INTRODUCTION The earliest convincing evidence of the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) that causes the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was gathered in 1959 amidst the collapse of European colonial rule in Africa[1]. In January 1959 rioters briefly seized control of the African townships of Leopoldville, the capital of the Belgian Congo, shocking its rulers into frantic decolonization. In the same year an American researcher studying malaria took blood specimens from patien...
INTRODUCTION The League of Nations came into being after the World War One, in which her formation revolutionizes the political instability in world diplomacy to a point of order. The League of Nation’s task was simple- to ensure that war never broke out again. After the turmoil caused by the First World War, many looked to the League of Nations to bring stability to the world1. The only way to avoid a repetition of such disaster, was to create an international body whose sole purpose was ...
Abstract The article examines the place of traditional institutions in Nigeria democratic space and electioneering process in Nigeria. The article contends on the role of the traditional institutions in today’s democracy emphasizing whether the institution is conform with the problem of relevance or constitutional recognition. Overtime, the role of traditional institutions has been influence during various phases of Nigeria history. The role of the traditional instit...