Agricultural And Environmental Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Review and analysis of vulnerability to rainfall variability and policy responses to agricultural water supply in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This paper reviewed and analysed vulnerability to climate change-induced rainfall variability and policy responses to agricultural water supply in Nigeria. The review provides evidence for policy feedbacks as well as priority setting for the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Nigeria’s vulnerability to climate change variability is due to a number of factors: its geographical characteristics, limited capacity to adapt, dependence on climate-sensitive resources, teeming popul...


ABSTRACT The presence of impurities in cowpea affects its economic value as well as industrial and domestic utilisation. This problem has persisted despite the use of various manual and mechanical cleaning methods. There exists a need to improve the efficiencies of existing cowpea cleaning devices. Literature is sparse on modelling of pneumatic separation of cowpea. This study was therefore designed to develop and validate a mathematical model for the efficient separation of impurities from...

Characteristics of Classroom Chairs and Desks in Use in Senior Secondary Schools in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The current status of wooden classroom chairs and desks in use in selected Secondary Schools (SS) in Ibadan was investigated. Fifty-four SS were randomly selected; 12 each from rural and semi-urban, and, 10 from urban areas of Ibadan. Random sampling survey was conducted using structured questionnaire and oral interview and to collect data on chairs and desks types, designs, construction materials and methods, durability and cost factors. Joint features, failure pattern and causes we...

Potentials and projections of freshwater resources in Sub-Saharan Africa; focus on Nigeria

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the abundance of freshwater availability in Nigeria which is approximately 0.51 % of world freshwater resources. It further highlights the projected freshwater crises in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Base-t on analyzed country data retrieved from International Organizations, Nigeria and in fact many developing countries in Sub Saharan Africa is presently termed water secure based on total Actual Renewable Water Resources, but projections into the nearest future ...

Hydration Behaviour and Infrared Spectroscopy of Pre-treatments Effect on Portland Cement-Eremospatha macrocarpa and Laccosperma secund~jZorum Systems

ABSTRACT The effects of cold water extraction, incorporation of calcium chloride (CaC1,) and aluminium sulphate (Al,(SO,),) on the setting time (LA, maximum hydration temperature (T,,), time ratio (td and surface chemistry of Eremospatha macrocarpa and Laccosperma secundiflorum particles mixed with Portland cement was investigated. The mixtures were placed in thermally sealed thermos flasks for 24 h after which L,, T,, and t, were measured. The &, T,,andt,were 12.4 and 11.9 h, 59.1 and 583"C,...


Abstract Early agricultural engineering services required on Nigerian farms were provided by civil engineers and agronomists some of who later retrained to form the first crops of Nigerian agricultural engineers. Agricultural engineering training was substantially done overseas until about the early 1960s when local opportunities started to be available. Agricultural engineering education started with training in farm mechanization laying emphasis on tractorization in the colleges of agricul...

Environmental Consequences and Profitability Analysis of Dry Season Small Scale Irrigation Farming in the Bawku West District of the Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT  This study assessed dry season farming profitability and examines farming practices and their influence on the environment. Dry season farming practices identified from the literature were irrigation practices, land preparation, tillage practices and use of agrochemicals. A cross sectional design was adopted as quantitative data was collected from respondents. Five (5) communities along the White Volta River in the Bawku West District were purposively selected based on their p...

An Overview of Rattan Distribution in Four States in South-South Part of Nigeria

Abstract: Rattan, a non-timber resource in Nigeria’s South-South forests remains largely unexplored. To create schedule for unlocking its potentials, this study investigates its availability, distribution and current utilization pattern in Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross-rivers and Rivers States in Nigeria. Information was collected using structured questionnaire and on-the-spot-assessment while data was analyzed using simple statistical tools. The four states has rattan in abundance but unevenl...

Hatchery Production Optimisation Using Monte Carlo Approach

ABSTRACT Optimization of hatchery production processes was carried out using the Monte Carlo method. In the economics. of engineering decisions with the objective of the investor identifying an optimum solution. an investor chooses his or her optimal solution from the set of scenarios that offer maximum expected return for varying levels of risk. Outcomes associated with these random numbers are then analysed to determine the likely results and the associated risks. Taking a major day old h...

Development and Evaluation of Pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) Pomace Based Extruder

ABSTRACT In large scale juice processing, about 65% of the pineapple is extracted as juice, while the remaining 35% is the by-product called pineapple pomace. Pomace generated from juice processing constitutes a disposal problem and environmental pollution and there is no processing equipment designed in addressing this problem through the utilisation of this byproduct. This study was designed to develop a mash extruder for pineapple pomace based flour. Pineapple pomace was analysed for its...


Presently, Nigeria is among the nations that are technically unable to meet their food supply needs from rain-fed production at a low level of inputs and appear likely to remain so even at intermediate levels of inputs at some point’s time between 2000 and 2025 (FAO 2002). For the rural areas of semi-arid Northern Nigeria, which experiences significant climatic and anthropogenic changes that have exacerbated food insecurity in the region, floodplain agriculture is critical to the survival...

Assessing Growth Rate of Jatropha Plant (Height and Diameter) Under Different Method of Propagation in Nyankpala In Northern Region Ghana

ABSTRACT The study was carried out at Nyankpala in the Northern region of Ghana from November 2012 to April 2013 to investigate the growth rate of Jatropha plant under two methods of propagation (seeds and cuttings) that best support the growth of the plant. Data on the survival rate, height and diameter were collected and other data were obtained through observation. Each of the plantation was divide into nine (9) plots and five plots were selected randomly for the studies. Each of the plant...


One of the most critical inputs to vegetable (fruits) production in semi-arid areas, dry season farming and nursery establishment is water. During the dry season or off season, the source of water for vegetable growing is from irrigation while in the wet season, rainfall is the source of water. Young vegetable seedlings in the nursery or in the field should be watered in the early morning or in the evening. Watering should be done before transplanting particularly in the evening. Over-wa...

A Review of Soil Dynamics in Traction Studies

As the world population increases more than ever before and increasing demand on food, feed and fiber, and security, the number of off-the-road vehicles is rapidly increasing for agriculture, forestry, military, mining and construction industries. Many researchers have studied and still investigating traction as it relates off-road vehicles and publications abound especially from developed countries of Europe, America and others. In our generation scientists are trying to put robotic vehicles...

Impact of Petroleum Industrial Degradation on the Yield of Agricultural Produce

Abstract The study focused on the impact of petroleum industrial degradation on agricultural produce in Ilaje Local Government of Ondo state. Four research questions were developed in conformity with the purpose of the study. The study adopted survey research design. Questionnaires were administered to elicit information on crop productivity, livestock productivity, forest and aquatic organisms and therefore the strategies to cope with the impact of petroleum industrial degradation. A total o...

61 - 75 Of 79 Results