TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .1 APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Back ground of the study 1 1.2. Statement of the problem 3 1.3. Purpose of the study 3 1.4. Objectives of the study 3 1.5. Research questions 4 1.6 Hypothesis of the study 4 1.7. The scope of the study 4 1.7.lTime scope; 4 1.7.2 Content scope 4 1.7.3 Geographical scope 4 1.8. The significance of the study s 1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 5 CHAPITER TWO 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0. Theoretical perspect...
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the effectiveness of Free Primary Education on Withdrawing Children from Child Labour. The study was carried out on selected schools in,. Kipipiri division Nyandarua District - Kenya. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of learners' attitude and perfonnance of English Language. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the impact of learners' attitude on performance of English language, to establish the relationship between...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact female genital mutilation and learner academic performance of learners. The objectives were to establish the relationship between FGM and academic performance of learners. The study also examined the strategies used to stop FGM. The study used across -sectional survey design to analyze both quantitative and qualitative. The researcher collected data from 3 schools with a population of 200 respondents. The researcher used a questionna...
~srncr. The research is based on the teaching methods and performance & pupils in Mathematics in Kenya certificate of secondary education (K.C.S.E). A case study in Ruiru Division, central province, Kenya The research objective was to determine the relationship between teaching of pupils and their performance in Mathematics as a subject. The researcher investigated the problem on the ground and the reasons why students hate and fail Mathematics especially girls. He also dealt with the relatio...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to investigate and examine the problems encountered by primary school head teachers during their day-to-day work of administering primary schools in Kalamba Division. The objectives of the study were to identify the kind of administrative problems encountered by public primary school head teachers, determine whether administration problems have any effect on the academic performance of pupils, and to suggest ways on how such problems can be sol...
ABSTRACT The study focused on community participation in the implementation of Universal Primary Education. It analyzed the challenges faced by the Community the implementation of UPE in selected schools in Nansana Town Council Wakiso District. Qualitative methods of data collection were used. In particular, in -depth interviews were conducted on a purposively selected sample. To establish the level of away of its roles and responsibilities in the implementation of UPE, the study investigated...
ABSTRACT The study dealt in investigating the effect of drug abuse on student's performance at Kapseret Division Uasin Gishu District-Kenya. Theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed with references to writers in drug abuse like Lary cynl Jenseh (2004) Generally these scholars and researchers have written extensively on drug abuse. They agree that several effects contribute to poor performance among students. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews to collect relevant inform...
ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to determine Factors leading to girls' dropout in Mumias Division, Mumias District Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine whether poverty leads to girls drop out, to investigate whether attitudes towards girls' education leads to drop out, To determine the school factors that lead to girls drop out, to Determine whether social cultural factors lead to girls drop out and to investigate whether indiscipline contributes to gi...
ABSTRACT Kenya ventured into the Internet Industry in 1994. The services offered then was only email. In late 1994 full internet services were established. The spread of the Internet was slow due to control by the Kenya Post and Telecommunication Corporations (KPTC). In 1998, KPTC liberalized the market for third party services and since then, the Internet has spread though not rapidly. From the data collected, the earliest ISP started in the Kangema division in the year 2000 with very few e-...
ABSTRACT The essence of' high achievement in Education can not be over emphasized. A citizen of' the modem world needs a level of' literacy that would make one a usef'ul and meaningful member of' the society. This is because it helped in national development and individual self'-f'ulfillment. Despite the government of' Kenya and other stakeholders effort to achieve parity conditions in education participation country wide, there still exist remarkable imbalance especially in the rural a...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted of the impacts of early marriages on girl child education achievement. Lubaga Division was taken up as a case study. The purpose of the study was to examine the impacts of early marriages on girl child education achievement in Lubaga division. The objectives of the study were: to find out the magnitude of the problem of early marriages in Lubaga Division; to examine the causes of early marriages in Lubaga Division and how it can be reduced; and to find out whe...
ABSTRACT This study was designed to find out the effects of child abuse towards children's academic performance in Katojo Primary school, Rukungiri District. The questionnaires were administered on samples of teachers. parents. students and law enforcers. Interviews were also used as a method of data collection as well as focused group discussion. The data was analyzed using tables and percentages to deterrnine the effect of child abuse towards children's academic performance. There fore the...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the problems faced by primary school head teachers in implementing illV/AIDS programme in schools in Kamukunji Division, Nairobi North District. The research questions focused on the methods and techniques used in teaching HIV/AIDS programme implementation, head teachers' and pupils' attitude towards HIV/AIDS programme implementation, and the problems the head teachers face while implementing HIV/AIDS programme in primary schools. Literatu...
ABSTRACT The study focused on some basic factors contributing to the dropout of girls in Public primary schools in Gitugi Zone. It took a cross sectional survey design which Involved head teachers and teachers as respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The findings revealed that poverty, limited community mobilization, cultural Factors, institutional factors and political factors contribute to girls dropout. There is need to adopt alternative strategies in order ...