Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

The E-government Artifact In The Context Of A Developing Country: Towards A Nomadic Framework

This thesis is concerned with exploring alternative conceptualizations of the e-government artifact relevant to developing countries in Africa. The premise is that e-government, as an artifact of human conception, remains relatively poorly developed at the levels of theory, methodologies and practice. The investigation is focused on two problematic areas of e-government: its conceptualization and its operationalization as an artifact. There is evidence to suggest that conceptualization of...

Fingerprint Image Quality Analysis And Enhancement Using Fuzzy Logic Technique

The quality of fingerprint image greatly affects the performance of minutiae extraction and the process of matching in fingerprint identification system. In order to improve the performance of the fingerprint identification system, a fuzzy techniques used for bothfingerprint image quality analysis and enhancement. First, the quality analysis performed by extracting four features from a fingerprint image which are the local clarity score (LCS), global clarity score (GCS), ridge_valley thi...

An Investigation On The Techno-human Influence On Examination Information Security Management A Case Of Three Kenyan Universities

The use of and reliance on information systems for business has been on the rise especially in recent years. This has had a serious impact on the security of business information. Previous studies have identified two areas that must be considered when creating a secure information system: technology and human compliance to policies. Many researchers have stated that technology vulnerabilities are a key source of weakness and data loss in many information systems in organizations. Additio...

Crime Reporting And Intelligence System: Case Of Buruburu Police Division-nairobi

Security problems have become a major concern in most urban settlements across the globe. The use of technology can be incorporated into the security systems to enhance operational measures that have been deployed. The aim of this study was to examine the challenges stakeholders face in crime reporting and develop a mobile-based system that would support intelligence collection and real-time reporting. The study employed design science to develop the proposed system. Primary data was col...

Acquisition Of Cloud Data Remnants In Android Smart Phones

Smart phones are powerful minicomputers characterized by high performance, large memory capacity and enhanced applications that enable various ways of communication. They are widely used for other purposes besides making phone calls, for instance browsing the internet, reading and responding to emails, road navigation, editing documents, video conferencing, playing music, taking videos and photo, to mention but a few. The problem at hand is that forensic investigators often encounter diff...

An Investigation Of The Factors That Influence The Adoption Of Secure Cryptographic Qr In Counterfeit Goods Authentication: A Case Of Nairobi

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing adoption of secure cryptographic QR application by focusing on alcohol vendors who engage in the business of selling alcoholic beverages in Nairobi and its environs. This research was based on four specific objectives which were: to study the influence of cryptographic embedded QR code characteristics on the adoption of secure QR technology; influence of merchant attitudes; government factors on adoption of secure QR; a...

A Low Cost System For Logon Anomaly Detection Based On Time And Location Of Users

The purpose of this research was to develop a low cost system for identifying logon anomalies based on the time a user provides login credentials and also the physical location of the workstation on the LAN. The specific objectives of the project were (i) to evaluate how logon anomalies based on physical locations have been addressed in the literature (ii) to develop specifications, design and implement a solution to address the problem of determining the physical location of a logon eve...

Multi-tiered Security Architecture For Information Infrastructure Protection In Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya.

Information technology evolution and the spread of internet connectivity have enabled globalization which allows communication and transaction of businesses across different countries. To ensure information infrastructure protection, understanding how the organizational, individual and technical aspects all together affect the outcome in information security is important. Having the necessary skill required to be able know how to react or what action to take in the event of a security in...

Developing An Ipv6 Adoption Measurement Model: A Case Of Selected Internet Service Providers In Kenya

With the growth of the Internet and the increase in number of online devices, IPv4 address space approaches exhaustion. This has led to the deployment of IPv6. However, IPv6 has not been widely adopted, particularly in Kenya. According to Akamai (2016) IPv6 has an adoption rate of 0.02% in Kenya despite recent studies showing that adoption is increasing in some parts of the world. Some of the shortcomings of the current methods of measuring IPv6 adoption are: (a) There is limited informa...

The Adoption Of Data Visualization Techniques In Humanitarian Organizations

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of data visualization techniques on the overall adoption of data visualizations in humanitarian organizations with reference to Danish Refugee Council, UNOCHA, IOM, IFRC, and DDG. The study established the influence of data visualization techniques, user’s requirements as well as the important features of data visualization in humanitarian organizations. The research design adopted by the study was descriptive where through a purpos...

An Approach For Successful Information System Implementation: A Case Of Core Banking Systems In Kenya

The objective of this study was to establish the factors influencing successful implementation of core banking system. The specific objectives for the study were: To find out the processes involved in implementation of a Core Banking Systems (CBS), to identify the factors influencing the successful implementation of CBS and to design a framework that will be used for implementation of CBS. The study adopted descriptive survey and targeted 374 members of various banks as the sample frame....

A Study Of Digital Signature Influence On The Security Of Word Processors

Word processors are one of the most widely used software applications in our time and have greatly contributed to the shift of paperless office. It has brought drastic changes in the way business documents are created, edited and stored. However word processors have over the years proven to be susceptible and have been successfully exploited to launch catastrophic attacks which have been costly to various states (countries), organizations and individuals. The main objective of this resea...

Monitoring Learner Interaction With Multimedia Content Using Natural Language Processing

E-learning has enhanced the way students think and learn over time. Different studies show that students appreciate facilities offered through the e-learning process. It has also proven to be a very useful tool by bringing education closer to the learner, hence, learner-centred. A point to note about e-learning is the ability to offer a wide range of information access, storage and education curriculum. Institutions of higher learning moderate and harmonize this information between instr...

Enhanced Forensic Framework For Rooted Mobile Phones And The Impact On User Data Integrity – A Case Of Android Smartphones

The proliferation of Android smartphones has propagated negative societal issues that resulted in successful arrests of the culprits, forensic examination and prosecution. Other such cases have collapsed due to alteration of forensic evidence as a result of inadequate forensic sound frameworks. The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an enhanced forensic framework for Android smartphones with a key focus on data integrity. The research objectives included exploration of roo...

Secure E-voting System using Symmetric Encryption

Secure Voting System‘ is heart of any democracy. There are number of nationwide voting system adopted all over the world, but each of them has their own shortfalls. The remote Internet voting systems still suffer many problems. These are some reasons that, manual voting is still in practice in many developing and developed nations in this internet era. Thus, complete, strongly secured and user friendly ‗E Voting System‘ is need of time. The aim of this thesis is to design a secure ...

226 - 240 Of 397 Results