ABSTRACT Milk spoilage is a problem in different parts of Tanzania especially in areas with limited cooling storage facilities, poor hygiene and lack of preservatives. On the other hand, spices and herbs which are primarily used to impart flavour and aroma in food, contain essential oils with antimicrobial activity against wide range of food spoilage bacteria. The main objective of this study was to assess the antimicrobial activity of essential oils from the most commonly used spices and her...
ABSTRACT Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are also referred to as mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (MOTT). These bacteria are ubiquitous in the environment and their distribution varies depending on environmental microbial distribution, climate and weather condition. Transmission occurs by aerosols for example during bathing and steaming. Over time the numbers of species and burden have been increasing. This includes saprophytes and emergence of species that cause diseases to human and ...
ABSTRACT A cross-sectional study was carried out in Mang’ola area in Lake Eyasi basin from October 2012 to February 2013 to assess pesticide exposure pathways to vegetable growers and consumers. A total sample size of 263 respondents was selected for the study. Baseline data for exposure pathway scenario, eating habits and quantities of vegetables consumed were collected using structured questionnaires, In-depth interview, Focus group discussion and observations. Health risk characterizatio...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess microbial contamination in beef production chain from abattoir to retail meat outlets in Morogoro municipality. A total of 102 water, meat and surface swab samples from evisceration tables, walls, floors, meat van floors and knives in abattoir were collected and analyzed for Total Viable Counts (TVC), Total Coliform Counts (TCC) and Total Faecal Coliform Counts (TFC). Meat and surface swabs from weighing balances, knives, meat chopping tables, wood...
ABSTRACT Milk is an important source of nutrients to human and animals, but due to its high water activity and nutritional value it serves as an excellent medium for growth of many kind of microorganisms under suitable conditions. The present cross sectional study was conducted to assess microbial quality of raw cow milk and to determine antimicrobial susceptibility of the selected common milk-borne bacteria in Kilosa and Mvomero districts, Morogoro region. A total of 56 respondents were inte...
ABSTRACT Cholera, one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, remains rampant and frequent in Tanzaniaand thus thwartexisting control measures. The current study wasundertaken to evaluate the occurrence of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in low quality water, fish and vegetables during the non-outbreak period in Morogoro, Tanzania. From October 2014 to February 2015, 60 wastewater samples, 60 fish samples from sewage stabilization ponds and 60 vegetable samples were collected. Samples were ...
Abstract There has been an increase in the contracting our of mining activities in undertaking specialised tasks in underground and above ground operations which are of high risk. Subcontracting provides gains in specialisation to the operator and also in terms of economic efficiency. However, contracting has been used as a means of shifting liability for pension and safety and health obligations of union mine operators to other entities. Stakeholders, however, are concerned with the occupati...
BSTRACT Anaemia in pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, poor birth outcomes worldwide. Despite national and international efforts to redress this problem, maternal mortality and morbidity rates are far beyond the target of the fifth Millennium Development Goal particularly in developing countries. The current study aimed to assess the prevalence; knowledge and attitude of pregnant women towards control measures of anaemia in Mbulu District, Tanzania. This cross-...
Abstract Background: Travel time and healthcare financing are critical determinants of the provision of quality maternal health care in low resource settings. Despite the availability of pregnancy-related mHealth and smart travel applications, there is a lack of evidence on their usage to travel to health facilities for routine antenatal care and emergencies. There is a shortage of information about the feasibility of using a custom-made mobile technology that integrates smart travel and mHea...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess farmers’ awareness as well as to detect and quantify the levels of Aflatoxin B1 in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) farms in Mbarali and Mvomero districts. A total of 36 farmers and extension workers were involved in a questionnaire survey. Ninety two samples, tilapia (n=62), fish feeds (n=10), organic manure (n=10) and pond water (n=10) were collected in February 2013 and assessed for Aflatoxin B1 by a competitive ELISA technique. About 44....
ABSTRACT Febrile zoonotic diseases from animals such as brucellosis are common and share many clinical manifestations with other fever causing diseases like malaria. The febrile zoonotic diseases are rarely routinely diagnosed or misdiagnosed in patients presenting with feverish conditions in many of the health facilities. Brucellosis in Morogoro region may be exacerbated by a number of factors including the presence of human-livestock-wildlife interface in the Mikumi Selous Ecosystem. The in...
ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was conducted to determine prevalence of bovine brucellosis in smallholder dairy farms in Morogoro Municipality. Milk and blood samples collected from 450 dairy cows in thirteen wards of Morogoro Municipality were examined for Brucella antibodies‟ using the Milk Ring Test as an initial screening test followed by Competitive Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay was used as a confirmatory test. Questionnaires were also administered to 135 respondents to assess po...
ABSTRACT Dogs are the earliest animals to be domesticated by humans. In many areas of Tanzania, dogs are poorly managed and rarely protected from diseases which turn them to be reservoirs of diseases that can be shared to human and livestock. A cross sectional study was conducted between October 2017 and January 2018 to assess the community knowledge, attitudes, practices and to study the epidemiology of parasitic infestations in dogs of Mvomero district and Morogoro Municipality. The structu...
ABSTRACT Women’s major responsibilities in agricultural and family welfare increase their roles in transmission of diseases hence making them vulnerable to many diseases including zoonoses. Knowing appropriate local control measures to control brucellosis would help improve disease situation at family level and communities in general. This cross sectional study, conducted from November 2013 to September 2014 at Kilosa District, aimed at assessing women’s knowledge, attitudes and practices...
ABSTRACT Herbal medicines are plant-derived materials used as therapeutic substances or dietary supplements. A cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate prevalence of bacteria and antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in herbal medicinal products (HMP) vended in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Fifty samples of HMPs were purchased from vendors in six locations in Morogoro Municipality. The samples were analysed by using laboratory standard procedures...