Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Hegemony and Regional Peace in the Horn of Africa: A Case Study of Ethiopia

Abstract: The Horn of Africa is one of Africa's most unstable and conflict-ridden areas. The recent political histories of the states in the Horn of Africa have been affected by long periods of authoritarian rule and political strife caused by civil wars, inter-state conflict, coup attempts, insurgencies, ethnic conflict, and violent extremism. Ethiopia has historically played a significant role in the region's conflict resolution and peacekeeping efforts. Previous research has shown Ethiopi...

Women and Peacebuilding in Kenya: A Case Study of Countering Violent Extremism in Kamukunji Constituency, Nairobi County

Abstract: The study investigated women and peacebuilding in Kenya: a case study of countering violent extremism in Kamukunji Constituency, Nairobi County. Specifically, the study investigated the factors that predispose women to join violent extremist groups, how peacebuilding agencies involve women and the challenges that women peace builders in Kamukunji Constituency ace. The study area was Kamukunji Constituency, one of seventeen constituencies of Nairobi County, with an area of 12 km2. T...

The Impact of China – Africa Relations on Kenyan Governance from 2000 to 2007

Abstract: China's growing interest in African has drawn extravagant attention since the early 2000s. Although African governments generally regard China Africa economic relations positively by African governments, the impact of deepening economic relations on the governance of African states remains unclear. In recent times, the influence of growing economic interdependence between Africa and China has also raised the question of China’s putative non-interference in domestic affairs of Afr...

Perceptions of the Impact of Blue Economy Sector on the Development of Mombasa County

Abstract: The thesis investigated the perceptions of the impact of the blue economy sector, such as fishery, tourism, and maritime transport on Mombasa County development. In assessing the perceptions of the blue economy sector on the development of Mombasa County, the study answered the research questions, including, 1) how does the fishery sector influence development of Mombasa County? 2) How do tourism activities influence the development of Mombasa County? 3) How do maritime transport n...

The Influence of Language on Regional Integration: Case Study – Kiswahili Language and East African Community

Abstract: This study looked at the influence of Kiswahili Language on EAC integration focusing on trade relations, political mobilization and participation, and communication and cooperation. Chapter one gave an introduction of the problems of lack of a common language in a region and how it affects the main objectives of EAC. Chapter two gave a detailed literature on the regionalism and regional integration and how the two bring states with a common goal, in this case East African Community...

The Implementation of Chinese Foreign Policy Goals on Kenya’s Manufacturing Sector: 2000-2018

Abstract: China’s attention and activities in the African have been met with a lot of positive aspects from African states and a lot sceptic from the West who view it as a form of neo colonialism. The relations between China and Kenya have been positive over the two thousands decade. China views the country as a gateway in to the East Africa region where Kenya plays a vital role in advancing the implementation of China Foreign Policy goals in the region. The study sought to investigate the...

Financing for Climate Change Adaptation in the Global South: An Analysis of Climate Action in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands 1992-2018

Abstract: Climate change is a global phenomenon that is directly linked to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Different countries have had varied contributions to the emissions and on the other hand the levels of vulnerability is different as ifs determined by their adaptive capacities. Developed countries have been held as the most responsible for the global warming that has significantly changed the weather patterns across the world. The developing countries on the oth...

An Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Food Aid on Local Food Production in Somalia: A Case of Farmers in Afgooye District, Lower Shabelle Region, Southern Somalia

Abstract: The food insecurity landscape has changed globally due to widespread issues such as the persistence of conflict in some countries like Somalia and the rise in natural disasters over the last decade has seen the rise in the number of major humanitarian disasters. Food aid is the Largest part of humanitarian assistance and it is estimated to account for 25 % to 30% of all aid (Harvey, Proudlock, Riley, Clay and Jaspers, 2010, pp. 1 & 2). The main objective of this study was to explor...

A Comparative Analysis of Media Variances in Covering Terrorist Activities in the Middle East and the West

Abstract: Towards the end of the nineteenth century and up to date, media has influenced and at times shaped history in different directions especially in regard to the interpretation and coverage of stares and mess. As an important agent of democracy, the media has shown the relevance of its transparency and equality principles in the coverage of events. With the ongoing war on terror, there is a need to have accurate reporting from the media since the information obtained goes a long way i...

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Poverty Reduction Strategies in Kenya Vision 2030’s Second Medium Term Plan 2013-2017

Abstract: The study assessed the effectiveness of the implementation of poverty reduction strategies in Kenya Vision 2030% Second Medium Term Plan for the period 2013-2017. According to the World Poverty Clock—a tool used to monitor the global fight against extreme poverty, in 2018 Kenya was ranked eighth globally and sixth in Africa among countries with the largest number of people living in abject poverty. The 2018 World Poverty Clock Report stated that the poor had increased from 11 mil...

The Impact of the Somali Refugee Crisis on National Security in Kenya

Abstract: The study “The impact of the Somali refugee crisis on rational security in Kenya” sought to investigate the associations of the Somali refugees with Kenya's national security. It aimed at determining the aspects of the national security of Kenya affected by the Somali refugees, the threats posed by the Somali refugees and effectiveness of the strategies formulated by the Government of Kenya (GOK) to deal with the Somali Refugee Crisis. The population of the study termed the adu...

Effects of Socio-Economic Activities of Refugees on Host Communities in Kenya: A Case Study of Somalia Urban Refugees in Eastleigh

Abstract: Refugee influx is a phenomenon with far reaching affects both positive and negative to host nations and with it the host communities. This research aims to demonstrate, how refugees in Kenya affect the socio-economic lives of the host population. It will analyze the socio-economic impact of the urban refugees on host community in Eastleigh for the period 1991- 2018. The research is a case study on the effects of the refugees stay on the socio-economic livelihood of Kenya. It is gui...

Banking Regulations and Financial Crisis: An investigation into recent Banking Crisis in Kenya between 1980 and 2018

Abstract: There are different types of financial crisis with one of the major ones being the banking crisis. A banking crisis can nipple any economy due to the major role banks play in the economy. This role that they play necessitates the need for any county to shield themselves from potential financial crisis. It is becoming clear that even if there are various factors, some of which are unpredictable or are unforeseen, that cause financial crisis proper regulations can play a major role i...

Land Dispossession and Food Security in Kajiado County

Abstract: This study focused on assessing "the relationship between land dispossession and its impact on food security on the pastoral community in Kajiado County." The study identifies that community land dispossession by investors through senior officials has hampered the wellbeing of the community that relies on livestock as their food security. Therefore, the study sought to find out the extent of land acquisition phenomena in Kajiado County; the impact of land dispossession on Maasai li...

Exiting Terrorism: Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Al-Shabaab Returnees in Kenya’s Mombasa and Kwale Counties, 2015-2020

Abstract: Terrorism has in the 21g century remained a significant threat to world peace. Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda have for decades targeted thousands of men and a significant number of women, wooing them to leave their homelands and join their fight. The imminent threat of returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) keeps growing, creating the need for a more comprehensive counter terrorism approach that covers rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees. In 2015. Kenya announced an ...

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