TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL BACGROUND OF ROBOTIC SURGERY APPATION OF ROBOTIC SURGERY TERMS AND DEFINITION OPERATION OF ROBOTLIC ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE OF ROBOTIC SURGERY CONCLUSION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION This research is bared on the robotic surgery Its application, used method and limitation. The robotic surgery Was developed to overcome and on honce the capability of surgeons performing open surgery. It used two methods such as oleic teleminanipulator m...
INTRODUCTION Breast feeding is the act of feeding an infant or a young child with breast milk directly from the female human breasts (Lauralee, 2013).The female reproductive system supports the new being from the moment of conception through gestation and continues to nourish it during its early life outside the supportive uterine environment. During gestation, under the influence of the hormonal environment present, the mammary glands develop the internal glandular structure and function n...