ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Emergencies/Disasters be they natural or manmade can occur without warning and therefore there is the need for effective emergency/disaster preparedness and management plan in any organization. It is therefore important to have knowledgeable personnel in the management of emergencies/disasters through emergency drills training and simulation. OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated emergency and disaster preparedness in Ghana Cocoa Board Head Office through availability and emplo...
ABSTRACT Background Malaria remains a major public health problem in the world. In Ghana, the entire population of24.2 million is at risk of malaria infection. Malaria is end emic and perennial in all parts of the country, with seasonal variations that are more pronounced in the north. From 2010 to 2015, Ghana has reduced by 45% malaria deaths. Progress in reduction of malaria prevalence has been recorded in the routine surveillance system through Health Management Information System but unfo...
ABSTRACT Background Beneficial effects of Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy (IPTP-SP) on the mother and birth outcomes are known. The few studies on the effects of IPTp-SP beyond in utero have been contradictory and tended to focus on late infancy and beyond. Mechanisms and targets explaining effects of IPTp-SP beyond in utero remain largely unknown. This study determined if IPTp-SP use was associated with risk of malaria and all cause mortality in early infancy and if maternall...
ABSTRACT Postpartum family planning has the potential of contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3, which aims at ensuring quality maternal health, promoting wellbeing for all as well as the consequence of each pregnancy. Using women‟s postpartum family planning framework, the study sought to examine the postpartum family planning uptake. The study used secondary data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), (GSS, 2014). Bivariate and multivariate regres...
ABSTRACT This thesis seeks to appraise the views of professional health workers on unsafe abortion in the Accra Metropolis, Ghana. The main data for the study were obtained from 30 professional health workers with at least two years working experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, in three health facilities in the Accra Metropolis (La General Hospital, Ridge Hospital and Marie Stopes International). In-depth interviews were used to obtain data. Stigmatisation from friends, family, community...
ABSTRACT Sexual and reproductive health rights are the bedrock of sexual and reproductive health. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), fertility control, sexual violence and abuses are reflections of the level of control individuals have over their reproductive autonomy. This study sought to assess the level of adolescents’ knowledge and perception of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), and was situated in the theory of sexual interaction. The study adopted a cross sectional ...
ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are the two leading causes of death from infectious diseases globally. The World Health Organization has recommended integration of TB-HIV services in the management of the syndemic. However, scaling up of integrated TB-HIV services remain sub-optimal in Ghana, despite a nationally accepted collaborative policy. This study, therefore explored issues surrounding TBHIV services integration towards effective management of the synd...
ABSTRACT Auto-artisanship plays a critical role in the economy of Ghana. It forms a large size of the informal economy in Ghana. The occupational health and safety of auto-artisans is therefore of exceptional concern because of their potential exposure to toxic chemicals, the tools and methods they apply, and the unregulated settings in which they operate. Even though some research work has been done to examine the safety of auto-artisans at the Suame magazine enclave, such studies focused on...
ABSTRACT This study is a cross-sectional survey conducted in the Cape Coast Metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana in 2013 among 308 adults who were 65 years and above. The main objective was to investigate the domestic health hazards of the elderly with structured interview schedule. The descriptive analysis revealed that 64% of the sample had medium level of awareness on Domestic Health hazard (DHH) and fire source was the leading DHH (63.0%). It was also revealed that the elderly suffer...
ABSTRACT Studies have established that suicidal ideation is associated with risk of suicide attempt or suicide. Thus understanding more about Suicidal ideation may have implications for prevention. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey which utilized secondary data from the most recent Global School Health Survey (GSHS) conducted in 2012. Both Bivariate and Multivariate analyses were done to examine the associations between demographic and psychosocial factors and suicidal ideati...
ABSTRACT Refugees living in the Buduburam camp of Ghana suffer from numerous social, economic and psychological problems owing to their status as refugees. These problems require the durable solutions, but the implementation of the durable solutions cannot be achieved without the acceptance of the solutions by the refugees. This research sought to assess the perceptions of refugees about the durable solutions. By adapting ‘When Displacement Ends’ framework for the durable solutions, the ...
ABSTRACT This study explored how dressmakers and hairdressers in the Assin South District of Ghana receive education on sexual and reproductive health. It sought to identify the various educative programmes that are specifically designed for dressmakers and hairdressers and the contribution of stakeholders in providing such education. An individual interview schedule was used to gather data from 119 dressmakers and hairdressers who were randomly sampled for the study. Four focus group discus...
ABSTRACT Agricultural work is one of the riskiest occupations for the eye due to high level of exposure to hazards. However, most often the needs of such workers especially in developing countries such as Ghana are not met as a result of inadequate infrastructure and health professionals. A community-based cross-sectional survey was carried out to evaluate the ocular health status, working conditions and perception of safety among 185 cocoa farmers at Mfuom. A structured questionnaire was use...
ABSTRACT In 2003, Ghana Health Service (GHS) introduced an appraisal system with the aim of improving performance of its employees and also link both individual and organizational performances to achieving critical health targets. Using performance indicators, this thesis assessed the perception of selected health workers on performance appraisal in GHS and its implications for organizational commitment and achievement of the three health related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Data were...
ABSTRACT Background Malaria in pregnancy is a public health problem especially in sub-Saharan Africa. “Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy using Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine” (IPTp-SP) is one of the proven interventions for preventing malaria in pregnancy. The WHO policy on IPTp-SP recommends a universal coverage of four or more doses per pregnancy. However, in 2014, only 17% of eligible pregnant women received three or more doses of IPTp-SP in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. Mal...