Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Examining the Innovative Framework of the United Nations Provision on Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Abstract: One of the most distressing phenomena in the Post-Cold War era is the substantial growth of people displaced within their homelands, otherwise known as Internally Displaced Persons / People (IDPs). The increase in the number of IDPs shows that many conflicts occurred even after the two greatest rivals, the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) stopped their confrontation in the end of the 1990’s. While the landscape presents both challe...

Assessing the Yamoussoukro Decision: Accounting for Determinants of Air Transport Liberalization in Africa

Abstract: In the wake of global developments towards the penultimate decade of the twentieth century, the post-colonial itch to be competitive became vital as engagement for African states at the international stage changed. The political economic models employed needed to be reviewed. Air transport, a key driver of many economies had to be realigned with the global changes. African states sought ways in which air transport could be modelled to increase intra-African connectivity through con...

The Role of Regional Integration in Reducing Dependency: The Case of Kenya in the East African Community

Abstract: This study brought out the analysis of dependency level brought about by EAC economic integration among its member states; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda. A comparative analysis of the failures and achievement of the old and new EAC was focused on to bring out the level of reduction in over reliance to the foreign aid into the region. This analysis was based on the level of reduction of trade barriers, and elimination of some of these restrictions. Therefore, elements...

Contributions of East African Common Market Protocol to Economic Growth: The Case of Tanzania, 2010 - 2017

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the contributions of the East Africa Community Common Market Protocol to Tanzania’s economic growth. The study was guided bythree objectives, namely; toevaluate contributions of intra-EAC trade liberalization to Tanzania’s economy,to find out the contribution of the movement of labor and persons to Tanzania’s economy, andto examine the contribution of the movement of capital to the economic growth of Tanzania.A descriptive research desi...

Social-Demographic Characteristics Influence on Community Based Approach in Conflict Management: Case of Post-Election Violence Affected Regions in Kenya

Abstract: Community defines networks of people who connect to each other in different perspectives. As a result of interdependence which is the natural connection between two or more groups, the community is always in the process of peace building. This is done through improved relationships, and clear definitions and respect for others social spaces which creates room for reconciliation and conflict transformation. Community – based approach strategy has become among the most common and a...

Family Chama For Alternative Empowerment And Socio-Economic Development

Abstract: This paper examines the alternative development approach that has been established as people centred, participatory and endogenous, with cultural identity playing an important role. The Rotating Savings and Credit Associations have grown and developed over time and across the developing world as an alternative platform for credit and savings for a majority of marginalised people. This paper explores the family centred Rotating Savings and Credit Associations in Kenya as one example...

The Post- EAC Customs Union Protocol: An assessment of the Informal Cross Border Trade

Abstract: The study investigates the causes of informal cross border trade in East Africa border points even with the establishment of the East^African Community Customs Union. The study has established that that majority of the traders are not familiar with the EAC Customs Union Protocols and so they may not benefit from it. The few traders aware of it are less motivated to know how the Protocol can benefit them and they perceive the opening up of trade under the evolving E A C Customs Unio...

The Effect of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement on Accessibility of Medicine in Kenya

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Trade-Related Aspects Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS) on accessibility of medicine in Kenya. Specifically the study sought to find out if at all TRIPS has impacted the inaccessibility of drugs in Kenya, to examine the role different actors have played in making sure Kenyans gets acce^g to drugs and lastly to find out what policies Kenya is using to ensure accessibility to medicine. The researcher targeted all...

Mau Mau Reparations, Memorialization and Kenya’s Future

Abstract: The Mau Mau uprising took place between 1952 and 1960 in Kenya. It was a revolt against the British colonial government by the Kenyan local communities. During the uprising, many Africans were tortured and others killed by the colonial government. In 2002, the victims of torture filed a civil case in the United Kingdom. It was opposed by the Foreign Affairs ministry of the United Kingdom on the grounds of lapse of time. The court overruled this objection in 2012 and allowed the cas...

The Legitimacy Questions of Regional Institutions and Their Impact on Service Delivery: The Case of the East African Legislative Assembly, 2005 - 2015

Abstract: The East African Legislative Assembly (hereinafter referred to as ―Assembly‖), an organ of the East African Community (hereinafter referred to as ―Community‖) is central to the unification of the members states of the Community – one of its service delivery. This is based on its representative function which ideally should help to not only create awareness of the Community but also connect the people of the Community through the outreach activities. The specific objective...

The Impact of Neo-Colonialism on Coffee Trading Activities in Kenya

Abstract: The general objective of this study was to determine how different aspects of Neo-colonialism has hindered growth of the coffee industry in Kenya( 1980-2008).The study sought Neo-colonialism effects on the coffee value chain specifically marketing, financing and production. This thesis investigated how the International Monetary Fund (IMF) sponsored liberalization programs destabilized the coffee sector in Kenya and brought to light the unseen forces in coffee value chain disadvant...

Post Conflict Interventions in Africa: Assessing the Consolidating Peace Process and Setting the Foundation for a Peaceful Transition in Kenya 2010- 2013

Abstract: During the clamour for multi-party politics in the late 1980s and early 1990s due cynicism with the Moi government, the President responded by predicting that the introduction of multi-partyism would lead to increased tribalism and violence. This self-fulfilling prophesy of the danger of inter-ethnic strife has come to pass as the country has had cycles of violent electoral conflicts since the introduction of multiparty politics in 19991 starting with the General elections in 1992,...

Integrated Tourist Market Among The East African Countries: A Case Study Of The Opportunities And Challenges Of A Common East African Visa For The Tourism Industry In Kenya

Abstract: With globalization at the centre stage, power and regulatory practices have been transformed. Rigid territorial frameworks in the form of national boundaries are slowly loosening up paving way for reinforced interdependence. Regions have thus come together to forge alliances to safe guard their interests as well as address certain challenges. Regional integration is not only viewed as a rational response to challenges faced within borders of a geographical area but also perceived a...

Impact of Public Procurement Regulations on Kenya’s Interactions with International Actors: A Case of the Ministry Of Energy

Abstract: The main objective of this study is to investigate the impacts of public procurement regulations on Kenya’s interactions with international actors. The specific objectives of the study are: to analyze the impacts of Kenya’s adherence to procurement regulations on her interactions with international actors, to investigate the effect of international pressure on compliance to procurement regulations in Kenya and lastly to examine the external factors influencing compliance to pro...

The Role of Cash Transfer Programs in Promoting Sustainable Development Goals for the Urban Poor Woman in Nairobi.

Abstract: The main objective of the study sought to determine the role of cash transfer programs in promoting sustainable development goals for the urban poor woman in Nairobi. It focused on the role of cash transfer programs in promoting poverty alleviation and gender equality. The study used capability approach, the theory of change and, sustainable livelihood approach for cash transfers in its theoretical framework. The capability approach advocates for the promotion of people's capabilit...

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