ABSTRACT Curbing water scarcity problems in semi-arid regions is a top priority for economic and social development. Alternative strategies for sustainable domestic water supply are therefore required to augment water supply with affordable cost and technology. Scant research findings in sub-Saharan Africa have, however, reported inefficiency in adapting to water scarcity problems in the region. Therefore, an investigation of domestic rainwater harvesting (RWH) reliability is important to ide...
ABSTRACT Background:Hypertension is a serious public health problem in Tanzania. Adherence of the recommended self-care practices is beneficial against poor health outcomes and health care expenditures among hypertensive patients. This study assessed theself-care practices, lifestyle behaviors and cost Evaluation among adults attending hypertension clinics in selected hospitals in Tanzania. Methods: A mixed approachescross-sectional study involved 329 participants carried from June to Septemb...
ABSTRACT Background: In 2007 the World Bank launched Results-based financing (RBF) in order to improve the quality of health services. Since its introduction, RBF has gained much attention among countries with limited resources for health. Tanzania introduced RBF in 2015 to incentivize improved quality of services at participating health facilities. Through RBF, health facilities are expected to be having improved availability of essential health commodities for maternal health care and clie...
ABSTRACT Background. Men’s involvement in maternity care is recognized as a key strategy in improving maternal health and accelerating reduction of maternal mortality. This study investigated the factors determining men’s involvement in maternity care in Dodoma Region, Central Tanzania. Methods. This cross-sectional survey used multistage sampling in four districts of Dodoma Region to select 966 married men participants aged 18 years and above. Data were collected using a structured quest...
Abstract Objective This study used a nationally representative sample from Tanzania as an example of low-resource setting with a high burden of maternal and newborn deaths, to assess the availability and readiness of health facilities to provide basic emergency obstetric and newborn care (BEmONC) and its associated factors. Design Health facility-based cross-sectional survey. Setting We analysed data for obstetric and newborn care services obtained from the 2014–2015 Tanzania Service Provis...
ABSTRACT Background: Direct Health Facility Financing (DHFF) is meant to improve quality of health services and brings more autonomy while promoting accountability at Public Primary Health Facilities (PPHFs). This study aimed at establishing the influence of DHFF on perceived status of health service satisfaction and health system responsiveness among clients at PPHFs. Also it established perceived internal and external accountability among Health Care Workers (HCWs) and members of HFGCs resp...
ABSTRACT Background: Good nutrition governance has great influence on the improvement of health and nutrition status of people. The government of Tanzania has taken significant measures to strengthen nutrition governance as part of national efforts to improve nutrition. However, little is known on the current status of nutrition governance in Tanzania. Objective: This study determined the barriers and potential facilitators for effective Nutrition governance at Regional and administrative lev...
ABSTRACT Background In Tanzania the health insurance started as Community Health Fund (CHF) and was introduced as part of the Ministry of Health‘s (MoH) attempt to make health care affordable and available to the rural population and the informal sector. This scheme started in 1996 with Igunga as a pilot district and later expanded to other districts (Mtei & Mulligan, 2007). The objective of the study was to assess health systems responsiveness and associated clients/patients satisfaction ...
ABSTRACT Background: Urinary Schistosomiasis remains a public health problem in SubSaharan Africa including Tanzania. Treatment and prevention programs have been focused on the most vulnerable groups particularly school-going children sparing other similarly vulnerable groups like women of reproductive age. Previous evidence has shown that women of reproductive age suffer significant morbidities in endemic areas. This study sought to determine the prevalence, intensity, and factors associate...
ABSTRACT The consumption of fruits and vegetables plays a significant role in human nutrition. Students are more inclined towards taking empty calorie foods with little consideration for healthy foods, especially fruits and vegetables. This has the tendency of pre-disposing them to obesity, dental caries, and other non-communicable diseases in later years. There is a dearth of information on consumption of fruits and vegetables as part of healthy eating among secondary school students. This s...
ABSTRACT Human exposure to arsenic toxicity poses a health problem. Allium cepa (AC) and Allium sativum (AS) have the potential to ameliorate the effects of arsenic toxicity and are widely used as condiments in Nigeria. A proper understanding of these possible ameliorating effects of AC and AS in reducing arsenic toxicity is important. This study was designed to assess the effects of AC and AS on arsenic-induced toxicity in rats. Seven weeks old male Wistar strain albino rats (Rattus novergic...
ABSTRACT Menopause is a phase in women’s reproductive life often characterized with many health challenges. Previous studies have revealed that there are gaps in knowledge, wrong perceptions and level of preparedness relating to menopause among pre-menopausal women. This study explored level of preparedness for menopause among pre-menopausal women in Leyaju, Elere and Oloko (LEO) community, Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State. Study sample was calculated using Kish and Leslie formular an...
ABSTRACT Patients’ satisfaction with clinical laboratory services is essential as laboratory service plays a key role in patient management. Under-utilisation which could be due to dissatisfaction of clinical laboratory services can contribute to a worsened state of morbidity or mortality among patients. Information on satisfaction with clinical laboratory services is essential for policy and development of interventions to improve patient’s satisfaction. This study was therefore conducte...
ABSTRACT Heavy metal contamination from activities in automobile workshops is of public health concern. These heavy metals have capacity to remain in the environment over time. Several studies have been conducted on industrial water pollution but limited investigations have been carried out on water and soil quality around automobile workshops. This study therefore, was designed to assess the quality of soil and groundwater in automobile workshops in Akinyele Local Government Area (ALGA). A S...
ABSTRACT Non-Consensual Sex (NCS) encompasses a range of behaviours including unwanted sexually motivated touch, attempted rape, rape and non-contact forms of sexual abuse such as forced viewing of pornography. It is a major cause of reproductive health problems such as unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and sexually transmitted infections. In Nigeria, previous studies on NCS largely focused on adolescents in secondary schools. More studies on the experiences among students in tertiary insti...