Abstract Some intrusive rocks of doleritic to dioritic compositions horn the Ejekwe-Wanikande and Okigwe-Ishiagu districts in the Lower Benue Trough have been studied using thin section microscopy and X-ray (powder) difiaction method. The rocks have intmded pre-Santonian sedimentary rocks which are predominantly calcareous shales. The exposures of these intrusive rocks generally have widths ranging from about 40m to 228 m. s The intrusive rocks are generally melanocratic to mesocratic (dark.t...
table of contents fireword Acknuwledgemettts iii Executive Surtzmary 1. In t reduction 1.1 Main objectives and stnlcture of the paper 7 1.2 Some historical perspectives 7 The Present as a key to the future: a look at the last 20 years of the upstream oil and gas industry 2.1 Strategic and organisational changes 8 2.2 World demand for crude oil arid gas 10 2.3 Spot oil prices 10 2.4 World crude oil and gas resources 12 2.5 lmprovements in discovery and recovery rates 14 2.6 Lessons from the Gu...
ABSTRACT This project addresses the effects of increase in fines contents on the geotechnical properties of sandy soils and the roles the fines play in slope instability in Nsukka, Enugu state in Nigeria. Field investigation revealed that the major landslides and gully erosion sites in south eastern Nigeria are localized within areas where these sandy soils are present. Geotechnical investigation of these sandy soils was carried out to assess their importance in the numerous geohazards in the...
Geogenic groundwater pollution in volcanic rock aquifer systems on the eastern, western and northern flanks of mount Meru, Tanzania – special reference to fluoride
Abstract The United Nation predicted that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries with absolute water scarcity and two-thirds of the world population could be under stress condition. In semi-arid regions, most communities depend on groundwater as the source of drinking water and thus with changes in global climatic conditions and increase in population, groundwater resources are facing challenges of both over-exploitation and contamination. Therefore, there is an urgent ne...
ABSTRACT Exploration activities have intensified in the Tano basin following the discovery of oil and gas in commercial quantities at the Jubilee fields. The analogue Accra-Keta Basin is still under explored but found to be highly prospective. In this context, this research utilized a twenty (20) two dimensional (2D) seismic line and well data comprising of gamma ray log, density log, sonic log, spontaneous potential and resistivity logs. These data sets were used to evaluate the hydrocarbon ...
ABSTRACT The Quaternary aquifer in the Keta basin is a source of fresh water to the over 130,000 inhabitants living along the Keta Strip. Groundwater quality is deteriorating due to pollution from mainly agriculture, sewage, septic tanks and solid waste disposal in the area. This research was undertaken to assess the intrinsic vulnerability to pollution of the aquifer. The DRASTIC methodology was applied to delineate zones vulnerable to pollution. Data was gathered on the seven DRASTIC parame...
ABSTRACT: The study was undertaken to develop a Densu basin integrated hydrological model capable of describing the major hydrological processes occurring in the land phase of the hydrological cycle and computation of water balance in the Densu river basin. Inadequate information on the hydrological processes as well as the regional water balance in the basin has adversely affected the sustainable development, assessment and efficient management of the basin’s water resources. A physi...
ABSTRACT Contamination of petroleum products in groundwater in Baruwa community, Lagos has been widely reported, as a result of ageing pipelines and vandalisation. Information on the types, nature of hydrocarbon and other contaminants that could assist in assessing the level of contamination is lacking. This study was therefore designed to assess the hydrogeochemical settings (delineate aquiferous units, quantify contaminated unit and define types of hydrocarbon present) in the groundwater r...
ABSTRACT This project report is the result of the work done at Ipole area, Sikonge District from July to September 2008. The main objectives of this project was to identify the rock types present at Ipole area using rock magnetic properties and to determine the presence of Diamondiferous Kimberlite in Ipole lithologies.The following methods were used to accomplish the task; Heavy Mineral Sampling in Streams sediments, Loam and Auger sampling, Airborne magnetic survey, Geographic Information S...