ABSTRACT High population growth due to high fertility and closely spaced birth is inimical to development in developing countries. This can endanger the lives of both mothers and children. Closely spaced birth may sap women of necessary energy, put the newly born babies in disadvantage position and also put the family in bad economic position. Therefore, this study examined the attitudes towards and practice of birth spacing among couples in Nigeria. The study used 2013 NDHS couples recode d...
ABSTRACT Background: Consistent theoretical use of condom is the most effective way of preventing STDS transmission and unwanted pregnancies. Various studies have suggested that women are more likely to get infected with sexually transmitted diseases than men and to bear the consequences associated with unplanned pregnancies, and STDs. The use of the female condom is seen as a way of providing protection to women against sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. Objective: Th...
ABSTRACT Malnutrition is a major public health and human development problem especially in developing countries. Worldwide, FAQ estimates that, mainly as a result of high food prices, the number of chronically hungry people in the world rose by 7 5 million in 2007 to reach 923 million. This study attempts to explain the women autonomy and nutritional status in North West Nigeria. Individual women s data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013 were used for the study. Data were an...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed to assess the use of mosquito treated nets in the reduction of child mortality in Kibaha district in Pwani region. The Demographic Health Survey of 2010 (DHS) showed that, the rate of under five deaths is increasing in Kibaha as it ranks 350 per 1000 people annually. This is high compared to other regions Moshi and Mwanza which lies around 180/100 per annual. Also the WHO, 2009 report, showed that in Tanzania 131 children under five years old die due to malaria ...
ABSTRACT Little is known on community participation in combating HIV in Tanzania. This study intended to examine the community participation in combating HIV in Mbozi district. In order to achieve this objective, the study used cross-sectional research design whereby primary and secondary data were collected. The study used household questionnaire survey with 100 households, interviews to key informants and Focus Group Discussion with six groups. The analysis of data involved the statistical...
·Abstract Religion is a concept with high relevance and consideration in human decision making especially among Nigerians, it dictates values, norms and the approval or disappro,;,aJ of a behaviour. It was discovered that at 0.05 level of significance, the P-value was less than 0.05, meaning, there was a significant difference in children ever born across religious affiliation among young women in Nigeria. The BONFERRONI test revealed that young Christians women were less likely to have...
ABSTRACT This study, on the assessment of factors that influence the use of modern contraceptives was carried out in North A District of Unguja. The study involved three villages namely Mkwajuni, Kivunge and Kibeni. Face to face questionnaires and focus group discussion were used in data collection. The quantitative data obtained were analyzed by using SPSS and qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The study findings indicate that, majority of the respondents (60.1%) did not ...
ABSTRACT This study has assessed Factors Influencing the Non-adoption of Core Welfare Indicators as a planning and Monitoring Tool. The study was carried out in Dodoma region, in particular Dodoma Municipal Council and Chamwino District Council. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and formal discussion. Seventy respondents and fifteen key respondents were involved in it. Information for quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) softw...
ABSTRACT Adolescents’ sexual behaviour among students is an issue of concern due to its reproductive health risks and academic development such as school performance. Socio-economic factors that influence this risky sexual behavior have not adequately analyzed. The aim of this study was to identify the socio-economic determinants of risky sexual behaviours among adolescent students and assess the extent of involvement in the risky sexual behaviours. A cross-sectional design using self admi...
ABSTRACT This study was curried out to identify and examine the factors that contribute low vital registration in Njombe District and tried to investigate how these factors have been contributed to the existing inadequacy record of enrolment around the communities. Both quantitative and qualitative information were collected and supplementary by secondary data form various secondary source. Most of the quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) while q...
ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the impact of population growth on domestic water supply in Tunduma town, Tanzania. The study intended to assess the impact of population growth in domestic water supply, identify the challenges that hinder effective domestic water supply as well as determining mitigation measures to address limited access to domestic water supply at household level. Data were collected through household survey, key informant interviews and direct observation. A total of ...
ABSTRACT This study is about the factors influencing infant and childhood mortality in Singida Urban District. The study was undertaken in Singida Urban District. The study has involved a sample of 100 respondents comprising those who were interviewed and those who filled questionnaires. This sample was derived by applying purposive and simple random sampling methods. The methods were used to collect information on the factors influencing Infant and childhood Mortality in Singida Urban Distr...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the determinants of high fertility status among married women in Lake zone, taking Sengerema district as a case study. Specifically, the study intended to identify socio – economic and demographic determinants that influence high fertility status of married women, to explore intermediate determinants that influence high fertility status of married women and to assess the perception of different social groups towards rapid population growth. The re...
Abstract The influence of in-laws towards married women’s fertility seems to be trivial to many scholars, particularly in Tanzania. This work examined the influence of inlaws towards married women’s fertility in Kaliua District in Tabora Region. It examined the factors affecting married women’s control of their fertility including the influence of in-laws, and extended family on the husband’s decision on the number of children to have and on couple’s decision-making process on how m...
ABSTRACT The rate of sexual transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies and expulsion from schools remain high among secondary school students regardless of the provision of family planning information and services. This calls for understanding of the knowledge on contraceptive use and sexual behaviours among this high risk group. The study, specifically intended to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of secondary school students towards the use of modern contraceptives in Singida Rural ...