Counselling and Psychology Research Papers/Topics

Determinants Of The Guidance And Counseling Programme In Promoting Hearing Impaired Pupils’ Development In Selected Counties, Kenya

Hearing impaired children encounter many challenges which are caused by their inability to hear and effectively use oral language. This has serious implications on their personal, social, educational and career development. This calls for well coordinated and informed interventions so as to provide hearing impaired learners with competences to enable them to live effective lives and develop into responsible citizens despite their handicap. An effective guidance and counseling programme will b...

Relationship Between Existential Fulfillment, Work Engagement And Job Burnout Among Kenya Universities Professional Counsellors

Positive occupational health psychology research is rapidly taking centre stage in the field of work and wellness in the 21st century. However, three person-specific variables (existential fulfillment, work engagement and job burnout) have received little attention in studies among Kenya universities professional counsellors. The aim of the current study was to explore the relationship between existential fulfillment, work engagement and job burnout among Kenya universities professional ...

Level Of Occupational Stress: Causes, Effects And Coping Strategies Among Police Constables In Kisumu County, Kenya

Stress is a major global health challenge affecting the well-being of service providers especially those working in the human service sectors like; police officers, teachers, health care providers and media specialists. This study was prompted by emerging information from studies that, stress is a silent killer that affects the health of service providers leading to; mental, physical, and emotional disorders. In Kenya and Kisumu County in particular studies on occupational stress among police...

Role Of Marriage And Family Counselling In Promoting Marital Satisfaction For Married Career Individuals In Kericho County, Kenya

Marital satisfaction has remained a topic of great interest worldwide, and a relationship has been advanced between marital satisfaction, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Studies have shown that the often competing demands of the occupational structure and those of a rich family life present a number of challenges for married career individuals. There was, however, a paucity of research on marital satisfaction in Kericho, particularly in relation to the role of marriage and family...

Public Perceptions Of Elderly People And Elderly Care Institutions And Uptake Of Institutionalised Care For The Aged In Nakuru County, Kenya

This study investigated Public Perceptions of Elderly People and Elderly Care Institutions and Uptake of Institutionalized Care for the Aged in Nakuru County, Kenya. This study was informed by the growing population of older people around the world at a time when traditional social support structures for older people are increasingly disintegrating. The disintegration of social support structures for older people, imply that society has to seek for alternative support structures such as ...

Influence Of Implementation Strategies Of Guidance And Counselling Programmes On Behaviour Change Of Pupils In Public Primary Schools In Kisii County, Kenya

A well-implemented guidance and counselling programme fosters a positive behaviour among pupils in public primary schools. There are persistent incidences of substance and alcohol abuse, absenteeism, early pregnancies, premarital sex, lack of respect for authority and many school dropouts in public primary schools in Kisii County. There is a gap in assessing what is influencing the persistence of this misbehavior as it had not been empirically investigated. The purpose of the study was t...

Undergraduate Students’ Perception Of The Factors That Influence Adoption Of Homosexuality In Selected Public Universities In Kenya.

Homosexuality is a behavior involving sexual attraction between people of the same sex. Homosexuality is a problem in universities and complaints of its existence in universities have been raised and some university students have even declared publicly about their sexual orientation. Those who have adopted homosexuality may have been influenced by factors such as inadequate counseling, mass media, religious affiliation and peer pressure. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to establi...

Prevalence, Patterns, Effects And Counselling Interventions Of Alcohol Use Among Students In Private Faith Based And Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public health concern about alcohol consumption and associated risk behaviours in young people is increasing, especially among university students. Despite growing problems of global alcohol abuse among university students, accurate information on the prevalence, patterns and effects of use among university students in Kenya remains sparse. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine the prevalence, patterns, effects, and counselling interventions of alcohol use among univers...

Influence Of Selected Background Factors On Students Levels Of Self-Esteem And Academic Achievement In Public Secondary Schools In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary school students’ background factors are important in the students’ life and may determine the academic outcomes and the levels of self-esteem. The students’ family SES, family type and home location are varied and may influence the academic achievement and levels of self-esteem. In Kenya, academic achievement is a key factor in determining the future career of the students and their success is measured by the level of academic achievement. It is therefore important t...

Occupational Stress: Level, Causes, Effect And Coping Strategies Based On Demographic Characteristics Among Drugs And Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Counsellors In Selected Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Occupational stress is a common phenomenon among drugs and substance abuse rehabilitation counsellors. Though occupational stress and coping strategies have received increased attention, apparently the current level of attention attributed to level, causes, effects and coping strategies among drugs and substance abuse rehabilitation counsellors still remains a point of concern. This study therefore sought to establish the level, causes, effects of occupational stress and coping stra...

Relationship Between Selected Rehabilitation Factors And Recovering Alcoholics Competencies In Central And Nairobi Regions, Kenya

ABSTRACT Attainment of sobriety calls for appropriately planned and skillfully managed process that offers personal support and guidance, necessitating effective approaches during alcohol rehabilitation. An understanding of how various rehabilitation related factors influence recovering alcoholics’ competencies is therefore key to their reintegration into society. Recovery from alcohol addiction should therefore result in a substantial improvement in the reduction of alcohol intake and an ...

Influence Of HIV/AIDS Counselling Services On The Quality Of Life Of Church Members In Selected Churches In Nakuru East Sub- County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally and in the continent of Africa HIV/AIDS has become a pandemic that has affected more than 38 million people. The world has responded to this pandemic in many ways including creating counselling services to improve the quality of life. In Nakuru East Sub County churches are increasingly getting involved in HIV/AIDS counselling services to help improve the quality of life of its members. However, no studies have been conducted to assess the influence of HIV/AIDS counselling s...

Teacher-Counsellor And Student Perceptions On The Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Services In Addressing Psycho-Social Challenges Facing Students In Day Secondary Schools In The Nor

ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya‟s policy on subsidized secondary education is aimed at increasing access to secondary education by all students. To ensure this demand of access to secondary education is achieved; the Government has encouraged the establishment of day secondary schools through Sub-county Education Boards (SCEBS) to cater for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. However, the students in day secondary schools may still face many psycho-social challenges that emanate ...

The Role Of Career Guidance And Counselling In Career Awareness And Planning Among Public Secondary School Students In Kenya

Guidance and counselling programme has become an important integral part of the school system in Kenya. Career guidance and counselling services which are components of the guidance and counselling programme are vital activities because one of the long-term goals of education is career placement. If education is to realise this goal, then learners should have appropriate career information and undertake career exploration before making career choices. This aspect of learning can only be ...


Recent statistics indicate that HIV infection prevalence in Kenya is at 5.6 percent. Of note, HIV infection is commonly known for its tendency to present with comorbid conditions including neuropsychiatric disorders. Within this spectrum, depression, which is a mood disorder, is the most common neuropsychiatric disorder among persons living with HIV (PLHIV) occurring at rates 2 to 3 times higher than in HIV-negative persons. Depression contributes significantly to poor health outcomes am...

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