Science Education Research Papers/Topics

Stress In Families Of Children With Intellectual Impairment At Dagbreek And Môreson Centres In The Khomas Education Region Of Namibia.

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken with the specific aim of investigating stress experienced by families of intellectually impaired children at the Dagbreek and Môreson Centres in Windhoek and to find out how these families cope with such stress. For the purpose of this study, a qualitative approach was adopted. Phenomenology was the guiding theory and semi-structured interviews were carried out to collect data with a sample of ten families whose children attended school at the aforementione...

Understanding And Uses Of Concept Mapping In Teaching Natural Science: Cases Of Two Primary Schools In Windhoek, Khomas Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the Grade six Natural Science teachers’ understanding of concept mapping. The study also investigated learners’ understanding of science concepts on “matter and its properties” taught through the use of concept mapping as compared to traditional lecture method. The study was conducted with two science teachers who taught Natural Science to Grade six, thirty-three learners at Alpha Primary School and thirty-seven learners at Omega Pr...

Factors Affecting Grade 12 Learners’ Academic Performance In The Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level Biology In The Khomas Educational Region, Namibia

Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect Grade 12 learners’ academic performance in the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) level Biology in the Khomas Educational Region, Namibia. The study addressed two research questions. Three categories of samples made up of 15 Science Heads of Departments (HODs), 15 Biology teachers and 450 Grade 12 NSSCO Biology learners respectively were selected using the simple random sampling technique....

An Econometrics Analysis Of The Determinants Of Inflation In Namibia

Abstract This paper employ various econometric techniques to analyze the determinants of inflation in Namibia, focusing particularly on the relationships that exist between the Namibian price, as the dependant variable, and the real Gross Domestics Product, Broad money supply, interest rate, and South African Price index as well as the United States price index, being the explanatory variables and probable determinants of inflation rate in Namibia.. Inflation equations that were estimated us...

Practices That Help Grade 12 Learners To Improve Their Performance In Physical Science: A Case Of Omusati Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT In Namibia, Omusati Region is one of the poorly performing regions in Physical Science Grade 12 national examinations (Omusati Regional Advisory Services (ORAS), 2015). Despite the poor performance, there are few schools in this region which have been ranked among the top six performing schools in the country. These schools are located in the same geographic region with other schools with a poor performance record. Therefore, this study investigated practices that could help improve...

The Genetic Diversity Of Pennisetum Glaucum (L.) R. Br. (Pearl Millet) Landraces In Namibia

ABSTRACT The current Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. cultivars in Namibia have overall poor performance and this poses a threat to the nation's food security because this crop is staple for over 70% of the Namibian population. The crop suffers from a range of undesirable production traits such as; susceptibility to diseases, low yield and prolonged reproductive cycle due to lack of genetic diversity. This study was aimed at understanding the genetic diversity of the crop in Namibia by means o...

HIV/AIDS And Science Education In Namibian Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT Previous studies alluded to the impacts of HIV/AIDS on education in Namibia. While such studies implied that secondary school science education was under the threat of Human Immuno-deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), there was a paucity of disaggregated and empirical data that spoke to the specific linkages between HIV/AIDS and secondary school science education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to elucidate the HIV/AIDS impacts, risk factors, an...

Investigating The Effectiveness Of Learner–Centred Approach In Teaching And Learning Acids And Bases In Two Selected Secondary Schools In Ohangwena Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effectiveness of a learner-centred approach in the teaching and learning of acids and bases at two selected secondary schools in Ohangwena region, Namibia. The study employed a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental nonequivalent (pre-test-post-test) control group research design was used to collect data from two schools for two weeks (one at each school). Within this scope, a total sample of 80 grade 11 learners taking Physical Science Ordinary l...

A Statistical Analysis Of Voluntary Counseling And Testing (Vct) Data To Determine The Risk Factors For HIV Infection In Namibia

ABSTRACT In an effort to provide information that can guide prevention strategies, this study determined the risk factors for HIV infection in Namibia and estimated the potential for HIV prevention. The study adopted a cross sectional research design with a sample of 14296 VCT clients from Oshana, Khomas and Kavango regions of Namibia for the period of 2009 to 2012. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for HIV infection among VCT clients. For risk fac...

Effects Of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria And Biocontrol Bacteria Isolated From Kavango On Pennisetum Glaucum And Sorghum Bicolor

Abstract As a result of the ever increasing population growth, the demand on food is expected to rise significantly. In order to meet this increase in food demand, alternatives (PGPR and biocontrol bacteria) to environmentally damaging chemical augmenters can be utilized for the production of agricultural crops. This study was conducted to isolate and screen rhizospheric bacteria from grasses along the Kavango River for plant growth promoting and biocontrol abilities. Once validated, bacteri...

The Effects Of Authentic Learning Activities On Achievements And Attitude Towards Natural Science Among Grade 7 Learners In Khomas And Omusati Educational Regions

ABSTRACT Teaching and learning Natural Science for conceptual understanding requires appropriate and effective teaching approaches and inquiry-based learning activities. The problem of teaching and learning Natural Science for deeper understanding is global and Namibia is not an exception. The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture’s reports on the National Standardised Achievement Tests (SATs) results of Grade 7 Natural Science showed that learners scored under basic achievement category...

A Comparative Study Between Male And Female Students’ Performance In Senior Secondary School Mathematics. (In Some Selected Secondary Schools In Katsina Metropolis)

ABSTRACT This study was designed to diagnose students’ performance in Mathematics in senior secondary school in Katsina Metropolis. The study centered its review of related literature on task factor on gender difference in mathematics performance, environmental factor as well as process factors in teaching mathematics. Average, percentage and measures of relationship were used as approach to data analysis. The study revealed that task factors, process factors, environmental factors and proc...

Problems Of Students In Conducting Effective Physics Practical In Senior Secondary Schools In Sokoto Metropolis

ABSTRACT This study is an in-depth research on the problems that are facing students in the conduct of physics practical. The research adopted a descriptive survey research design, the population of the study constitutes of about (1413) student, and ( 20) teachers, out of which only (306) students, and (15) teachers were randomly selected as the sample. During the course of the study, a lot of problems have been discovered, which were: problem in identifying physics apparatuses, setting the ...

Poor Attendance And Its Effect On Primary School Pupils Performances In Gada Local Government Area, Sokoto State.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of poor attendance and its effect on primary school pupils’performance in Gada local government area, Sokoto State. Data was collected from (185) respondents, proportionate sampling technique was used to collect data and data obtained were analyzed using percentages and frequency tables. It was discovered that poor attendance affects primary pupil’s performance in Gada local government area, Sokoto. It was also discovered that factors affecting ...

Effects of Thematic Instructional Strategy on Secondary School Students Performance in Selected Science Concepts

ABSTRACT          _ The study investigated the 'effects of thematic insl:rucnonal Strategy 0; secondary school students' performance in selected Science Concepts. Th population of the study constituted all SS 1 Students in Government Secondar Schools in Gwagwalada Area Council while two senior secondary schools wer selected to represent the sample of the study. 50 St:udent:s were randoml selected from each of the two schools; having the total of :1 00 st:udents as sampl size using simp...

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