ABSTRACT Though water gives a lot of benefits to the local communities as various activities done by man need water such as washing, cooking, drinking, cooling machines, irrigation transportation, bathing and others. But man through deforestation along water sources, caused a great scarcity of this water. This study was conducted in December 2008 to January 2009 in Arumeru district during the study one hundred and fifty respondents were interviewed from the area. The aim of the study was the ...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out under the title Family Roles and Academic Performance of Girls in Selected Secondary Schools in Bungoma District. It was set to establish the causes of dessimal performance of girls in secondary schools and find possible solutions to the problem. The study followed a descriptive research design where both qualitative and quantitative research design was adopted. The quantitative techniques were used in collecting and analysing data from teachers and students...
ABSTRACT The research was concerned with administrative factors that affect the academic performance of students in government secondary school under cost -sharing system. Objectives of the study were ;one to establish administrative factors that affects students performance in school, to determine how teachers factors affects students academic performance and to identify possible measures for improving school administration in order to achieve excellence in academic performance. Using cross ...
ABSTRACT This investigation sought to determine the relationship between teaching methods that teachers employed in teaching English language and the academic performance of secondary schools students of Winam The researcher was prompted to carry out this study after an outcry that the integration approach in the teaching of English was not yielding optimal academic results, in the 8-4-4 system of education in Kenya. Thus an empirical examination of the effects of teaching methods and academi...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out with an aim of finding out the influence of mother tongue and performance of English language in Kivaa Primary school in Kenya. The study objectively sought; to find out how mother tongues influence on the students' performance in English language in Kivaa Primary school in Kenya, to identify reasons as to why different students with different mother tongues perform differently in English language in Kivaa Primary school in Kenya, to classify the different ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers ofpoverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Naboa Sub-county, Budaka District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Naboa Sub-county, Budaka District, Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnaires f...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the relationship between education and unemployment of local government workers in Arumeru district Tanzania. The research chose this particular topic because unemployment is one of the major challenges facing the present generation in Arumeru district, that need to be investigated so that we get solution to the problems caused by unemployment. The purpose of the research was to assess the relationship between education and unemployment of local government workers...
ABSTRACT This study is a description of a cross-sectional design aimed at determining the factors contributing to boys' poor performance in English language in Muchukwo sub-zone. The results of the study will be used as a green light to the learners and the teachers to assist them solve the problem of poor performance in their schools. The researcher came up with the decision of investigating the problem after analyzing the zonal results for the last three years, that is, since 2004. The rese...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of poor performance in Science in Central Division, Narok North District. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if discipline affects the Pupils' academic performance in Science in the selected schools of Central Division, to determine if teacher qualities affect the Pupils' academic performance in the selected schools of Central Division; and to determine if school facilities affect the Pupils' academic performan...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes and effect of poor academic performance in secondary schools in Kabartonjo Division, Baringo North District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine if discipline affects the students' academic performance, to determine if a teacher's quality affects the students' academic performance; and to determine if school facilities affect the students' academic performance in Secondary schools. The methods used for d...
Abstract The study dwelled into the impact of free primary education on the academic performance of pupils in KCPE in public schools with the aim of determining the causes of poor performance, current learning conditions and the extent to which free primary education ha affected the performance of pupils. The study was carried out in Kiriita location, nyandarua District and it utilized the head teachers of the six schools in that location, 46teachers and 124 pupils of the same schools. The fi...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .APPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION I1 .0 Background1.1 Statement of the Problem1 .2 Objectives ofthe Study 21.2.1 General Objective ofthe Study 21.2.2 Specific Objectives ofthe Study 21 .3 Research Questions 21.4 Scope of the Study 2I .4.1 Geographical scope 21.4.2 Time scope 21.5 Significance ofthe Study 2CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.0 Introduction 42.1 Attitude towards Secondary Schools 42.1 .1 ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of study is to establish the effect of community involvement on performance ofsecondary schools the objectives were examine the ways of community involvement in management of secondary schools, to establish the contributions of community in performance of the secondary schools and to determine the challenges faces in community involvement in the performance of secondary schools. The study was conducted in Khabutola Sub-County in Manafwa district, the study adopted a descr...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of discipline to the academic performance amongst the students of Bukooli College Bugiri District. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the influence of teacher qualities on the academic performance of students and to find out the influence of school facilities on academic performance of students of Bukooli College Bugiri. The methods used for data collection was questionnaire and interview guides to students, ...
ABSTRACT Scholars and policy makers have raised pertinent issues on the quality of free primary public schools, versus that of private schools. There has been controversial discussions mainly based on the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination. The main focus of this study was class 8 pupils who were admitted in class one in the year 2000, before free primary education program was implemented. The purpose of this study was to compare factors influencing the academic perfor...