Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

Integration Of Youtube Videos In Teaching And Learning Of English Language Speaking Skills Among Secondary School Students In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSRACT Internet resources have the potential to improve teaching and learning. YouTube is a modern technology that is redesigning business, media, entertainment, and humanity in different ways. YouTube is the most popular website that hosts a variety of videos. These include educational videos, documentaries, video clips and live streams from media corporations. With the opportunities it provides, it is now being tapped to transform education. This thesis examines the integration of YouTube ...

Communication Challenges Faced By Teachers Of English Language In Primary Schools For The Hearing Impaired In Central Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was geared towards primary schools for learners with hearing impairment in Kenya. It sought to identify communication challenges faced by teachers of English language in selected primary schools for the hearing impaired in Central Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: Establish communication techniques used by teachers of English in schools for learners with hearing impairment; Investigate the teachers‘ competence in the communication techniques used; Seek views o...

Effects Of Gowin’s Vee Heuristic Teaching Strategy On Secondary School Students’ Conceptual Understanding And Metacognition In The Topic Of Moments In Physics, In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Physics is a science subject that has contributed immensely to the technological advancement of the world. In the Kenyan 8-4-4 curriculum, it is optional at form three. However, various studies show that physics in Kenya has been faced with poor performance. Consequently, many students drop out of the subject. Educational researchers have partially attributed the cause to be poor instructional methods. This study attempts to change this trend in the topic of moments in physics. Data...

Effects Of Computer Based Cooperative Mastery Learning On Secondary School Students’ Skills Acquisition, Motivation And Achievement In Chemistry Practicals In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Chemistry occupies a central position among science subjects in the secondary school curriculum. It also takes up a significant place in the curriculum because of its applications in everyday life and the role it plays in enabling students to develop affective intellectual, and practical skills. In spite of this increasing importance in the unfolding world, the academic performance of Kenyan students in the subject in secondary schools has remained poor over the years. The fundamenta...

Influence Of Gender And Perceptions Of Motivating Factors On Student’ Achievement In Secondary School Physics In Tinderet Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the performance of secondary school students in physics is a matter of great concern to the Ministry of Education because physics is among the key subjects expected to make Kenya realize vision 2030. The performance at secondary school level has been poor for a long time. It is possible that gender influences performance of physics as a subject since there is a long standing belief that physics is a domain of male students. This study focused on the Influence of Gender and...

Effects Of Fireplace Advance Organizer Teaching Strategy On Secondary School Students’ Motivation And Achievement In Chemistry In Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Chemistry is a fundamental science and is responsible for many of the materials used in modern society as well as developments and tests carried out in the field of medicine. However, Kenya’s secondary school students’ performance in chemistry has been poor. This poor performance has been attributed partially to teaching methods used in the classroom.Thus, there is need to seek teaching strategies that can improve students’ performance in chemistry and motivate them. The use of...

Effects Of Self-Directed And Cooperative Learning Strategies On Junior Secondary School Students’ Learning Outcomes In Fine Arts In Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Fine Arts is one of the five themes broadly taught under Cultural and Creative Arts subjects at the junior secondary school level, which facilitate transfer of knowledge and have practical application in other subject areas. These qualities not withstanding, many students are still deficient in the rudiments of fine arts (principles and elements of art/ application of colours), and this contribute to the persistent decline in students‟ learning outcomes. Despite the focus of previ...

Effects Of Pre-Theoretic Intuition Quiz And Puzzle-Based Critical Thinking Motivation Strategies On Students’ Learning Outcomes In Selected Environment-Related Concepts In Biology.

ABSTRACT The traditional instructional strategy employed by most biology teachers in teaching environment-related concepts have resulted in low learning outcomes. Two strategies have been proved in literature to have exposed students to a higher thinking order needed to recognise assumptions, evaluate controversies, and scrutinise inferences in alleviating the problem of low students‘ learning outcomes in biology, but they have not been utilised in the teaching of environmental concept in b...

Intersections of Indigenous Knowledge and Place-Based Education: Possibilities for New Visions of Sustainability Education in Uganda

Abstract  This doctoral research pursued the intersection of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and place-based education in Ugandan secondary schools. Particular interest was placed on how teachers use place-based education pedagogies to influence their own as well as their learners’ reconnection to their communities, cultures and places towards a more sustainable future. Even though the role of community elders1 of guardianship and instruction of IK has been weakened by the formal education syste...

Information And The Problems Of Urban Agriculture In Tanzania Intentions And Realization

ABSTRACT urban agriculture is practiced in most third world societies not as a hobby but as a necessasity both for subsistence food production and to earn extra income.

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Boy-Child Drop Out Rate From Public Day Secondary Schools In Kilungu Sub-County-Makueni County

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya has placed certain measures to give basic education to its citizens by introducing Free Primary Education and Free Day Secondary Education. Despite this effort, students both boys and girls have been dropping out of school. School dropout for both boys and girls is a very serious issue not only in Kenya but also in the whole world. The main purpose for the study was to investigate the socio-economic factors that influence boy-child dropout from public day seco...

Influence Of Play On Social And Emotional Development Of Pre-School Children In Kyangwithya Zone, Kitui County

ABSTRACT Play is an essential part of children’s daily life and it promotes all round child development. Children develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually through play. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of play on social and emotional development of preschoolers in Kyangwithya Zone, Kitui County. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. These were; to determine whether the availability of play materials influence children’s soci...

Administrative Factors Influencing The Implementation Of Free Secondary School Education In Public Secondary Schools In Makindu Sub –County, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the administrative factors influencing the implementation of free secondary education in public secondary schools in Makindu Sub –County, Makueni County. Four research objectives guided this study. The objectives sought to assess the influence of disbursement of funds on the implementation of free secondary education; determine the influence of school size on the implementation of free secondary education; establish the influence of avai...

Incidence And Extent Of Substance Abuse Among Secondary School Students In Nairobi Province, Kenya: Implications For Specialised Intervention

ABSTRACT Substance abuse has become a major challenge in secondary schools in Kenya. A study carried out in Kenya observed that 20% of adolescents aged between 12 and 22 years smoke cigarettes, 9% smoke bhang while 23% drink commercial beer and spirits. This is the age in which most youths are in schools and colleges. The aim of this study was to find out the incidence and extent of drug abuse among secondary school students in Nairobi Province, Kenya. This information is useful in developing...

Factors Influencing Research Productivity Among Academic Staff In Selected Public And Private Universities In Kenya

Abstract The current academic climate in higher education in Kenya threatens the Kenyan universities' ability to sustain the conditions that support research productivity. Increased demands on government and private funding, a deteriorating physical infrastructure, increased pressure on undergraduate programs, university expansion strategies and general economic climate in the country have raised concerns about the continued capacity of universities to maintain teaching, research productivity...

121 - 135 Of 270 Results