Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Use Of Politeness Strategies By Teachers In The School Staffroom In Kirinyaga County

ABSTRACT The purpose for this study was to analyze the politeness strategies used by teachers in the school staffroom in Kirinyaga County. The objectives were; to determine the strategies of politeness employed by teachers in their interactions, to analyze how the sociological factors such as age, gender, power, rank and social distance influence politeness strategies used by teachers and to determine how the politeness strategies affect interactions among teachers in Kirinyaga County. ...

Identification Of Policy Gaps As A Tool Of Improving Organization Performance: A Case Of Employment Policy Among Cotu Affiliates

ABSTRACT Employment policies can directly influence the performance of the organisation and in turn impact the performance of an organisation. Despite the Employment Act of Kenya of 2007, there is still a high unemployment rate of 40% in general and 70% among the youth. The study was conducted at trade unions affiliated toCentral Organisation of Trade Union (COTU), Nairobi. The study sought to establish factors influencing identification of policy gaps at the trade unions affiliated to COTU, ...

L'intégration Des Tic Dans L'enseignement Du Français Dans Les Écoles Secondaires Publiques Et Privées À Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The potential benefit of ICT integration in teaching and learning in schools have been widely discussed in the academic literature worldwide. In recent years in Kenya, there has been an increased progress towards the integration of ICT in teaching and learning in secondary school education. The Government of Kenya has further put in place many initiatives to enhance the same. However, studies show that ICT has not been fully adopted in teaching and learning in most secondary schools....

Functions and Patterns Of Code Switching in Nairobi Based Radio Stations.

Functions and Patterns Of Code Switching in Nairobi Based Radio Stations.

A Comparative Study To Predict And Evaluate The Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Using Time Series Intervention In Khartoum State

Abstract The analysis of time series is one of the important statistical topics in the analysis of the impact of many phenomena. The time series is a series of observations taken at intervals due to the tracking of this phenomenon for a relatively long period of time and often this time period is regular . In this study, intervention models for time series were applied to measure the impact of changes that occurred before and after the passage of the Traffic Law in 2010, based on the mont...

Women Empowerment And Fertility Behaviour In Northern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, and the seventh largest country in the world. The sub-division of Nigeria into geo-political zones placed the country into six geo-political zones. Northern Nigerian is a region which is quite different from Southern part of the country. The Northern region of Nigeria is divided into three different parts, which are th_e North Central, North East, and North-West. North Central region consists of Niger, Kogi, Benue, Plateau, Nasaraw...

Sex Work As A Survival Strategy Among Female Undergraduates. (Ekiti State University As A Case Study)

ABSTRACT The negative implications of sex work in Ekiti-State particularly among undergraduates has become a societal issues that need urgent attention undergraduates sex work as a survival strategic behaviour had been identified to be common in hotels, bars, brothels, in their hostels, around the campus and on the street as avenue for action, (Onah, 2000 This study adopts the descriptive research design by making use of questionnaires in eliciting response on all the variables under in...

Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude And Perception Of E-Consuming (Online Shopping) Among Fuoye Staff.

ABSTRACT This study investigates the avvareness, knowledge, attitude and perception of [-consuming (on line shopping) among Fuoye staff. It ascertains the awareness of E-consuming among Fuoye's staff; it evaluates Fuoye's staff knowledge about E-consurning. Also investigate the attitude of Fuoye staff towards E-consuming, it also explores the perception of Fuoye staff towards Econsurning and finally it identifies those challenges in the use of E-consuming among Fuoye staff. For the purp...

Role Of Personality, Length Of Service And Gender As Determinants Of Conflict Resolution Style Amongst Workers

ABSTRACT This study examined personality, length of service and gender as determinants of conflict resolution style among workers. 174 participants comprising of 79 males and 95 females from public service were randomly selected by means of simple random sampling among the workers. Conflict Resolution-Individual Protective Factors Index (1992) and Big Five Personality Inventory (1990) were used to gather empirical data to test the hypotheses of the study using multiple factorial design...

Ways To Eliminate The Outliers Effect On The Linear Regression Model

ABSTRACT The research dealt with the elimination of the outliers effect on results of fitting the linear regression models. Also the research aims to arrive at a reliable detecting and treating ways which described as competency, unbiased, and usability. So a proposed new ways, which included a way for detecting outliers observation followed by a graphical measure so as to determine the outliers size, and a way to treat the outliers values substituted them with new ones. These ways has been ...

Using Factor Analysis In Study The Effective Factors On Achievement Of Students In Eight Grade (Case Study Of Alshaeedeltahir School, Suhaib School, Obaidkhatim School And Elwihda School In K

Abstract This study aims to determine the factors affecting the academic achievement of eighth– grade students the foundation stage. Data were collected by questionnaire for first-grade students of secondary and distributed 300 questionnaires to four government schools secondary analysis method was used to determine the global factors affecting the academic achievement of eighth-grad students the foundation stage and hypotheses of the study is the most important variables on academic�...

National Workshop On 'Total Quality Management And Organizatonal Performance

ABSTRACT Developing a customer ftlcus is an absolute necessity for any organization that wants to be successful, be it a ·Federal, Stale or Local government, company X or one of the many federal departments or agencies. The importance of recognizing customers' desires, needs, and expectations in planning for the future cannot be overemphasized. Each of the best-inclass partners has recognized this and ha~ taken active, even aggressive, steps to make sure that the customers are heard111�...

The Impact of having a Choir in the Community

Table of contents Acknowledgements 4 Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Research background 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 Chapter 3 3.1 Nature of the research 12 3.2 Research ethics 12 3.3 Methodology 13 Data collection 14 Data analysis 15 Chapter 4 Description 4.1 Choir manager 16 4.2 Community member 19 Chapter 5 Analysis 5.1 The choir and the community 20 5.2 Challenges 21 5.3 Achievements and Expectations 22 5.4 The importance of music 23 Chapter 6 Discussion 24 Chapter 7 7.1 Conclusion 2...

Border, Identity And (In) Security: The Kenyasomalia Border 1963-2016

State borders ideally frame the perception of security through the logic of insiders/outsiders and natives /non-natives. Insecurity is perceived as threats posed by outsiders, the ‘enemies' of the state. The view silences insecurities within the borders of a state. This exclusivist view of the border eliminates grey areas, and where such exist they are assumed danger zones. The realist and neo-realist perspectives understand security from historical protection or infringement of states' bor...

46 - 60 Of 82 Results