Architecture Research Papers/Topics

Evolving the Criteria for Writing Nigerian Architecture History Using Historiographical Approach

ABSTRACT Since independence in 1960, notable works of Nigerian architecture scholars and practitioners have been recorded, but practically little progress has been made in the area of architectural knowledge documentation. Architectural knowledge encompasses a vast array of ideas, which are basically classified into architectural theory, history, criticism, technology, environmental conditions, and these (subcategories) culminate in the material culture of a people. This research focuses on a...

National Cocoa Research Institute Akure Msc(Arch) Design Research Report

PREFACE Research as this thesis is concerned and to other areas in particular, plays a very important role in improvement in all facts of life. Improvements in industry, communication, education and other aspects of science even in agriculture. Started largely from research. For instance the exploitation of minerals both in the sea, the earth’s crust and moon even other outer space exploration could not have been possible without research. Before Nigeria started prospecting oil for commerci...

Divisional Library, Agbani Enugu State (Study of Functional Space Requirement of a Modern Library)

ABSTRACT “A Library is a repository of various forms of recorded information, as well as a collection of data in many formats.” (Metu A. 1987). The design proposal is a consequence of an investigation into the emerging concern about energy efficiency of buildings, the recent advances in information technology and their attending consequences on the planning and architecture of the future library. Demographic data and an understanding of the development need of the growing population valid...

Anambra State Conference Centre Project Report

ABSTRACT Conferences are viewed as one of the greatest assets of any organisation when it is viewed as an organised thinking environment. It is indispensable to any society and as such calls for an avenue or focal point where people can gather to express their ideas and views. Its need by society’s, individuals and organisations cannot be underestimated as it gives room for formal and informal meeting. Its origin can be traced down to the use of open spaces, courtyards, village squares and...

Fish Processing Factory, For Ibaka, Mbo Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State

ABSTRACT Most of the fish marketed throughout Nigeria are in either smoked or dried form. The technological requirement for other forms of preservation like chilling and freezing cannot be afforded by the small scale fisher men. Considerable quantities of fish processed for distant consumer markets are lost at handling, processing, storage and marketing stages. Significant losses occur through infestation by mites, insects, fungal infection and fragmentation during transportation. However, wi...


ABSTRACTAgriculture has been the topmost priority of every successive administration Nigeria. This is due to the fact that the extent of development of a nation is also measured interims of the quality and quantity of food available to her people. Though the struggle at improving food status has been on course before intendance. It reminds us of 1959, when the western government grated agriculture land mark and sent a representative to Israel who brought the form settlement scheme modeled aft...

Project Reporting on Propose Medium Security Prison for Lafiagi, Kwara State

TABLE CONTENT Title pagei Certification          ii Declaration         iii Dedication         iv Acknowledgement         v Table of content         vi CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction1 1.1Definition5 1.2Historical background in Nigeria6 1.3     Geographical location of lafiagi town        11 1.4Motivation        12 1.5Justification        12 1.6Aims and objectives of study        13 1.7Scope of the project        13 1.8Research methodology      �...

Farm Settlement for Igosun Community Oyun Local Government in Kwara State.

ABSTRACT Agriculture has been the topmost priority of every successive administration Nigeria. This is due to the fact that the extent of development of a nation is also measured interims of the quality and quantity of food available to her people. Though the struggle at improving food status has been on course before intendance. It reminds us of 1959, when the western government grated agriculture land mark and sent a representative to Israel who brought the form settlement scheme modeled a...

Evaluation Of Public Housing In Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Governments all over the world are taking steps to address the problem of providing adequate and affordable housing to their people. Ogun State Government in Southwest Nigeria is not left out in this drive, and thus initiated an integrated public housing programme in 2003 with the assumption that the use of different strategies by different organizations will result in the provision of adequate housing and improved quality of life for different categories of people in the State. In ...

Exploring Green Design Strategies In A Proposed Benue International Cargo Airport, Nigeria

  ABSTRACT In recent years, there has been a substantial growth in the agricultural products from Benue state which can be harnessed to foster the upkeep of the nation's teeming population as well as increase revenue generation through export. One viable way to enable these products get to other parts of the world is by air, air cargo refers to the transportation of goods via aircraft Airport operations are associated with negative environmental impacts which include resource consumpti...

Assessment Of Housing Quality Of Selected Residential Estate In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT In the face of deteriorating quality of housing environment in urban areas in developing countries, including Nigeria, the need for strategies that can help reverse this trend cannot be overemphasised. It is in search for such strategies to improve the quality of residential environment that the assessment of housing quality in mass housing estates has continued to engage the attention of scholars and researchers within and outside Nigeria. However, there has been very little attemp...

Impact of Motivation on Engineers Productivity in Construction Industry in Khartoum state-(Sudan)

Abstract Background:-Public and private institutions practice their work through their staff s in order to implement their objectives in the near and long terms. In order for these institutions to reach the goal, it is necessary to find a professional staff capable of delivering the institution to that goal, and this institution to repay the first hand to motivate the engineers to continue in good performance and effectiveness .Research Problem:-Incentives play a significant role in influenc...

A Critical Study Of The Practice Characteristics Of Architectural Firms In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Very little is known about the architectural firms in Nigeria. The study thus explored the characteristics of architectural firms in Nigeria empirically using the systems approach to the study of organizations. The study investigated the organizational profiles, cultures, strategies and structures of the architectural firms. The tasks and information technology characteristics of the architectural firms as well as the external influences on the firms were also investigated, culminat...

Proposed National Paediatric Hospital, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria An Attempt At Creating A Healing Environment In Hospitals

ABSTRACT Health care is one of the most important aspects of life. A hospital is a health care institution that focus on the treatment of patients, that is made effective through necessary and proper facilities, equipment and personnel Children’s hospital is a specialized hospital that offers treatment exclusively to adolescents and children from birth to the age of eighteen through some children hospitals will continue to see children with rare illnesses into adulthood. Having a speci...

Ornamentation In Yoruba Domestic Architecture In Osogbo: A Study In Form, Content And Meaning

   ABSTRACT This study examined Yoruba ornamentation in domestic architecture in Osogbo consonant with its form, content and meaning. Ornamentation connotes decoration for the purpose of enhancing aesthetic appeal of buildings or any object in context. It is noted in literature that Yoruba aesthetic decorative instinct is reflective of a number of day to day material uses, activities and gestures, which are further translated in domestic building elements. The method of research adopted...

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