Information Technology Research Papers/Topics

An Electronic Pharmaceutical Distribution System A Case Study Of Cornerstone Pharmaceuticals Limited Mbale District.

This project is aimed at developing an Electronic Pharmaceutical Distribution System for Cornerstone pharmaceuticals that will cover and enable pharmaceutical agents get access to pharmaceutical distribution channels and be able to manage and make delivery arrangements, as well as view current distribution status, check for available drugs, store information on drugs and customers, manage distribution of the drugs and enable online sales. iPharm, which is the developed online pharmaceutical s...

Digital Video Library Information System Case Study: Movie Land Entertainment Limited, Uganda

The advances in the data capturing, storage, and connnunication technologies have made vast amounts of video data available to consumer and enterprise applications. However, interacting with multimedia data, and video in particular, requires more than connecting with data banks and delivering data via networks to customers' homes or offices. Still there are limited tools and applications to describe, organize, and manage video data. The fundamental approach is to index video data and make it ...

Mobile-Based Farmer Market Information Application Case Study: Naads

Under normal circumstance, farmers should benefit most from their produce but often middleman do. This is because the middleman often misrepresentation the true cost of the produce to the farmers and in this confusion farmer’s end up being cheated because of this information gap (middlemen often under price the produce and take a bigger share of farmers incomes). In this research, we have designed, implemented and tested a mobile and web-based system that will aid farmers by timely checking...

Policing Domestic Violence Through A Web Based Information System

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION. APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 The Main Objective 1.3.1 Specific objectives 2 1.4 Significance of the study 2 1.5 Scope of the study 2 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Information system 3 2.3 Computerized System 3 2.4 Web based information System 3 2.5 Online Database Systems 4 2. 6 Effects of Database and DBMS 4 V 2.7 Review of me...

A centralized Online Air Ticket Reservation System Case Study: Uganda Airline

ABSTRACT Uganda Airline is a leading travel company offering leisure and business travelers the widest selection of low fares as well as deals on lodging and vacation packages. The system was created to address the need for an unbiased, comprehensive capture and display of fares and rates in a single location for passengers. Uganda Airline search results are presented in an easy-to-use Matrix that displays a vast array of travel options for you. Uganda Airline is the first and only travel ...

Interactive Website Design For Online Radio Listerners Using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Php & Mysql A Case Study: Praise Power Radio Station (Tanzania)

ABSTRACT This website will help the availability of data and information to be stored in database, this is an important aspect and resource for all the details concerning certain entity or subject when required. Therefore it’s important that this resource is stored and easily retrieved for consumption whenever required in correctness, consistency and reliability. This project is directed toward designing and implementation of website in connection with database software that is capable of h...

Design And Implementation Of A database Application Case Study: Kumi Hospital

Abstract Each and every New Year comes with the advancement in technology with respect to data and infon~nation handling methods. The project focuses on creating a database management system that will keep track of all the records in Kumi Hospital thus providing an environment that is both convenient and efficient in retrieving and storing information, making data accurate ,consistent ,shared among different files and up to date ,providing security to the system , an effective data storage a...

Design And Implemenation Of An Online Phonebook System Case Study: Mtn-Uganda

ABSTRACT In the wake of mobile telephony, online systems that support data backup of personal information (i.e. Telephone numbers, names, and SMS messages) stored on the SIM card and in the memory of the mobile phone onto a remote data server need to be considered. This serves as insurance for losing this information by accident. This project is aimed at designing online phonebook system that can be accessed anytime and anywhere irrespective of geographic as well as space limitations. It cons...

A Dynamic Database And Virtual Interface For Online Reservation System Case Study: Sahara Resort & Conference Center

ABSTRACT Online Reservation System is a complete web-based solution. It is developed for seamless online reservation, communication and payment solution for rooms and hall booking. Online Reservations Systems contain details of the rooms, halls, services offers by the resort and fare tariffs on the web based system, customers’ reservations and reservation details records. The inventory contains all the executive, presidential suites and restaurants. The data is imported to the database thro...

A Secure Record Keeping Management System For A Secondary School Case Study: Nyakasura Schoo

Abstract Education has played a leading role in the growth and development of many countries in the world today. In African secondary schools have been set up by the governments and a few private investors, these provide post primary education to many students from various regions in their respective countries. The Ugandan government has put emphasis in child education some of these schools are privately owned and others are government founded. Nyakasura Sbhool is a government owned school lo...

Students Records Management Information System Case Study: Uganda Martyrs High School~Lubaga

ABSTRACT  The project titled “Students’ Records Management Information System” was undertaken to help the management of Uganda Martyrs High School, Lubaga to manage information capturing of students’ records needed for registration, storage. processing and ensuring data security, consistency and integrity. These records include academic results, fees payments and registration information. The system development model the researcher used was waterfall model. One of the objectives was ...

A Database Driven Online Business Directory Case Study: Surf Technologies Ltd Kampala Road, Opposite Bplus, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This Project described the entire process for designing An Online Business Directory. The main purpose for the project was to analyze and investigate an Online advertising system as a way of acquiring the system of advertising online so that companies/businesses to advertise in order to cover wider market, was designed and implemented. This project was about designing and implementing An Online Business Directory for Surf Uganda. The Project had three objectives: It aimed at defining...

Computer Based Records Management System Case Study Of Geses Uganda Limited, Kabale

ABSTRACT The past decade has seen a huge increase in the implementation and use of Electronic document and records management systems (EDRMS) in many public spheres. From the available literature, it seems that Government organisations and companies have been lagging behind in this regard. This Project rep011 investigates GESES Records Management System. This is being used by GESES Uganda Limited where traditional systems were found to be completely manual and subject to numerous problems li...

An Interactive, High Speed Sales And Advertising Application For A Sales Terminal A Case Study Of Man About Town A Gents Boutique

ABSTRACT This project research is mainly based on developing a high speed sales and advertising application. It track sales, enters customization data, calculate amount payable, and produce reports on the different transaction stages. Data is entered into the database using the input forms of customer’s registration. The context diagram as shown in the later chapters will show how data flows in the database and the attributes connected to the entities. Data management should be given first...

A Bakery Management Information System (Bmis) Case Study :( Hot Loaf Bakery Mbarara Branch

ABSTRACT Information Communication Technology (ICI) has played a major role in the day to day running of companies, organizations and institutions and general life. Through the use of information technology these companies are able to perform daily activities efficiently and accurately. The bakery sector too has benefited from this advancement in information Technology. The BMIS project outlines the formulation of a computerized management information System of any bakery particularly hot loa...

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