Agricultural And Environmental Engineering Research Papers/Topics


Salinity is a major problem directly affecting the ecological balance and the development of agriculture in the Mediterranean basin, particularly North Africa. This phenomenon is considered as the most important abiotic factor limiting crops growth and productivity, degrading and polluting soils in arid and semi-arid. In order to study the influence of salinity, on the physiological parameters and to assess the potential of adaptation of the olive tree in a saline environment, three parcels c...

Evaluation of yield characteristics cum determinant factors in earth mound method of charcoal production using billet of Acacia nilotica

ABSTRACT Tree residues are generated in large quantity in our environment. Nowadays, adding value to these residues could make them become item of economic importance. The aim of this study is to adapt a traditional method of charcoal production (Earth Mound) in order to add value to the tree residues generated in University of Ibadan with a view to enhance the benefit derived from them. The billets of Acacia nilotica were converted from both wet and dry wood samples. The billets were t...

Charcoal Yield from Urban-Tree Residues Generated in University of Ibadan, Nigeria using Earth Mound Method

Abstract The cost of managing ornamental and naturally growing trees in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, is becoming challenging. Adding value to the residues from these trees with a view to enhance its economic value will minimize the management cost. This study adapted Earth Mound method of charcoal production to add value to tree residues generated in the University of Ibadan to enhance its economic value. Mixed residues of Acacia nilotica (Acacia), Albizia zygia (Ayunre) and Melicia ex...

Dimensional Stability and Mechanical Properties of Wood Plastic CompositesProduced from Sawdust of Anogeissus leiocarpus (Ayin) with RecycledPolyethylene Teraphthalate (PET) Chips

ABSTRACT Wood Plastic Composite panels were produced using a locally fabricated extruding machine at a temperature of about 170°C-200°C. the Sawdust of Anogeissus leiocarpus(Ayin) and Recycled Polyethylene Teraphthalate (PET) Chips were mixed in the ratio 1:1 to 1:5 and densities of 770.58 kg/mm3, 888.65 kg/mm3, 1,114.71 kg/mm3, 1,117.58 and 1, 141.84 kg/mm3 respectively. The quantity of recycled polyethylene teraphthalate (PET) Chips and sawdust used in the panels production were later...

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