Community Development Research Papers/Topics


Internally generated fund plays an important role in the overall development of District Assemblies in Ghana. DAs in Ghana are entitled to mobilise resources locally for their expenditure needs. Internally Generated Fund (IGF) of the sub-national Governments is basically their own-sourced revenues of District Assemblies'. The study examined the contribution of internally generated fund to the overall development of the Karaga District. It is identified that the IGF mobilisation in the distric...


This study sought to identify community groups that were operating with an- eco- nomic focus and to assess the potential for Technoserve (TNS) to initiate work with them. Women's groups engaged in shea-nut harvesting, selling, and shea butter extraction were targeted. Focus areas were: level of activity, potentials and constraints, income generating and livelihood activities. A combination of instruments, namely purposive sampling of communities, windshield survey, semi- structured interviews...

Ten Simple Rules for Organizing a Virtual Conference—Anywhere

Abstract: The First African Virtual Conference on Bioinformatics 2009 (AFBIX09) [1], organized by the Bioinformatics Organization [2] and the International Society for Computational Biology Student Council’s Regional Student Groups of Africa and Morocco (ISCBSC RSG-Africa and RSG-Morocco) [3] received support from the African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ASBCB) [4]. The aim was to provide students and scientists in the bioinformatics and computational biology field...

Factors Affecting the Success of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) Interventions in Achieving Sustainable Rural Development in Zimbabwe: Case of Mwenezi Rural District

This research sought to uncover the factors affecting the success of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) interventions in achieving sustainable rural development in Zimbabwe, citing the case of Mwenezi Rural District. The research was chosen to find possible solutions and lay recommendations to address the underlying factors which hinder non-governmental organisations from fulfilling their  development objective of achieving sustainable rural development and at the same time to pave a�...

Assessment of Prevalence and Knowledge of Human African Trypanosomiasis (Hat) In Delta State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT World Health Organization (WHO) earmarked Human African Trypanosomiasis for elimination from Nigeria in 2015, making it one of the Country’s (Nigeria) priority diseases listed for surveillance through integrated disease surveillance and response. HAT is a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, where it affects mainly the rural poor and is usually fatal when untreated. The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence of HAT and the level of knowledge exhibited by ...

Determinants of Childhood Immunization in Idoha Community

ABSTRACT This study is a cross sectional study aimed at evaluating practice and determinants of child hood immunization in Idoha. This study is focused on identifying why children don’t receive immunization, and factor that encourage or deter immunization practice in the community. A total of 400 respondents were systematically selected from five villages in the community. Analysis showed that372 (98.2%) of babies had BCG. 354 (93.2%) had OPV and 348 (91.6%) had HBVO. Majority of mothers kn...

Decentralization and Community Participation in Decision Making in Hargeisa District Somali Land

ABSTRACT  Since the early 1980s, decentralization has reemerged as a valued political and economic goal in most developing countries. Decentralization is new to Somaliland Region in particular. Although, the constitution of Somaliland clearly states that the Regional States have autonomous role in the sphere of political and social aspects. The study investigated decentralization and community participation in decision making in selected district in Somaliland. The study was guided by the fo...

Community Participation in the Administration of Secondary School in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State

ABSTRACT This research work was on the community participation in the Administration of secondary school in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent community of participation in secondary school administration in the zone and then x- ray the need for their active participation. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. In order to focus the study, five research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated and used to guide t...

The Level of Art Adherence Among Hiv and Aids Patients Attending Kilembe Mines Hospital Art-Clinic, Kasese District

ABSTRACT Background: Introduction and adopted use of ART has shown reduction in HIV related mortality and morbidity in people with HIV/AIDS. However high levels of ART adherence (>95%) is required to achieve effective suppression of viral load among patients. Objective: The study was aimed at determining the level of ART adherence and the associated factors among HIV/AIDS patients attending Kilembe mines hospital in Kasese District. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive stndy design was used...

The Impact of Corruption on Service Delivery in Lira District. A Case Study of Adekokwok Sub-County

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between corruption and service delivery a case study of Adekokwok Sub County-Lira district. The researcher was guided by three objectives namely; To explain the effects of bribery on contract awarded to potential bidders during the procurement process, To examine the effects of misallocation and embezzlement of public funds on the access of good health Services and To explain the impact of bribery on youth employment in Lira district. A...

Evaluation of the Use of Antibiotics Among Patients Attending Dental Clinic at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Antibiotics are the most used medicines in dental practice (Lewis, 2008)and are used regularly for the management of oral and dental infection that originates from odontogenic infections (Dar-Odeh NS, et,al., 2010), however there is inappropriate use of antibiotics that result into gastrointestinal disturbances to fatal anaphylactic shock and development of resistance. Methods used The sampling was done at KIU-TH, employing simple random sampling; informed consent was sought from the...

Influence of Cultural Practices in the Promotion of Girls and Women’s Rights

ContentsDECLERATIONCERTIFICATION.iiDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS vEXECUTIVE SUMMERY viiCHAPTER ONEBACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 11 .0. Introduction 11 .1. Background of the study 11 .2. Problem statement 41.3. Purpose of the study 51 .4 Objectives of thee study~ 51 .5. Research questions~ 51.6.0. Scope of the study~ 51 .6. 1 .Contentscope~ 51 .6.2. Geographical scope 61.6.3. Time scope 61 .7. Significance of the study~ 61 .8. Conceptual framework 71.9. Operational de...

Prevalence of Opportunistic Infections Among Patients Attending Art Clinic at Ruhiira Health Centre Three, Isingiro District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.................................................................................................................................................iAPPROVAL........................................................................................................................................................iiDEDICATION.................................................................................................................................................. iiiA...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Self Medication Among Second Year Undergraduate Medical Students of Kampala International University Western Campus

ABSTRACT Background: Self-medication particularly with analgesics and antibiotics has been widely reported leading the WHO to call attention to the dangers of self-medication as a cause of antibiotic resistance (Kamat VR and Nichter M., 1998; Abasaeed A et al, 2009; Sarahroodi S et al, 2010; Nalini GK, 2010; Calva J, 1996). In country like Uganda there is a wide range of drugs coupled with inadequate health service result in increased proportion of drug used as a selfmedication compared to pr...

HIV Preventive Measures Among Residents of Nyakabirizi Town, Bushenyi District in Western-Uganda.

ABSTRACT Background: HIV spreads immunodeficiency syndrome commonly known as AIDS making it 36.7 million people worldwide, 25.3 million people in Africa and 1.6 million people in Uganda living with HIV/AIDS. Objectives: the main objective of this study was to determine the different methods used by residents of Nyakabirizi town towards the prevention of HIV spread. Study design: This was an analytical cross-sectional study Subject: 196 people were sampled from Nyakabirizi town. The sampled pe...

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