ABSTRACT This study examines the association between fe1tility behavior and religion among married couples (I 5- 35+years) in selected region of southwest Nigeria Data were obtained through a multi-stage sampling procedure 111 the study area .The 2013 NDI-1S data set provided information on the profile of the respondent from southwest region of Nigeria. The (!DJ) in-depth interview of 6 respondents was also conducted to elicit qualitative data which complimented the survey. The analyses i...
ABSTRACT Physical and mental wellbeing is one of the major part of health which may contribute to the increase or decrease of illness, disability and death of adolescents. Several research conducted on adolescent wellbeing revealed that family types and its characteristics have positive and negative influences on the health of adolescents. Although, different studies have been conducted on adolescent health h1 different family contexts, adequate attention has not be given to mental and phy...
ABS1RACT Despite the various strategies and policies, Nigeria's total fertility (5.5) remains on the high side. The main objective of the study is to examine factors that determine the fertility behaviour among married women in North-West, Nigeria. The dependent variables are total children ever born, number of living children and fertility desire. The study utilized secondary data from the Nigeria Demographic Health Survey 2013 with a study population of 9567 currently married women in ...
ABSTRACT Maternal mortality is the vital indicator with the greatest disparity between developed and developing countries. The challenging nature of measuring maternal mortality has made it necessary to perform an action-oriented means of gathering information on where, how and why deaths are occurring; what kinds of action are needed and have been taken. A maternal death review is an in-depth investigation of the causes and circumstances surrounding maternal deaths. The objectives of th...
ABSTRACT This study examines predictors of sexual behavior among university off-campus students in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Two hundred questionnaires were administered among the off campus students in Federal University Oye Ekiti and Ekiti State University. The study revealed that(61.5%) had sex before while 49% of those that had ever has sex had it with boyfriend. Predictors of sexual behavior among off campus student are discussion of sexual experience with peers, peers recommending sex ...
ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancies in the world. It is often debated in literature as reasons of health concern and social problems (World Health Organization, 2008). This study hypothesizes that demographic factors do not significantly influence teenage pregnancy experience in Oye-Ekiti. Data was collected via self-administered structured questionnaire to assess young girls' on Determinants of Teenage Pregnancy experience in Oye-Ekiti. Conv...
ABSTRACT This study examines the assessment of fertility preference by work status among women in Nigeria using data obtained from the National Demographic and Health Survey from 2013. The adopted design is an exploratory research design which is aimed to provide in-depth investigation into the research problem and provide solutions to some research questions. The study was conducted among married women in their reproductive ages, 15-49 years of age in Nigeria. The sample size will be 33...
Abstract This study examines the socioeconomic factors influencing birth and death registration compliance in Ibadan north local government area, Oyo state, Nigeria. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional survey and systematic random sampling technique was used to select 323 households aged 20 to 70 years plus from the community and heads of households interviewed. Information on births and deaths registration was collected using a semi-strnctured questionnaire and the birth registra...
ABSTRACT The study on the assessment of the challenges of modern methods for family planning in lowering fertility rate among female in Kasulu District was carried out within four villages namely Kidyama, Kabanga, Mrubona and Nyasha. Specifically the study aimed to identify popular modern family planning methods used in Kasulu District, assess the identified modern methods adoption rate in reducing fertility and identify challenges associated with the use of modern methods for family plannin...
ABSTRACT The study examined men's involvement in the choice of family planning in Oye Ekiti, Nigeria. Using employed self-administer questionnaires, the use of frequency distribution table, Chi square and bivariate logistic model in analyses of variables. The results of the analysis revealed that 89.7% of respondents were involved in the choice of family planning. At bivariate level, wife's age (x2 13.0 pr=0.004) were found to be significantly associated with men's involvement in the cho...
Abstract The study examines the relationship between household headship, domestic decision making and perinatal mortality in Nigeria. Both primary and secondary data were used. Secondary data was obtained from the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). This study made used of data on women of reproductive ages (15-49 years) who had experienced pregnancy loss or death of a child within the first week of birth in the last five years preceding the survey. To complement the resul...
ABSTRACT Nigeria remains a focus for increasing contraceptive use, as it is one of the most populous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Determinants of contraceptive use can be defined as the causal factors of contraceptive use or variables/elements that determines the nature of contraceptive use. This study examined the determinants of contraceptive use among Nigerian couples. The respondents for this study are couples of ages 15-49 who are in union or married residing in Nigeria at the t...
ABSTRACT Migration is an impo1iant process of change, especially for populations in developing countries. Just by moving to new places, migrants are different from those who do not migrate in terms of socio-demographic characteristics. This study focuses on migration in Nigeria and its interaction with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk. Two main research questions are addressed: What is the prevalence level of sexual risky behavior among internal migrants? To what extent do (socio d...
ABSTRACT Studies across Sub-Sahara have established transactional sex as one of the factors contributing to young people's risk of HIV infection. However, there are few studies that have explored the dynamics of transactional sex among young people in Nigeria. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of, and risk factors associated with transactional sex among female undergraduates of ages 15 - 24 years in urban informal settlements in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study used a sa...
ABSTRACT Birth spacing is one of the major aspects of reproductive health which contributes to the increase or decrease of mortality related to women and children. Existing researches on birth spacing have revealed that short birth interval has implications on mothers and their children. However, adeqLiate attention has not been given to men's involvement in birth spacing. This study examined the relationship between characteristics of men aged 15-49 years who are in union and their preferre...