Law Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Analysis Of Tax A Voidance In Tanzania Mainland: The Law And Practice Of Anti-A Voidance Provisions Under The Income Tax Act No.Ll Of 2004

ABSTRACT It is expected by any society that they pay tax to raise government revenues so that in return the society is provided with all the services from the government. These are social services. maintaining law and order, ensuring defense and hosting other undeiiakings which the state feels are better be provided by itself, like health services. Tax payment is not a new idea in Tanzania mainland because it has had taxation system since the turn of the century all with the aim of being a h...

Death Penalty And Human Rights In Uganda A Case Study In Uganda

Abstract The researcher carried out the study on death penalty and human rights in Uganda a case study in Kampala. The researcher discussed the following topic in chapter one. An overview, death penalty and intemational and domestic instruments, effects of death penalty and conclusion and recommendations.

Bail Practice In Uganda: A Critcal Analysis Of The Law In Magistrate Courts And High Court.

ABSTRACT This dissertation entails the right to bail as one of the fundamental rights that are stipulated under Article 23 of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 as amended. The research is intended to critically examine whether the right to bail as enshrined in the constitution has been practically administered in the courts of law, by examining the legal machinery aimed at protecting and enforcing these rights and how the state has contributed to its enforcement among others. T...

The Impact Of Administrative Conflicts On Service Delivery In Local Governments In Uganda: The Case Of Mayuge District

This study investigated "The impact of administrative conflicts 011 service delivery in local governments in Uganda: the case of Mayuge district." Because of this, there was need to establish whether administrative conflicts in local governments were caused by the gaps and violation of the legal framework in a decentralized environment and how it impacts on employee performance and service delivery. The study particularly sought to establish causes; examine the impact of conflict on employee ...

The Effectiveness Of The Law On Refugees In Uganda: A Case Study Of Congolese Refugees

ABSTRACT We have seen for a very long time how Uganda as a country has been flooded by refugees from all over the world however the greatest inflow of refugees was from the Congolese people after the first and second Congo war which caused a whole lot of them to migrate from their country se!"king for shelter and safety in the neighbming countries, Uganda however welcomed many of those and along the years they became petmanent residents waiting for the Congo war to subsidize and eventually t...

The Role Of Women In Conflict Resoltion In Northern Ljganda A Case Study Of Bar-Dege Division Gulu Municipality Gulu District

ABSTRlJCT The study examined the role of women in conllict resolution in northern Uganda case study of bar-dcge division Gulu 111unicipality Gulu district The study specific objectives were to find out the role women in conflict resolution in northern Uganda. ; descriptive research design \as applied because it enabled the researcher to describe hm, political. social and ccono111ic contribution ofwo111en towards the prevailing peace. The research includes literature from various authors for...

Critical Analyisis Of The Legal Regime Governing The Use Of Weapons During International Armed Conflict

TABE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................. ii ACKNOLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION····...

The Law On Defilement And Its Enforcement In Uganda A Case Study Of Kampala District

Abstract his study explored and described all factors connected to defilement cases in Uganda. Legislation on defilement was examined as to whether it's weak or strong. The study explored factors for continued raising cases of defilement in Uganda. It considered whether such cases are successful prosecuted and whether the courts orders passed in defilement cases are enforced. The factors responsible for the unsuccessful enforcement of court orders in defilement cases were looked into. Recomme...

Legal Analysis Of Labour Unions In Uganda

ABSTRACT The research is about an examination of the operations of labour unions given the continual struggle for effective representation of workers in Uganda; the study examines laws, regulations and statutory instruments, both nationa internationally bringing to light the strides of various key factors on workers' representation in the parliament of Uganda and at the work place. It further brings to light the more crucial questions regarding the challenges faced by the labour unions, as w...

Widowhood Rites And The Rights Of Women In Uganda A Comparative Study Of Different Tribes In Uganda On Traditional Practices Against Human Rights

The link between fundamental human rights and the right to carry out traditional practices may come into conflict with each other. The study is an attempt to describe the practice of widowhood rites in the different ethnic groups in Uganda and find out the reasons that underlie the practice. Some of these rites include cruel and degrading treatment. It also sought to find out why widowhood rites persist in spite of Uganda being a signatory to many human rights instruments. The study focuses m...

A Critical Analysis Of Land Dispute Settlement In Uganda. A Case Study Of Kitovu Wakiso District.

This is a research on the topic of "the critical analysis of land dispute settlement in Uganda." It intends to analyze the issue of land policy in relation to the dispute settlement in Uganda and the reintegration into Kitovu Wakiso district. Land disputes are widespread in Uganda affecting 33% to 50% land holders. In Uganda, land disputes are the most significant form of conflict with many escalating to violence. Land disputes dropout throughout Uganda, with the greatest number of disputes a...

The Legal Protection Of Minority Shareholders In Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study exemplifies the law relating to minority shareholders protection m Uganda's legal framework. Although there has been some studies on the consideration as pati of a wider study on corporate governance. The existing work has not addressed the protection of minority shareholders under the new companies' act 2012 with all previous studies relying on the old act. This research considers the gap between the formal rules and the behaviour of the participants in corporate governa...

Investigating The Extent Of Provision For Human Rights In Kenya's Succession Laws And Policies

ABSTRACT The study highlights the interplay between land laws and laws governing succession and human rights dispensation in the application of the legal norms, focusing on how the practices on land ownership influence the enjoyment of succession rights in Kenya. The land and succession laws are municipal in nature; they have great ramifications in relation to the fulfillment of national obligations in international human rights law, and are influenced by the provisions pertaining to both ci...

The Relationship Between Poverty And Criminal Behaviour In Kenya: A Critical Analysis On The Crime Of Theft.

ABTSRACT The level of criminal propensity in areas faced with massive poverty is quite high. compared to the economically upgraded areas. This research has one of its objectives as ascertaining the relationship between poverty and crime in Kenya. A number of studies may have been carried out on the causes of crime but specific attention has not been previously had to the relationship between crime and pove11y especially the offence of theft. It is pertinent to note as is done in this researc...

Electoral Malpractices: An Analysis Of The Law And Practice In Uganda.

ABSTRACT With the rapid growth of democratic processes on the continent, elections have become part and parcel of public life and government has come up with a legal framework governing elections.1 Among the objectives that resulted into promulgation of the I 995 constitution were the need to base the state on democratic principles whic~ empower and encourage the active participation of all citizens in their own governance. It is therefore the duty of citizen to vote. However electoral malpr...

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