International Law and Diplomacy Research Papers/Topics

Development of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in the Republic of South Africa

This report serves to analyse the development of assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia in the Republic of South Africa post-apartheid with reference to countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands, where the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide has been decriminalised and regulated by the law. With the aid of various legal rules and principles which include but are not limited to; International law, relevant Constitutional and legislative provisions, stare decisis, proposed c...

Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD): Establishment And Functions of IGAD Based on one of Regional Integration Theories

IGAD is a Regional Economic Community (REC) in Eastern Africa and one of the eight building blocks of the African Economic Community (AEC) of the African Union (AU), (IAD,2016).  The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa was created in 1996 to supersede the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was founded in 1986 to mitigate the effects of the recurring severe droughts and other natural dis...

World Trade Law: Contemporary Issues and Concerns

It is obvious that Article XXIV is one the most important gatt provision regarding ftas. In this article is mentioned that ftas should have four important features: (1) duties and other restrictive commercial regulations must be eliminated; (2) substantially all trade must be covered; (3) external tariffs and commercial regulations – that is, measures applicable to non-parties – may not be higher or more restrictive than those in effect before the FTA or interim agreement was concluded; a...

Conventional and Critical Approaches to Terrorism

Any attempt to define terrorism comes with a challenge. The influential author and historian Walter Laqueur (1977, p.5) declared that a comprehensive definition of terrorism is not possible. It has appeared in many different forms, under many different circumstances. It is no wonder that there are many approaches to understanding terrorism and its outcomes. This essay considers two schools of study that investigate the nature of terrorist conflict; Conventional Terrorist Studies (TS) and Crit...

Conflict of Law: Proper Law of Contract

HISTORY Until the middle of the 19th century, the courts applied the lex loci contractus or the law of the place where the contract was made, to decide whether the give contact was valid. The apparent advantage of this approach was that the rule was easy to apply with certain and predictable outcomes. Unfortunately, it was also open to abuse, e.g. the place could be selected fraudulently to validate an otherwise invalid contract; it might lead to application of laws with no real connection w...

Refugee Situation in Darfur

This paper gives a description on the background of the conflict in Darfur.  Also, it discusses the causes and plight of the refugees in Darfur.  In addition, it looks at the roles played by various international organizations in the Dafuri conflict.  Furthermore, it discusses suggestions for future international action.  Finally, it concludes on all the issues discussed.