ABSTRACT The study was concerned with Use of Information communication Technology (ICT) in themanagement of Primary Schools in Ogembo Division Gucha District kenya. The study was guided by 4 objectives; Determining the profile of the respondents, the level of Use of ICT, The level of management functions and the relationship between Use of ICT and Management functions of Primary school administrators in Ogembo Division, Gucha District. The study applied a co relational survey design using qua...
ABSTRACT The study established the relationship between perception of supervision and performance of teachers in Kandara district. In particular, this research determined the following, age, gender, highest level of education and position in school. It also established the significant relationship between the level of perception of supervision and the level of performance of teachers. The study employed a descriptive co~relational survey design or paradigm which was based on variable measured...
ABSTRACT The research was conducted under the topic: Community Related Factors and the Development of Education Curriculum in Kampala district. The major question which the researcher attempted to answer was: “Could the community be taken as a laboratory for the development of the education curriculum?” The methodology the researcher used in answering this question was a description of the community’s upheld values and needs and how all education stakeholders can work together to develo...
ABSTRACT This study explored the school environment and academic performance of pupils In Selected Public Primary Schools in Butula Division, Butula district, Kenya. The central research questions were “i) what is the profile of the pupils as to; age, gender, rank in the family and level of learning? ii) What is the level of school environment of the pupils? iii) What is the level of academic performance of the pupils? iv) Is there a significant relationship between the level of school envi...
ABSTRACT This study was to determine the correlation between teacher quality and Teachers’ Effectiveness’ in Selected Private Schools in Hargeisa district of Somaliland. The study was guided by four objectives: to identify the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of, age, gender, level of education, number of years of working experience, marital status; to determine the level of teacher quality in the selected secondary schools in Hargeisa District: to determine the lev...
ABSTRACT The study was about teaching strategies and learning styles in selected secondary schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. It was guided by five objectives: determining the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of: (1)gender, age, highest level of education, Years of teaching experience and teaching position;(2) to determine the extent to which to identified teaching strategies are used in secondary schools;(3) to determine the extent to which to identified learning styles ar...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between semantics and communication in Public Primary Schools in Sameta district, Kenya. The study was guided by four research objectives that were set to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, professional qualification, type of school and the period of stay in the school; the extent of Semantics; the level of communication and the significant relationship between Semantics and Commu...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the parent’s socio-economic status and students’ Academic performance in selected secondary schools in Nyamira North District of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to investigate the relationship between income level of parents and students’ academic performance, to investigate relationship of parental attitudes towards education and academic performance of students and to investigate the relationship between parent’...
Abstract The study investigated the relationship between teacher characteristics and schools effectiveness with respect to pupils academic performance in selected primary schools in mandera west district, Kenya.The study objective include; to determine the teacher characteristics in terms of age, qualification, gender and experience, level of school effectiveness and level of pupils academic performance. The study employed across-sectoral correlation research design using mainly aqualititativ...
ABSTRACT The study was about Teachers’ quality and students’ achievement in selected private secondary schools in Borama District Somaliland. It was guided by five objectives:- determining the profile of the respondents as in gender, age, qualification and experience; the extent of teacher quality in terms of lesson preparation, lesson delivery and teaching lesson aid; to determine the level of students’ achievement and to determine if there is significant relationship between teacher...
ABSTRACT This study determined the relationship between staff compensation strategies and school administrators’ performance in secondary schools in Rulindo District, Rwanda. As a way of achieving the research purpose, four specific objectives were formed and these included: to determine the level of compensation strategies; to determine level of school administrators’ performance; to establish difference in: (a) compensation strategies between private and public secondary schools; (b) ...
CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study School-based instructional supervision emerges from the early nineteenth century in Britain and has been a principal means for improving the quality of school systems. Many researchers advocate that school-based instructional supervision and support is indispensable for improving the quality of education (Argyris, 1993). It became a systems’ tool for monitoring by school principals and government inspectors of schools in Britain ...
ABSTRACT The current study was carried out in lluye district of Rwanda to: Investigate how the relevance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training to the labor Market affects the effectiveness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Huye District Rwanda; to establish how the quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training education affects the effectiveness of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in l-luye District Rwanda; to examine how the Govern...
ABSTRACT The research determined the correlation between quality assurance mechanisms and teacher professional development activities in Ugunja district. The study sought to establish and recommend the kind of relationship that exists between quality assurance mechanisms and teacher professional development activities. It was a cross-sectional and descriptive correlation survey design. Purposive sampling procedure was used to sample out the schools. Data was collected in December, 2012.The st...
ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “Information and Communications Technology and quality of Education in Rwanda”. It is presented as a result of a research that was carried out in selected secondary schools in Nyamagabe district, Rwanda. The study was carried out based on four specific objectives, namely: to find out the demographic characteristics of the respondents; to identify the level of ICT in secondary schools in Nyamagabe district; to examine the level of quality of education in se...