Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Applying Climate Analogue Concept To Assess Adaption Of Friesian Cattle Breed To Changing And Variable Climate In The Kenya Highlands

ABSTRACT Compared to other dairy cattle breeds, Friesian is considered more sensitive to climate change induced stresses of thermal load, feed and water scarcity and disease outbreaks in the tropics, but it is a popularly utilized dairy cattle breed in Kenya highlands across the production environments. This study applied climate analogue concept with Njoro being the reference site and its 2050’s climate analogue site identified on criteria of similarity index of 0.8-0.9. The study projecte...

Effect Of Water Quality On The Parasite Assemblages Infecting Nile Tilapia In Selected Fish Farms In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Aquaculture has been documented as the most developing food industry in Kenya with increased production since the Government initiated Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) in 2009. However, the production has not been to a maximum level anticipated in the country, particularly in Nakuru County. This is due to the uncontrolled addition of inputs (Inorganic fertilizers, manure and fish feeds) that deteriorate pond water quality. Poor water quality is one of the most common challenges face...

Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Efficiency Of A Constructed Wetland At Finlays Flower Farm, Kericho, Kenya

ABSTRACT An assessment of wastewater treatment efficiency of Chemirei constructed wetland (CW) at James Finlay's farm in Kericho was carried out from November 2014 to February 2015. Water samples were collected twice per month from seven sampling points (S1-S7) using acid cleaned bottles for analysis. In situ measurements of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, EC and temperature were done using calibrated meters and probes. Wastewater inflow and outflow rates for each purification cell were obtained u...

Suitability Of On-Farm Formulated Feeds And Pond Characteristics For Nile Tilapia Production In Semi-Intensive Culture In Selected Farms Of Rift Valley Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT High costs and inaccessibility to quality fish feeds in Kenya, have contributed considerably to the aquaculture sector stagnation. Consequently, farmers have opted for cheaper, locally available ingredients to formulate feeds for Nile tilapia in semi-intensive culture systems. In spite of these innovations, farmers continue to incur losses, an indication that the quality of on-farm formulated fish feeds could be compromised. This study therefore investigated proximate composition of...

Determination Of Heavy Metal Levels In Straightfin Barb (Enteromius Paludinosus, Peters 1852) And Its Endo-Parasites As Bioindicators In Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fish parasites such as cestodes are regarded as good bioindicators of environmental contamination with trace elements including heavy metals. Research on their biondicative potentials in Lake Naivasha, Kenya is lacking. This study aimed to determine the levels of selected heavy metals Arsenic (As), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg) in the straightfin barb (Enteromius paludinosus) and its endo-parasites as bioindicators in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Water, sediment and 1307 fish we...

Border, Identity And (In) Security: The Kenyasomalia Border 1963-2016

State borders ideally frame the perception of security through the logic of insiders/outsiders and natives /non-natives. Insecurity is perceived as threats posed by outsiders, the ‘enemies' of the state. The view silences insecurities within the borders of a state. This exclusivist view of the border eliminates grey areas, and where such exist they are assumed danger zones. The realist and neo-realist perspectives understand security from historical protection or infringement of states' bor...

The Effects Of Personality Traits On Marital Satisfaction Among Christians In Nairobi: A Case Of Kilimani, Nairobi West, Kayole And Kitengela Wards

Personality Traits have been found to be a major contributor in marital conflicts due to their effect on interpersonal interactions of a couple within marriage. However, few studies have been done in Kenya to examine the effect of personality traits on marital Satisfaction. In this study, two standardized self-report questionnaires, the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS and The Big Five Personality Inventory (BFI) were used to assess Personality Traits and to measure marital satisfaction....

Relationship Between Levels Of Social Support And Symptoms Of PTSD And Depression Among Female Survivors Of Intimate Partner Violence In Kayole, Nairobi, Kenya.

Studies on the social support of women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the Kenyan society are minimal. This research presented and identified some mental health outcomes of Intimate Partner Violence, that is, depression and PTSD, and how they are affected by social support. Using a sample size of 193 participants from Kayole, this research explored the effectiveness of social support to the female survivors of IPV. The female survivors, 18 to 60 years, were either in the intim...

Impact Of Occupational Stress On Organizational Performance: Case Of Mimosa Mining Company, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Most mining companies‟ performance continues to plummet. The question is that; is it the economy, management and production practises, the business environment or occupational stress which is an obscure problem affecting organizational performance? Could organizational poor performance be traced down to occupational stress? The study sought to assess impact of occupational stress on organisational performance. The study aimed at identifying sources of occupational stress, determini...

Empowering Rural Communities Through Community Gardens As A Response To Climate Change: The Case Of Shurugwi Partners’ Chitora Gardens Initiative

ABSTRACT This research examined the Chitora gardens project implemented by Shurugwi Partners and how it has responded to climate change impacts while empowering rural communities in Chitora ward 1, Shurugwi District. Qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used. Collection of data was done through the use of questionnaire surveys, interviews, focus group discussions and observations. A total of 42 questionnaires were administered to project members where respondents who h...

Utilization Of Social Media As A Source Of Co-Operative Information Among The Youth In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the utilization of social media as a communication tool by co-operatives in Meru County in the dissemination of co-operative information among the youth. The researcher explored the potential of social media and examined its usage and barriers as a communication tool among the co-operatives. Largely, the study notes that the growth and usage of social media has been enabled by the internet and technological advancement. This thesis aimed at finding out th...

An Existentialist Enquiry into the Impact of the Levirate Custom on the Contemporary Kenyan Society

Abstract The traditional Kenya Luo community, in which the existing levirate custom was born, lVas communalistic in nature. Traditional Luo society thus put more emphasis on the community than the individual person, more on solidarity than on the needs and aspirations of the individual, and more on the communion of persons than on their autonomy. In fact, the society was more important than the individual. The main aim of this study is to give a critical appraisal of the levirate custo...

Socio-Economic And Environmental Determinants To Household Food Security In Kyangwithya West Location, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food security is a multifaceted global issue that impacts almost all aspects of life. Globally food insecurity affect 842 million people with Africa being the most affected. Socio-economic and environmental determinants have the potential to influence food security in Africa and other parts of the world. Empirical studies in Kenya and Kitui County indicate that these socio-economic and environmental factors play significant roles in household food security. However, research and disc...

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Inter-Clan Conflicts Within The Somali Community Of Wajir County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Conflict is a global phenomenon which is being experienced every time and again. The conflict between Degodia and Ajuran clans of Wajir County started long before the arrival of colonialists. They conflict mostly because of control of resources. In a nut shell, it has got a devastating effect on social, political and economic aspects of life. The study aimed at establishing the socio-economic factors influencing the existing inter-clan conflicts among the Somali communities in Wajir ...

The Impact Of Political Journalism In Shaping The Political Affiliations Among Kenyan Youth

ABSTRACT It is almost a guarantee that in every bulletin, political stories are always given priority over other stories. This is important because in simple terms politics have a direct impact on people and therefore political reporting should be a pathway towards a better understanding of politics which should lead to proper decision making. However, do these intense political reporting shape the political landscape in Kenya? Do political reporting have any tangible influence in helping Ken...

541 - 555 Of 603 Results