Migration Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Politics of Migration and Development: Conceptualizing the 'Diaspora' and their Impact on Kenya’s Political Economy

Abstract: Issues of migration and development have taken precedence as far as discussions on the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is concerned. Increase in migration around the world as an attribute of globalization remains one of the main global phenomenon that continues to shape the world in the 21st century and beyond. There have been consolidated efforts to come up with an action plan that will closely reflect the common and diverging concerns and aspirations of African g...

The Effects of Italy’s Securitization Policies on Irregular Migration from Africa

Abstract: This research investigated the effects of Italy’s securitization policies on irregular migration from Africa. In Italy, migration has bred controversy due to the complexity of migrant sharing across European union states. Additionally, Italian politicians and the media have shaped the conversation around irregular migration from Africa, resulting in the public opinion that Italy is threatened by allowing thousands of refugees through its borders. The issue has become central to t...

Consequences of Rural-Urban Migration of Street Vendors in The Accra Metropolitan Area and The La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipality.

ABSTRACT Rural-urban migration has resulted in rapid urbanization with attendant problems of urban unemployment leading to increasing street vending which invariably is a source of livelihood for many street vendors and their dependents at the destination and the origin. In their quest to eke for livelihood and survival on the streets, street vendors tend to have confrontations with the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) city authorities who on one hand have designated the activities of the v...

Conflict-Migration Nexus In Ghana: A Case Of Bimbilla Conflict In The Northern Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between conflict and migration. Specifically, the factors that influence a person‟s decision to either stay or migrate during the conflict were the focus of this study. The study also analyzed the challenges and opportunities encountered by victims of the conflict and the reasons for their return to Bimbilla. Using both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, a total of 226 questionnaires were administered to persons who fled during th...

The Nigeria Immigration Service and the Challenges of Immigration (1986-2012)

ABSTRACT What informed this study is the changing trends and developments in international migration and its challenges to the Nigeria Immigration service whose institutional role it is to manage international migration as it concerns Nigeria. In its efforts over the years to control criminal activities associated with international migration, the Nigeria Immigration Service is yet to succeed. Nigeria is an important destination country for migrants in the West African subregion. The latest ...

Trading activities of Chinese migrants in the central business district (cbd) of Accra.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of the Ghanaian investment law on the operations of Chinese trading activities, especially in the wake of protest by the Ghanaian traders leading to the amendment of the law, which now makes engagement in trading in the central business district by foreigners more stringent. Despite the amendment of the law, some of the local traders are still having issues with the presence of the Chinese traders in the market. The study sought to examine the impa...

Experiences Of Left- Behind Children: The Case Of Foreign Service Officers’ Children In Ghana

ABSTRACT Transnational migration has become a reality and is on the increase globally. Most of the parents travel to provide economic and other support for their children and families. As a result of this, millions of children are growing up with single or no parent staying with them. However, children’s wellbeing is very dependent on parental care. The roles of parents are delegated to caregivers when they migrate. These have necessitated the concern about the effect of migration on left-b...

Migration And Health Among Female Porters (Kayayei) In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT The thesis aimed at contributing to the emerging body of knowledge about migration and health linkages, with a focus on migrant female porters (Kayayei) in Accra, Ghana. Several studies that have so far given attention to female porters have focused mainly on their livelihoods, with only cursory remarks made on the health of these migrants. Also, some existing studies have largely examined the health of migrants without reference to the entire migration process. Employing both quanti...

The Role Of ‘‘Door-To-Door’’ Shipping Operators In Ghanaian International Migration

ABSTRACT Freight has contributed to the economy of Ghana in diverse ways. The ‘‘‘Door-to-door’’ shipping model as part of the migration industry facilitates international migration of Ghanaians by helping emigrants to remain in contact with Ghana. This study was undertaken to examine the role of ‘‘Door-to-door’’ operations in Ghanaian international migration. The study employed a qualitative approach to data collection: the use of in-depth interviews and focus group discussi...

“Who Would Not Love to Give Birth in America?” The Intentions And Experiences in Having American Jackpot Babies Among Urban Dwellers in Ghana

ABSTRACT Birth tourism to the USA is a form of mobility that is inextricably linked and symbiotically related to American birthright citizenship, international tourism and migration. Its popularity has grown around the world in recent years, including Ghana, where it is an open secret that some Ghanaian families have American ‘jackpot babies’. An American ‘jackpot baby’ refers to a child born on American soil to one of the foreign parents admitted as a short-term visitor or as a birt...

Mobility And Hiv Risk Among Fishers In Elmina Fishing Community In The Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Human population mobility has long been strongly linked to high HIV transmission among fishers, and yet little empirical research has been undertaken to establish any inter-connections. This study investigates the relationship between mobility and HIV risks amongst fishers, focusing on fishers in Elmina. The theories used are the Push and Pull Model, Social Control Theory, Health Belief Model, and Theory of Gender and Power. Using a cross-sectional approach which employed mix-methods...

Transnational Child Raising Arrangements: An Ethnographic Study Of Transnational Caregivers In Ghana

This study explores the experiences of caregivers in Transnational Child Raising Arrangements (TCRAs). It is part of a larger project which sought to examine how TCRAs affect life-chances of children who remain in the country of origin, their migrant parents and their caregivers in Ghana. It fills a lacuna in the literature on transnational parenting which have so far focused extensively on the migrant parents or the children they leave behind and the relationship between the migrants an...

The Potential Of Transnational Migrants To Contribute To Kenya’s Vision 2030

This study examined the development potential of Kenya‘s transnational migrants in the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (US), Canada and Ghana and how it can be leveraged towards the realization of Kenya‘s long term development plan - Kenya‘s Vision 2030. There is an upsurge of interest on the linkages between migration and development due to the realization that apart from the negative impact that migration can have on the countries of origin, migrants have much d...

Drought And Migration In Northern Ghana

 Drought is one of the leading environmental challenges to farmers worldwide. Research has shown several response strategies to this challenge but little is known of its relationship to migration. Moreso studies have had little to say of the mediating circumstances leading to drought-induced migration. The research investigates the relationship between drought and migration and how migration decisions are mediated and reflected under drought-induced conditions among households in the vi...

Rural-Urban Migration And Its Socio-Cultural Effects On The Or1gin Community: The Case Of Kpatinga In The Gushegu District In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines rural-urban migration and its socio-cultural effects on an origin community- Kpatinga in the Gushegu district in the Northern region of Ghana. The findings could also have policy implications for developing countries in general and Ghana in particular. It could contribute to the debate on managing internal migration in such a way that it maximizes the positives while minimizing the negatives. A mixed method research design was adopted for the study. Questionnaire ...

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