Personality Traits have been found to be a major contributor in marital conflicts due to their effect on interpersonal interactions of a couple within marriage. However, few studies have been done in Kenya to examine the effect of personality traits on marital Satisfaction. In this study, two standardized self-report questionnaires, the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS and The Big Five Personality Inventory (BFI) were used to assess Personality Traits and to measure marital satisfaction....
Studies on the social support of women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the Kenyan society are minimal. This research presented and identified some mental health outcomes of Intimate Partner Violence, that is, depression and PTSD, and how they are affected by social support. Using a sample size of 193 participants from Kayole, this research explored the effectiveness of social support to the female survivors of IPV. The female survivors, 18 to 60 years, were either in the intim...
ABSTRACT Most mining companies‟ performance continues to plummet. The question is that; is it the economy, management and production practises, the business environment or occupational stress which is an obscure problem affecting organizational performance? Could organizational poor performance be traced down to occupational stress? The study sought to assess impact of occupational stress on organisational performance. The study aimed at identifying sources of occupational stress, determini...
ABSTRACT This research examined the Chitora gardens project implemented by Shurugwi Partners and how it has responded to climate change impacts while empowering rural communities in Chitora ward 1, Shurugwi District. Qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used. Collection of data was done through the use of questionnaire surveys, interviews, focus group discussions and observations. A total of 42 questionnaires were administered to project members where respondents who h...
ABSTRACT This narrative study on social inclusion through housing in Gweru and Kwekwe cities sought to decipher the exclusivity or inclusivity of housing processes or practices. In theory Zimbabwe post-independence housing policy has given attention to inclusivity of all citizens’ (housing for all) whereas in practice the exclusion of citizens in the provision and delivery of housing is quiet prevalent. The housing processes, practices, models and schemes excludes vulnerable groups such a...
Abstract The research explores the performances versus reality in “reality” the reality television show Big Brother Mzansi double trouble 2015. The research sought to explore whether what is termed reality is indeed „real‟ or is a combination of performances by the housemates. The research deploys theories of framing and realism to ascertain the extent to which the show was a depiction of „reality‟ or simply conformed to predetermined frames constructed by Endemol, the producers ...
ABSTRACT The research was an exploration of how The Herald and dailynews cartooned the ZANU PF factional fighting from August 2014 to April 2015. The objective of the research was to reveal the various political discourses hidden in political cartoons by The Herald and dailynews in the reportage of ZANU PF’s factional fighting.A qualitative research paradigm was used for the study where archival research was used to obtain the cartoons which were purposively sampled. In- depth interviews we...
Abstract The purpose of this study is to gain insight on the Zimbabwean Copyright Law and its effectiveness in protecting music composers’ intellectual property rights. The research outlined he background to the origin of copyright law and it aimed at investigating how this copyright law has helped music composers benefit from it. The researcher used descriptive research where interview guides and questionnaires were distributed to some of the music composers registered with the Zimbabwe Mu...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the effectiveness of Service Level Benchmarking in Zimbabwean urban local authorities in improving service delivery, using the case of City of Harare. Service Level Benchmarking is a new concept introduced in local authorities as a panacea to improve service delivery through tracking performance of local authorities over time to see failures and success through reviews by other local authorities. Harare City Council is one of the local authorities practicing Servic...
Abstract This study sets motion for systematic academic investigations on the Algiers Charter of 1975 and film production in Zimbabwe and Africa at large. The charter stipulates that filmmakers should be committed to the development of an ‘African’ cinema, radically different from previous cinematic representations of Africa by the Western world, rejecting commercial influence. Despite the centrality of the charter in film production, systematic academic studies on the phenomenon in the Z...
Abstract The paper examines Trade Unions the role they have been playing in promoting good working conditions passable remuneration for employees in Zimbabwe since 1980 till date. The idea became necessary in view of the unending political, economic, social, educational, and electoral problems bedevilling trade unions resulting poor performance. The country Unionism commenced the colonial error with the aim and objective of protecting employees from exploitation and oppression by employers si...
Abstract This dissertation is an exploration of the controversy on media silence on interethnic discourses in the media of Zimbabwe. It draws its case study to the years immediately after the signing of the Unity Accord 1987 with the assumption that the media of that time was most likely to report discourses of inter-ethnic discourses as it was the period of national healing. It analyses two weekly newspapers under the Zimpapers stable The Sunday Mail and The Sunday News .Kunyarara hakusi kut...
ABSTRACT Community media ought to be vehicle for development yet community newspaper in the midlands provinces of Zimbabwe seem to be logging behind in terms of environmental reportage
ABSTRACT The meaning of an expression, or relation between words in general language usage is ascertainable if the special use of language is understood. A major criticism leveled against the language of law has been the idea that the language of law is indecipherable and barely understood by those outside the legal terrain. Most of the criticisms range from the alleged incoherence nature of the language of law, the classified nature of the language of the law, and the technical/restricted na...