Counselling and Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Implications Of Psycho-Social Media Networking On Adolescents Academic Performance In Public Day Secondary Schools In Nakuru East Constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Most studies in Social media indicate that about 52% of the world’s population, including school going ones has been found to be frequent users of the social media networking. Despite this understanding few studies have examined the implication of media networks on academic performance of secondary school students. Using rational choice theory and planned behavior theory, this study examined the Implications of psycho- social media networking on academic performance among Adolescen...

The Psychosocial Resources Applied By Co-Wives In Coping With Stressful Polygamous Environments: A Case Of Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the psychosocial resources co-wives apply in coping with the stressful polygamous environments. Studies on the area of the psychosocial effects of polygamous marriages have highlighted on the negative effects of the practice on women. However, these studies fail to outline if there are any workable intervention measures (strategies) which co-wives can apply to cope with the polygamous environments. There was need to address the plight of co-w...

Relationship Between Selected Childhood Parental Factors And Victimization To Intimate Partner Violence Among Men In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a prevalent problem that threatens the societal welfare both in developed and developing nations. Most efforts to alleviate it have focused on women victims of male perpetrated IPV. Despite increasing media reports of men experiencing IPV, there is paucity of information on the prevalence of such victimization and the risk factors associated with it especially in Kenya. This study sought to establish the relationship between selected childhood paren...

Conceptualisation Of Abnormal Behaviour Among Residents Of Kibera Informal Settlement In Nairobi County, Kenya: Implications For Mental Health Interventions

ABSTRACT Abnormal behaviour is on the increase globally, with one in every four persons in the world expected to be afflicted by one form of a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their lives. Although great advancements have been made in its understanding and treatment, abnormal behaviour is still misconceptualised by many individuals, sub-cultures and cultures world-wide. The purpose of this study was to investigate how abnormal behaviour is conceptualised by residents of Kibera...

Effect Of Group Therapy In Restoring Psychological Wellbeing Of Sexually Violated Women Of 1994 Tutsi Genocide In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Sexual violation of women has been found to leave permanent scars on the victims, affecting all spheres of life, therefore, compromising their psychological wellbeing. However, sexual violation is a vice shrouded with social instigated shame and guilt that leaves many victims stigmatized, thus making it difficult for them to seek help. Group therapy has been found to be characterized with curative factors that could circumvent the shame and guilt associated with sexual violation the...

Certainty In Career Choice Among Kenyatta University Students: Implications For Career Counseling.

ABSTRACT While the career development process is life-long, choices made during the college years are particularly significant in setting the foundation for future professional options. Selecting a career can be a daunting task for many University students who must balance their own interests with what is available in the various Universities as with their academic performance. It is in this view that the researcher aimed at investigating the career certainty of the university students. Stra...

Relationship Between Work-Related Stress And Marital Quality Among Couples In Selected Seventh-Day Adventist Churches In Kiambu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Several studies have been carried out in the past focusing on the relationship between work-related stress and marital quality. These studies have indicated that some of the challenges that couples encounter in their marital relationships have a link with work-related stress. Seventh-day Adventist couples may not be exceptional cases on issues affecting other marriages. However, committed Christian couples may assume that they are immune to challenges that affect non-Christians and ...

Relationship Between Counseling Intervention And Psychological Well-Being Among Family Care Givers Of Cancer Patients In Kiambu County

ABSTRACT Palliative care is an approach that is supposed to improve the quality of life of terminally ill patients and their families. However, much attention is paid to the patient than the family members who also suffer financial, emotional, social and spiritual effects due to illness. Family members not only experience psychological anguish and guilty due to effects of illness on their loved ones, but also affected by the demands of care giving. Whereas this is the case, few studies have f...

Effects Of Emotionally Absent Parents On The Behaviour Of Adolescents In Selected Secondary Schools In Machakos County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Students’ indiscipline is a problem that has become common in most of Kenyan secondary schools. However, discipline of the adolescents in secondary schools is not an aspect of the school systems alone. Parents have a role to play in shaping behavior of children through the process of nurturing. However, many parents remain emotionally absent from their children as they engage in other activities. Using the attachment theory as proposed by John Bowlby, the study explored the relatio...

Relationship Between Psychological Factors And Initiation Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Mothers In Kangundo Level 4 Hospital Inmachakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The practice of exclusive breastfeeding is critical to the short, medium and long term health of a child as well as the mother. It has been affirmed that failure to observe EBF in low income as well as high income countries contributes significantly to child mortality, increased cases of preventable illnesses such as gastroenteritis and respiratory diseases, high rates of childhood diabetes and obesity.The negative consequences of failure to breastfeed exclusively have also been illu...

Psychosocial Effects Of Home Environment Of Coffee - Picker Parents On Students Academic Performance In Day School Secondary In Murang’a County

ABSTRACT Academic performance in secondary schools in Kandara Sub-County of Murang’a County has been far below the National standards as depicted by results in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E). The results revealed that on average, most students achieved D+ indicating that they could not qualify for admission in institutions of higher learning. Several researchers (Marjoribanks, 1972; Walberg, 1972; Kellaghan, 1977; Burns & Homel, 1985; Kurdek & Sinclair, 1988) have i...

Family Caregivers’ Perceptions Of Compassion Among Pediatric Health Care Providers In Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya: Implications For Treatment Compliance

ABSTRACT Compassion is viewed as a hallmark of quality of care by patients, health workers, health care administrators and policy makers. Despite this, there is a lack of understanding of what patients and their care givers perceive as compassion of health care workers. The purpose of this study was to establish family caregivers’ perceptions of compassion among paediatric health care providers (PHCPs) in Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and the implications of the perceptions on compliance...

Relationship Between Social Support And Self-Esteem Among Teenage Mothers Attending Pumwani Maternity Hospital In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Adolescence (teenage) is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood, characterized by biological, psychological, and social changes. Self-esteem of adolescents is generally low and when an adolescent becomes pregnant, the psychological adjustment of pregnancy is added to the challenges in the transition of adolescence. Self-esteem is self-evaluation of an individual’s worth and it is important for a smooth transition to adulthood. High self-esteem expresses the feeling...

Relationship Between Parental Conflict And Social Adjustment Of Adolescent Students In Seconday Schools In Murang’a County, Kenya

xii ABSTRACT Parental conflict is a prevalent problem that threatens the social adjustment of adolescence children both in developed and developing nations. Despite evidence of parental conflicts in Kenyan families, there is scarce literature on the relationship of parental conflict and social adjustment of adolescence. This study sought to establish the frequency of parental conflict in families of students in secondary schools in Murang‘a County; To find out the types of parental conflict...

Relationship Between Parental Conflict, Family Structure And Bullying Among Public Secondary School Students In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Bullying, as a form of school violence is a big challenge and there is evidence that it is happening in many parts of the world including Kenya. Most past studies in Kenya have focused on prevalence, causes, forms and effects of bullying. However, not so much has been done on the influence of family especially parents on bullying. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between family structure, parental conflict and bullying among public secondary school stude...

46 - 60 Of 103 Results