Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

Performance and Cost Based Model for Cloud SaaS Service Selection

Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the Internet and the system hardware and software that provide these services. The service itself is referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS). Various cloud providers are now available. These providers offer different cloud services to their enterprise. Balance between Performances and cost of service is a crucial aspect of cloud service. Cloud services from different providers have different cost and performan...

Namibian Ect Bill & Computer Breaches

Abstract This mini-thesis examines the impact and effectiveness of the Namibian ECT Bill, which is still to be passed in the Namibian parliament. The Namibia ECT Bill in its current format, will it be effective in an attempt to combat cybercrimes and computer breaches? Internet has taken over and plays a role in everybody‟s daily lives. People are connected to the internet from everywhere. They connect to cyberspace where there is access to the internet i.e. at their home, at their office, ...

Designing a Health Information System Adoption Roadmap for Quality Healthcare in Namibia

ABSTRACT The Ministry of Health and Social Service (MoHSS), as part of the government of The Republic of Namibia and with the help of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs), has implemented Health Information Systems (HIS) within its different directorates to maximise the quality of care. Healthcare Information Systems offer benefits such as improving service delivery, providing real-time information, reducing organisation and personnel costs, and improving the quality of patient care. However,...

Development of a Crime Mapping, Analysis and Prediction Tool for Windhoek

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the conceptual, technical and human aspects of how the Namibian Police Force can adopt the use of crime maps in its operations and reap the benefits thereof. Another aim was to find out how GIS information can be integrated with crime data to help in the analysis of crime and in understanding crime patterns. Interviews were conducted with various units of the Namibian Police Force. The findings of the interviews were combined with knowledg...

Application Of Social Media Analytics To Business Intelligence In Namibia

Abstract Keywords: social media, analytics, framework, Namibia Social media use within the business and branding spheres has exploded globally over the past few years. While Namibian SMEs are actively involved in social media marketing, there is a lack of deeper knowledge of audience analysis, campaign analytics and proper strategic planning for full benefit extraction. This is compounded by the relative lack of locally produced and published research within the field of social media that exp...

IT Governance as Requirements and Status of Implementation in Namibia

Abstract  This study investigates barriers to a successful IT governance implementation. The paper is not purely theoretical but a practical means of looking at ways to increase IT governance efficiency as a guideline to serve as a best practice of IT for better competition in the market.

Structural Complexity Framework And Metrics For Analyzing The Maintainability Of Sassy Cascading Style Sheets

ABSTRACT One of the most popular languages in the web domain is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). The language has evolved over time with the latest development being the introduction of CSS preprocessors which has made it possible to write CSS codes in a faster and efficient way. Therefore, the migration from CSS to CSS preprocessors by the frontend developers has been tremendous. There are several CSS preprocessors available in the industry with the Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) beco...

Research and Development of a mobile voice over IP application which is hosted by open source software running on inexpensive backend servers

ABSTRACT Voice over IP has been driven by the convergence of voice and data on a single transport medium. This means cheaper service usage fees for the user if the offering is costed properly. But for a service provider there is still an increase in expenditure, solely related to spending on infrastructure such as call servers, phones and gateways. This study is aimed at analysing a different strategy of deploying VoIP, by starting at a lower base, meaning hosting the VoIP application on ine...

An Investigation of the Latent Semantic Analysis Technique for Document Retrieval

Abstract Latent semantic analysis (LSA) application in information retrieval promises to offer better performance by overcoming some limitations that plagues traditional termmatching techniques. These term-matching techniques have always relied on matching query terms with document terms to retrieve the documents having terms matching the query terms. However, by use of these traditional retrieval techniques, users’ needs have not been adequately served. While users want to search through i...

Connecting People Using Latent Semantic Analysis For Knowledge Sharing

Abstract A shift from technology-oriented knowledge management to people-oriented knowledge management is indispensable. To achieve this, organizations must understand the nature of knowledge. In this work, knowledge has been found to be both a process and a collection of artifacts. This makes knowledge and the knower to be two inseparable entities. Consequently, the appropriate way to share both the explicit and the implicit knowledge components is through people-with-people connection. Howe...

Alocal Directional Ternary Pattern Texture Descriptor For Mammographic Breast Cancer Classification

ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a top killer illness for women globally, but early and effective screening can increase their survival rate. Mammography is the tool used by a radiologist to screen for breast cancer, however, a radiologist is susceptible to human observer variability, and therefore, reading and interpretation of mammography test results depend on the expertise of the radiologist administering the test. To improve the reading and interpretation accuracy of the test, researchers’ de...

A Size Metric-Based Effort Estimation Method For Service Oriented Architecture Systems

ABSTRACT Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is one of the recent software development paradigms that enable alignment of business processes into integrated services within and outside organizations regardless of the heterogeneity of technologies used. Determining the scope, effort and cost of SOA systems is important to facilitate the planning and eventually successful implementation of software projects. A number of methods have been proposed to estimate effort of building SOA projects. Des...

A Model Of The Relationships Between Availability Mechanisms And Outage Sources In Cloud Computing

ABSTRACT The use of cloud computing has been growing exponentially since its inception. Availability of the cloud, however, has been a problem for users and Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) alike; outages have been on the rise. This problem could be attributed to the fact that engineers building Availability Mechanisms (AMs) and those studying outage causes do not work collectively. The general objective of the study was to develop and evaluate an availability mechanism model for service outage...

The Steinitz Exchange Theorem And Its Applications

Abstract It seems that during the last decades, no research was done which is related to the Steinitz exchange theorem. However, the generalised Steinitz exchange theorem has been investigated in books and articles . The generalized Steinitz exchange theorem is not a theorem of linear algebra but for reaching generalization of the Steinitz exchange theorem which has applications for example in field theory, in the theory of abelian groups and in module theory. The objective of this study was...

Development of a Computer-Assisted School Information System for Namibian Schools

Abstract Information Technology (IT) is taking on greater significance and importance for bringing a lot of benefits to educational institutions such as schools. The benefits IT brings include enhancing productivity, improving efficiency, providing better service and knowledge sharing, increasing competitiveness, reducing costs, just to name a few. This has also led to a rapid development of school information systems. The aim of this research work was to analyse schools administration proce...

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