ABSTRACT Violence against women in its various forms is endemic in communities around the world cutting across class, age, religion and national boundaries. It is one of the most pervasive human rights violations. It denies women equality, security, dignity, self worth and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms. It destroys a woman’s sense of self, and undermines healthy families and communities. Violence poses serious mental and physical health risks on the victims. This has far-reachin...
ABSTRACT Job burnout is a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion resulting in job dissatisfaction, lowered productivity, absenteeism and high turnover at the workplace. Student Affairs Personnel in universities are often required to spend considerable and intense time with students facing psychological, social and physical problems coupled with feelings of frustration, anger, embarrassment, fear, and despair. Such an environment can easily lead to burnout if not checked. The purp...
ABSTRACT The need for guidance and counselling services in all learning institutions cannot be overstated. In response to this demand, guidance and counselling programme has been implemented since 1971 and more emphasis on its services in 2001 through Legal Notice, No. 95 of the Kenya Gazette that recommended the implementation of guidance and counseling by establishing counseling departments in all secondary schools. A well implemented guidance and counselling programme should be very clear...
ABSTRACT Political violence has negative influences on peoples’ wellbeing. The emotional wellbeing of people is of great significance if they are to remain healthy. This is particularly so with the 2007 Post-Election Violence (PEV) that was experienced in Kenya. Nakuru County was one of the areas that were affected by 2007 PEV. The study aimed at establishing the influence of PEV level on emotional wellbeing and academic performance of secondary school students in Nakuru County, Kenya. Mol...
ABSTRACT The task of choosing a degree programme to study in the university by students is a significant career task in which the outcome is influenced by various factors such as; family, career interests, financial resources, career information, among others. The students are either satisfied or dissatisfied with the outcome of their choices and this may affect their ability in handling future career tasks. This study aimed at determining the influence of family, financial resources, career ...
ABSTRACT Kenya has experienced many traumatic events in the recent past in which psychotherapists have been called upon to do trauma counseling. A review of Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) literature indicates that engaging in therapeutic work with trauma victims can and does, impact on the therapists. Reactions may include avoidance, arousal, and numbing of trauma and may possibly lead to STS. The psychotherapist if secondarily traumatized may engage in behavior that impedes the therapeuti...
ABSTRACT Secondary school students are exposed to many problems which they are unable to handle on their own and instead of seeking counselling, they tend to keep these problems to themselves. Many factors including perceptions of social supports, personal coping, self-efficacy, help-seeking experiences, attitudes toward psychological help, locus of control, perceived problem severity and gender among others influence the help-seeking behaviour. The purpose of this study therefore was to exam...
ABSTRACT Rape is a pervasive social problem globally and also one of the most traumatic experiences, causing numerous long-term outcomes on the psychological and social realms of survivors. Kilifi North Sub County has been categorized among the most risky areas for women and children. According to Kenya Police Service cases of rape in the Sub County have been on the increase with 306 cases reported at the Kilifi North Sub-County in 2017. Survivors of rape are exposed to long-term negative ou...
ABSTRACT Technological knowledge is vital in every profession and counselling is not excluded. Unfortunately, many mental health service professionals especially counsellors have not yet fully embraced utilization of digital technology in counselling. Efficient utilization of digital technology in counselling enables counsellors perform various counselling tasks which include and not limited to counselling process, client appointments, report writing, record keeping, making clinical assessme...
Cohabitation is on the upward trend globally, especially among young adults. Methodist Church in Kenya, Kaaga circuit, Meru, has recorded a decline in church weddings in recent years, with cohabitation being the main alternative. The purpose of the study was to analyze factors influencing cohabitation among young adults in MCK Kaaga Circuit. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of financial ability, family of origin, peer pressure, premarital pregnancy and premarital coun...
A lot of studies have established that deviant behaviours are on the upward trend among prisoners. Studies done on deviant behaviours among inmates have focused on social factors. This study sought to establish the influence of psychosocial factors on deviant behaviors among male prisoners in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study specifically focused on how selected psychosocial factors; demographics, peer pressure and coercion, influence deviant behaviours among the prisoners. Two theories namely;...
The loss of a spouse is a life changing experience that presents itself in terms of serious psychological and social challenges that affect the widow wellness. The widow plight in various churches is not addressed due to the lack of awareness on the psychosocial challenges they experience. The purpose of the study was to determine the psychosocial challenges that affect the widow’s wellness and explore the coping and intervention mechanisms adopted by the widows in selected churches in Naku...
ABSTRACT The Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) is an intervention programme sponsored by NGOs as an alternative to female circumcision (FGM). FGM is a cherished rite of passage in many communities in Kenya. ARP mimics the traditional rites aspect by putting the initiates in seclusion and counselling them while avoiding the physical operation of the genitals. There is a gap in the analysis of the Marakwets‟ perception of ARP and their level of awareness of effects of FGM as it has not been e...
ABSTRACT The choice of a career is very important because it affects one’s entire life. To enable students make this crucial decision, career guidance is offered in secondary schools in Kenya to help the students realise their potential and select training programmes that will lead them to appropriate careers in future. Despite the fact that students are given career guidance, many students try to change the training programmes they had chosen immediately after admission or after a period o...
This study investigatedthe influence of parenting styles on adolescent girls‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Makadara Sub County, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study employed the correlation survey design. The study was guided by four research objectives: To establish the relationship between authoritarian parenting style and adolescent girls‟ academic performance in public secondary schools in Makadara sub-county; To examine the relationship between authoritative parent...