Arts and Social Sciences Education Research Papers/Topics

Aliens, UFOs and Extra Terrestrial

Table of contents  Sources  QUESTIONS OF INTEREST  INTRODUCTION  Encounters and evidences of existences of UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrials FAST WALKERS  COVER UPS AND EXPOSURES  Expanding awareness

Advocating output criteria based scientific and research methodologies: Why the reliability of scientific and research methods must be measured based on output criteria and attributes

This is one of our several publications on research method and research methodology. In this paper, we support the idea of a structured and formal approach to scientific research. However, there may be many different exceptions to this as all types of research problems may not lend themselves to research in the form of pre-determined steps. Thus, the first preference would be to follow a standard and a highly structured and formalized scientific method wherever this is possible. In case this ...


Abstract: This paper focuses on Social Studies Education as a tool for Nigeria's national development. The paper x-rays the concept and nature of Social Studies, the development of Social Studies in Nigeria and the concept of national development. It further examines the characteristics of Social Studies; Objectives of Social Studies; factors militating against national development as well as the contribution of Social Studies Education to national development in Nigeria which include, the in...

Role of Social Studies Education towards Meeting Democratic Leadership Challenges in Nigeria: Implications for Nation Building.

Abstract: Nigeria as a democratic nation has been plagued over the years with enormous democratic leadership challenges which have undermined her attempt at nation-building. These challenges range from tribalism, nepotism, lack of authentic voters’ register, ethno-religious conflict, economic and political instability among others. A theoretical method was adopted in this paper, in which concepts like democracy, social studies, and nation-building were extensively explicated. The paper exam...

Citizenship Education: A Key to Sustainable Democratic Structures in Nigeria.

Abstract A nation with most of its citizens lacking participatory skills with poor social values will have citizens' actions hindering the flourishing and sustenance of democratic structures. This paper aimed at examining the effectiveness of citizenship education, highlighting how the younger generations are being prepared for democracy in Nigeria. No doubt, Nigeria is on the verge of total collapse, the economy is in shambles and the political atmosphere is violently charged. Arson and murd...


Abstract With Nigeria's long history, great natural and human resource endowment, and scientific and technological advancements, one would expect that a stable national integration of the country's society would have been created long ago. However, the current situation in Nigeria suggests that the journey thus far has left much to be desired, and national integration has become a non-issue in national debate. As a result of the country's current challenges, many people have called for secess...

Making the Use of Inductive Approaches, Nomothetic Theory-Building and the Application of Grounded Theory Widespread in the Social Sciences: A Guide to better Research and Theorization

Making the use of Inductive approaches, Nomothetic theory-building and the application of Grounded theory widespread in the social  sciences:  A guide to better research and theorization in the social sciences. This paper evaluates both inductive and deductive methods with respect to theory building particularly in the social sciences. The former is an approach for drawing conclusions by proceeding from the specific to the general, while as per the latter, a hypothesis is usually developed ...

Operationalizing Cross-cultural Research Design: Practical, cost-effective, and a minimalistic application of cross-cultural research design

Operationalizing  cross-cultural  research  design: Practical,  cost-effective,  and  a  minimalistic  application of  cross-cultural  research  design  to  minimize  cultural bias in research and reconcile diverse viewpoints. Abstract We begin this paper by providing a brief overview of the history of science in different civilizations and cultures around the world since ancient times, in order to show that different cultures and traditions across geographies have contributed t...

Unveiling the Sociological Ninety-ten rules for Social Sciences research: Towards better hypothesis formulation in the Social Sciences in the interests of higher quality research and intel

The Sociological Ninety ten rules that are proposed in this paper, are based on the fundamental premise that various branches of social sciences like sociology, anthropology and economics are human-centric and are therefore inexact, and vary fundamentally from the more precise and exact sciences like physics, chemistry and mathematics which are characterized by precision and exactitude. A high degree of precision and certainty may not therefore manifest themselves in various branches of the s...

The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Operation of Private Schools: Kamukuzi Division, Mbarara City

ABSTRACTThe occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda in March 2020 left education in a worrying situation due to the lockdown imposed by the government on all education institutions from nursery to higher institutions. Although both public and private education institutions were closed to limit the spread of covid-19 pandemic, the pandemic greatly affected the private institutions which were largely depending on the learners as their main source of income. The purpose of this study was to e...


The study investigated impact of alcohol intake on students’ academic performance in second cycle schools . It also assessed the prevalence rate of substance use among second cycle students and awareness level of the students on the perceived effects of alcohol intake on their academic performance. The sample comprised of hundred(100)students selected using simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The results revealed high prevalence o...

Perception on Inter-Ethnic Conflict Relative to Pupils Attendance in Schools in Marsabit District

ABSTRACT The state of life and education in the inter —ethnic clash prone area in relation to provision of education in Marsabit district is so pathetic and deplorable, that some measures should be put in place for these children to grow, develop and learn like any other children where this culture of ethnicity is non existent. The researcher was guided by the following specific objectives: To determine the perception on inter-ethnic conflict by the peace committee in regard to causes, solu...

The Human Condition in Afrocectional Praxis: Implications for Social Work Policy

Social work is defined as service that considers the present, urgent and unique matters of context in regards to what encompasses social life. (Hay, Introduction) In the context of the 21st-century social worker, hegemonic models for social welfare theory neglects to advocate equity and fulfillment of needs for all members across social positions, a considerable issue that exists in many social work cases. Considering the presence of individualism and fractal measurement, Eurocentrism is prev...

Parents’ Social- Economic Status and Students’ Subject Selection at “A” Level in Secondary Schools of Lwamaggwa Sub County Rakai District

ABSTRACT This paper is set out to Investigate the relationship between Parents’ sodoeconomlc status and students’ subject selection at “A” level. The study employed descilptive correlation design sInce It was set to examine the relationship between the dependent and independent variable. The Population was characterized by parents and students of the three secondary schools In Lwamaggwa, the study targeted students in form five (5.5) having the both parents. The objectives of this stu...

Kongu - Ini Village, Mbiri Location, Kiharu Division in Murang' A North District

ABSTRACT The objective study was to establish the factors that influence the motivation of the members of staff at Green Cottage Academy. Through the literature review several theories of motivation were identified. Ex. Post facto research design was applied in the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ............................................................................................................................. i Approval ............................................................

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