ABSTRACT The prevalence of childhood anaemia remains high in the Kintampo district despite various intervention programs adopted in the past to reduce it. A cross-sectional study investigating knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices was carried out among seventy randomly selected mothers to find out why childhood anaemia is still a major problem in the district. Data were also collected from six traditional healers who specialize in treating childhood diseases including anaemia. Analysis ...
ABSTRACT For over a decade now, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and more especially condom use, has increasingly been on national agendas. In many countries especially in Sub Saharan Africa, this concern has been driven by the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS among young people. Other driving forces of comparable magnitude have been the following; - 800 women died every day in 2013 due to pregnancy related causes. A chunk of it occurred in Sub – Saharan Africa (SSA). - One i...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Globally, men play critical role in women‘s ability to seek health care, including maternal health care. Male partner involvement is a key factor that cannot be ignored in the quest for improvement in maternal health. Male participation has been shown to yield substantial influence in decisions and health outcomes in several other areas of maternal health care, including antenatal, labour and delivery and postnatal care. However, male involvement has been found to be a...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease, often endemic in areas with poor sanitation, is known to cause physical and mental defects in children and adults alike. Consequently, a number of strategies with much emphasis on drug administration for morbidity control have been put in place to combat schistosomiasis in Ghana and the world at large. Unfortunately, children under six years have been excluded from chemotherapy for several years and it is in recent times t...
ABSTRACT Background: The Alma-Ata declaration of 1978 promoted broader use of Community Health Workers (CHWs) to provide certain interventions and promote health behaviours at the community level. The Government of Ghana in 2016 launched the new Community Health Worker Program (CHWP). This was followed by recruitment, training and deployment of 20000 CHW to Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) zones. Since the programme inception, the performance of CHWs and the possibility of...
INTRODUCTION For a developing country like Ghana, which has chosen the PHC strategy to achieve health for all by 2000 AD, the management of the district health system is understandably of vital importance. The government's support of its health policy is shown in its decentralization moves on the past few years. In 1995, not only personnel, but now, the financial administration has been brought to the district level. Health managers and teams therefore now bear the responsibility of managing ...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Globally, every two minutes at least one woman dies from gynaecological cancer and out of these deaths about 80% are from developing countries.one major problem in developing countries especially sub-Saharan African is inadequate knowledge about gynaecological cancer. This study seeks to find out the knowledge women have about gynaecological cancer and the inaccurate data on gynaecological cancer by assessing knowledge and beliefs women visiting the Battor Catholic Ho...
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken in the Wa District of the Upper West region of Ghana during the period of 5th April to 15th May 1997 in six (6) sub-districts. The study was to answer the following question: “ What level of knowledge do mothers in the Wa District have about diarrhoea, it’s causes, effects, appropriate home treatment and prevention, and what they practice during episodes of diarrhoea among young children” There have been concerns expressed at the district and regional ...
ABSTRACT Acceptance of routine HIV councelling and testing (HCT) can go along way in providing the much needed support including treatment to alleviate suffering from HIV/AIDS. However, there is low uptake of routine HCT. The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing acceptance of routine HCT. Specific objectives included to: determining the level of acceptance of routine HTC among pregnant women in Kibera informal settlement; determine socio-demographic characteristics influ...
ABSTRACT Global neonatal mortality stands at 22 per 1000 live births and about 41% of deaths in children under 5 years old occur in the neonatal period. In Kenya, neonatal mortality was 22 deaths per 1000 live births between the years 2004 and 2008 and 60 % of infant deaths in Kenya occur during the first month of life. Neonatal sepsis is the leading cause (15%) of all neonatal deaths worldwide. Umbilical infections are an important cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in developing coun...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Adolescent pregnancy has multiple adverse effect on the adolescent, family and community. This has led to a growing interest on contraceptive use by sexually active adolescents. Objective: The objective of this study was to assesss knowledge on modern contraceptives, prevalence and factors that influence modern contraceptive use among in-school adolescents. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted using self- administered questionnaires. Three hundred and ninet...
ABSTRACT Objective The main objective of the study was to determine which component of the National Drug Policy was working and which was not. Thus this study aimed to compare the current practices in the implementation of the Drug Policy with findings obtained in 1996 and 1998 and to determine strengths and weaknesses of some of those strategies adopted in the implementation process. The study took place in the Dangme West District. Subdistrict health staff working in the ten Health Centre...
ABSTRACT Background: Menstruation is the recurring peeling of the inner part of the uterus or the shedding of the uterine lining on a regular basis in the reproductive-aged females during the monthly menstrual cycles. Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is an everyday challenge to the adolescent girl child globally, and in developing countries like Ghana. There is great need for the achievement of good hygiene practices among Basic School girls because attitude towards menstrual hygiene acqui...
ABSTRACT Background: The healthcare industry serves as one of the main sectors for national development in every country as it is central to the happiness and the wellbeing of the population (WHO, 2008) . Job satisfaction as explained by (Spector, 2008) as the level to which employees like the work they do, is of more importance in the health sector as it affects the delivery of services among nurses positively or negatively (Ahmad et al., 2017) . This study examined the role of nurse manage...
ABSTRACT Background: Obesity is a growing public health issue even in low and middle income countries which are usually associated with issues of undernutrition. The growing prevalence is leading to what is known as the “double burden” of malnutrition (Manyanga, El-Sayed, Doku, & Randall, 2014). Adolescents are a group that are particularly vulnerable with respect to obesity because they are likely to carry obesity into their later years (Manyanga et al., 2014; Teshome, Singh, & Debebe, ...