English and Literary Studies Research Papers/Topics

Criminology and African Literature: A Didactic Approach

The paper in question looks at how criminological theory is reflected in the writing of African authors. I make an effort to demonstrate how the authors' perceptions of their society affect how they portray the issue of crime. A reading of the books "Petals of Blood" by Ngugi wa Thiongo, "No Longer at Ease" by Chinua Achebe, "Money Galore" by Amu Djoleto, and "The Beautyful ones are not yet born" by Ayi Kwei Armah from the perspective of criminology. "How can African literature reposition the...

Supporting the View that Zimbabwean Writers are not Court Jesters in View of Freedom Nyamubaya in “On the Road Again” and Chirikure-Chirikure in “We Shall Not Sleep”

Abstract The author Freedom Nyamubaya is respected as the voice of the powerless in bringing the true account of the escapades of the armed struggle as an active member of the war of liberation, thus her writings are autobigographical.  Nyamubaya is well known for using Marxist feminist ideology in focusing on ways in which women are being oppressed through different systems of capitalism.  The Marxist feminist women’s liberation can be achieved through restructuring of the current capi...

Representation of Crime and Punishment in Selected Plays in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigerian plays are replete with narration of crime and punishment as prime factor in socioeconomic conflict and resolution. Critical studies of these plays have so far focused on the views of the political class with little attention paid to the views of the masses, which are critical to the thematic engagement of the playwrights. Consequently, this study focuses attention on the views of the masses in order to expound the insights of crime and punishment in Nigeria. The study adopt...

An Appraisal On Participation And Decision Making At Community Development Meetings At Caledonia Housing Cooperatives (February 2014)

 ABSTRACT The research analyzes the interactive proceedings which took place at community meetings in a bid to develop that particular community. Anchored heavily by the appraisal theory, the research analyzed cooperative meetings conducted at Caledonia Housing cooperatives in a bid to make an appraisal of the discourse of participants during community development decision making meetings. The research is an observational research where voice recording and note taking are employed and the r...

The search for utopia in NoViolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names (2013)

Abstract This dissertation explores how NoViolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names depicts the search for utopia, in relation to migration. It uses the post colonial theory to explain Darling’s consciousness in postcolonial Zimbabwe, which she portrays as a degenerate utopia. The theory informs the textual analysis and evaluation of Darling’s consciousness as she responds to crises and betrayal associated with her home country. The escape to America becomes a journey during the course of wh...

Architectural Literature Of A 4 Bedroom Apartment Renovation Work At No. 4, Bourdillon Road, Ikoyi Lagos.,~ , ' -

ABSTRACT Renovation, a term most commonly associated with buildings is known to be the act or process of improving the existing condition of a broken, damaged or outdated structure. It is the process of restoring to a good condition or making new again a building structure currently in a bad state. The concept of renovation as it relates to buildings will always remain relevant as long as every newly purchased item have a tendency of wearing out over a long period of usage. Reasons for renova...

A Comparative Appraisal Analysis Of Political News In The Namibian And New Era Newspapers From 2015 To 2018

ABSTRACT The thesis is a comparative Appraisal analysis of political news from two Namibian English newspapers (The Namibian and New Era), particularly focusing examining the propagation of journalistic attitudinal biases in political ‘hard news’ stories and journalistic ‘objectivity’. The research compares the textual structures of news reports from the English language reporting Namibian newspapers (The Namibian and New Era), during the period January 2015 - December 2018. It is a t...

Rethinking The Collection Development Phenomenon A Case Study of KNUST Library

ABSTRACT Academic libraries, particularly university libraries, play pivotal role in document information dissemination. They provide educational sources for students, lecturers and researchers. In other words they are central sources of acquisition of varied and diverse information. The ever increasing growth in the volume of publication in all fields of knowledge coupled with the advent of information and communication technology in libraries, have widened the scope oflibrary services, esp...

Social Criticism in Chimamanda Adichie’s The Thing Around Your Neck and E. C. Osondu’s Voice of America

ABSTRACT  Criticism deals with the interpretation of literary texts. The major concern of this thesis is to criticize three aspects of the society in the short stories of Chimamanda Adichie and E. C. Osondu. These include family, marriage and leadership. Seven selected stories in each collection have been examined that are relevant to the interpretation and analysis of the objective  of  study.  To  criticize  these  three  aspects,  this  thesis  examines  Nigerian characters  i...


There is a thick connection between history and the future. History has a way of explaining the present and determining the future. There is no way we can keep shying away from our past and still want to get it right.  Elder P.O Edem is a creative writer and a brilliant storyteller. His story-telling skills and intuitive writing was brought to the fore in this short journey into our nation’s history. As an elder who has seen much of Nigeria’s chequered history, Elder Edem proffers some ...


ABSTRACT  Hip-Hop music in Nigeria is a very popular brand of music which is heard practically in all  parts  of  Nigeria  and  is  both  respected  and  appreciated  by  Nigerians.  Scholars  and researchers such  as  Omoniyi (2009),  Akande  (2013),  Auer (2011)  and  Adedeji (2000) have worked extensively on Hip-Hop music but only a few researches have been carried out  on  the  use  of  code  alternation  in  music,  let  alone  in  Hip-Hop  songs  by  ...