ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Cardiac surgery is the definitive intervention for structural heart diseases particularly of congenital aetiology in children. Unfortunately, most developing countries currently lack adequate capacity for pediatric cardiac surgery often necessitating referral to foreign countries with appropriate facilities and capacities. We hereby report the in-hospital outcome of Nigerian children referred from Lagos University Teaching Hospital to undergo cardiac surgery abroad. METHO...
ABSTRACT Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalence among pregnant women in Calabar was studied. The aims were to establish HIV seroprevalence rate and to identify factors which influence this rate in our pregnant women. HIV seroprevalence rate of 2.7% among antenatal women in Calabar was recorded with a vertical transmission rate of 20%. Husband and wife not living together, history of induced abortion and blood transfusion significantly increase HIV seroprevalence rate among antenat...
SUMMARY Vertical infection by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among two consecutive pair of twins from a well to do family is presented. While the first twin of the first pair must have been infected in-utero, the second may have been infected at parturition of through breast milk. Severe protein-energy malnutrition was the main mode of presentation. A recommendation is made for routine screening of pregnant women during ante-natal care with family planning counselling of positive case...
Abstract Background: Infant and childhood mortality has remained high in developing countries like Nigeria with only marginal reductions achieved over the past two decades despite several interventions to reduce morbidity and mortality from the common causes of death in children. It is therefore important to examine the current pattern of mortality in children and compare it with previous reports from this centre so as to determine if newer interventions are needed or if these current interve...
Abstract: Background: Congenital abnormalities are defects present at birth and are increasingly becoming an important cause of neonatal mortality. They can also result in disability in majority of the survivors. Objective: To describe the pattern and outcome of major congenital abnormalities (MCA) in a tertiary hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. Methods: The labour ward and labour ward theatre delivery records and admission records of the in-born ward of the neonatal unit of a tertiary hospital w...
Computed Tomography (CT) is a Iife saving tool for diagnosing Illness and injury in children (0 - 12 years). The use of computed tomography scan of the head, abdomenlpehris, chest or spine in children has increased were the last three decades [I]. Approximately 5 to 9 million CT examinations are performed annually on children in the United States 121. The increased use of CT in pediatrics, combined with variability in radiation doses, has resulted in many children receiving a high dose of rad...