ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of orphanhood on students' academic performance. The objectives of the study were to examine the challenges faced by orphans; find out strategies that would help orphans in schools, and to examine the effect of orphanhood on the academic performance of learners. The tesearcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population though simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was ...
ABSTRACT This paper examines the gender disparities in academic performance of pupils in sample selected schools in Bunyala division. Using the information obtained from the field study of sample selected schools from division, the study tries to uncover the reasons as to why the performance of girls in primary schools is generally poor. The study unveils that though there have been plans by the Kenyan government to ensure that he performance of the girl child has improved much still has to...
ABSTRACT Participation involves working with a partner or in a small group and brainstorming in order to create a stimulating learning environment. The role of instructional materials is to glue information into learners mind as what is seen is understood more than what is heard. During the formative years, learners add increasing qualities of knowledge to what is already learnt through explorations as they grow and expand horizon on the quality of content mastered. To widen mastery of conce...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between poverty and the quality of education in primary schools in A wendo Dision Rongo District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in primary schools Awendo Division Rongo District, and to investigate the role of the community on alleviating poverty and improving education in primary schools in Awendo Division Rongo Distric...
ABSTACT: The major purposes of the study was to determine the school learning resource and academic performance of students in secondary school a case study of Busia senior secondary school, Busia Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship instructional materials and academic performance of secondary education, find the relationship between class sizes and academic performance of secondary education, establish the relationship between playing materials an...
ABSTRACT The study particularly assessed the students' discipline as a cause of school dropout among Word Worth, Apas S.S.S, Makindye S.S.S, Makindye Students' Centre S.S.S and St. Mbuga S.S.S as the selected senior secondary schools in Makindye division. The study was guided by the following objectives:- To establish the profile of the respondents To determine the causes of discipline break down among selected secondary schools in Makindye division Kampala district To establish the relation...
ABSTRACT In many countries, a better educated populace is becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of schooling provided for their children. Second, in all parts of the world, parents are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of education to their children's chances in the bourgeoning knowledge economy. It seems inevitable that the yardstick by which education quality is judged will become increasingly demanding. The norms and standards which define quality schooling for th...
TABLE OF CONTENTS. Approval Dedication Declaration iv Acknowledgement v CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Program Statement 2 1.3 The purpose of the study 2 1.4 The objective of the study 2 1.5 Research questions 3 1.6 Scope of the study 3 1.6.1 Geographical scope 3 1.6.2 Time scope 3 1.6.3 Content scope 3 1.7 Significance of the study 3 1.8 Limitations of the study 4 1.9 Operation definition of terms 4 1.10 Conceptual framework s CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 I...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the impacts of strikes on academic performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Bukwo District. The objectives of the study focused on the causes of strikes, relationship between strikes and academic performance of students and ways to curb strikes and improve academic performance of students in the selected secondary schools. A case study design was used and 70 respondents were sampled through simple random sampling and purposive sampling metho...
ABSTRACT The study endeavored to investigate the "Impact of Fish Farming on People's Income in Lumino Sub County, Factors that hindered the proper growth and development, strategies designed to improve on the performance of maximum production, and the relationship between fish farming and economic development. The study was conducted in Lumino Sub County in Busia district, eastern part of Uganda Four research questions were designed as a guide to the study. These were; 1. What are the Impact...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the influence of home environment on academic achievement of students in public secondary schools in kistwarnba sub county, kasese District and it was guided by the following objectives; to determine the influence of parents economic status on students academic achievement in public secondary schools in kistwamba sub county kasese District, to establish the influence of parent/family involvement on students academic achievement in public secondary sch...
ABSTRACT Strengthening of Mathematics and Sciences in Secondary Education (SMASSE) training is an educational innovation and an initiative of the government of Kenya with support of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It was launched in1998 out of the need to improve performance in mathematics and science subjects. This study assessed the implementation of the Activity, Student, Experiment, Improvisation- Plan, Do, See, Improve (ASEI-PDSI) approach in mathematics lessons in ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this Discourse Analysis study was to explain the nature and function of Kĩkamba language interjections in discourse. Kĩkamba is a Bantu language and the Kĩmasaku dialect of the language was the focus of this research study. This survey study used three theories in explaining the nature and function of interjections in Kĩmasaku dialect of Kĩkamba language discourses. The Functional Theory of Interjection (Ameka, 1992), the Speech Acts Theory (Austin 1962) and Brint...
ABSTRACT The study focused on aesthetics of semantic incongruities and lexical deviations in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s text Mũrogi wa Kagogo. The study is premised on the knowledge that style is a vital element especially for the purpose of delivering the message of a literary writer. The study therefore sought to investigate the rationale behind Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s employment of semantic incongruities and lexical deviations in his text Mũrogi wa Kagogo. In an environment where schola...