts and their socio-economic and ecological implications. Data were collected through PRA, discussions with key informants,...
ABSTRACT The Half Mile Forest Strip (HMFS) around Mt Kilimanjaro has for a long time been the most important buffer zone to Mt Kilimanjaro ecosystem. The strip was set aside in 1941 with emphasis on production of wood and non wood forest products for local use. Rising demands for these products from the forest called for socio-economic analysis and review of the production options on the strip. The aerial survey done in year 2001 revealed that the strip was not managed effectively to the ext...
ABSTRACT Altitudinal distribution and damage intensity of Cypress aphid on Cupressuslusitanicaof different age classes were investigated at SUA Training Forest. The abundance of natural enemies of Cypress aphid different age classes (young 1-10years, middle 11-25 and old >25years) and altitudinal ranges (lower 1700-1930 m.a.s.l, middle 1931-2125 m.a.s.l and upper 2126-2300 m.a.s.l) was also determined. Systematic sampling was used, whereby every 5th tree along the row of the study plot/block...
ABSTRACT The contribution of women and men in Joint Forest Management (JFM) is highly needed for effective forest management and its consequent boost of economic levels in villages surrounding Mt. Meru Catchment FR, Arumeru district. This study assessed gender roles and determined the extent of participation of men and women in JFM activities around Mt. Meru Catchtchment FR. The study also intended to identify socio-economic and cultural factors influencing gender roles in JFM in Ilkiding’...