TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...........................................................................................................................2 DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................3 DEDICATION..........................................................................................................................................4 ABSTRACT..................................
ABSTRACT Kampala International University (KIU) has recently joined the league of institutions offering online education to learner. In an organizational setting, whenever a new technology is deployed, it is necessary to evaluate its success so as to understand if it’s been embraced by the users. It is therefore, necessary to evaluate the perception of c-learners from the “quality” point of view as they continue to use the platform for their learning. The aim of this study is to evaluat...
ABSTRACT Academic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are meant to integrate the separate activities, processes, and functions within a higher institution to help streamline the process and to provide real-time, on-demand information needs. The volume of data produced by academic institutions grows every day. Due to the increasing numbers of staff, students, departments, and programs, this continuous growth requires continuous scaling and improvement of the academic ERP system. Therefo...
Abstract Hostel allocation management system is software developed to manage the various activities in hostel. The particular project deals with the problems on managing the hostel and avoids the problem that occurs when carried out manually (using pens and papers). Identification of the clrmvbacks of the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be compatible to the existing system with the system that is more users friendly and more GUI oriented. This project w...
Table of contentsDECLARATIONApprovalDedication ivAcknowledgement vList of Tables viiiList of Figures ixList of AppendicesList of abbreviation xiChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction 11.2 Background 11.3 Problem statement 11.4 Main objective 21.5 Specific objectives 21.6 Scope 21.7 Significance 2Chapter 2Literature Review2.0 Introduction2.1 Online services2.2 On line discussion platform 52.3 Discussion forum 52.4 SMS...
ABSTRACT Online event management system is a best way to keep clients engaged with the service as they are on the move. As technology is growing rapidly we are also moving to a technical world where everything we want is to be online. The main aim of this proposal is to develop an online event management system. To analyze the current management system used by Fruitions Event Planners in order to identify the system requirements. To gather requirements for designing an online event management...
ABSTRACT Catholic Parishes manage a range of data and information books. Most important, are registers where records about the sacramental information are kept as a demand by Mother Church. Much of the registration and register management duties are meant to be carried by the Parish Priest, but due to the work overload and the nature of the traditional book-keeping system, the Parish Priest employs, and is most often assisted by, the seminarians and catechists. The inconsistencies of the curr...
ABSTRACTDatabase security refers to protecting the database from user operations that, by their nature would compromise the integrity or security of the database. Some off theseproblems are caused by user carelessness for example; a user update leaving the database in the state violates one of its integrity constraints. Other problems are caused bymalicious user behaviors, for example, a user accessing information he/she is not authorized to obtain; or even modify data with mal...
Abstract This report describes how ticket booking is done in Uganda National Theatre, their problem statements and by reviewing the literature on existing online ticket booking system in order to acquaint with the available body of knowledge in our area of interest. The report gives a detailed study of the types of electronic payment systems used as mode of payment. Today more and more people are relying on information technology to perform their operations more efficiently. Computers are put...
ABSTRACT For the last seven years students results have been processed and released using the traditional way (paper based), This is where exams are marked and when the results are ready, they are pinned in their respective faculties for instance if it is faculty of computer studies that is where results wiN be pinned on the Board. Complaints like missing results are submitted after the release of results and worked upon. Data can easily be lost if there is no database which is storing and up...
ABSTRACT This project was aimed at designing a Video Library Management Information System; a system to aid in the management and operation of the video library. Methods that were used to gather information about the current system include; interviews, document review and questionnaires. From that information, requirements for the new system were obtained. The new system was designed and implemented using Visual Basic and Oracle 10g. The system generates reports that are vital for the video l...
ABSTRACT This study was carried at St Kizito High School Namugongo, the manual system used lead to problems like; data loss, misplacement disclosure of the confidential data to unauthorized retrival, and others. It therefore calls for a security for data by design of a computerized database system and this will ease the work for the staff. A computerized Academic Records Information Management System (ARIMS) was designed to store, update, edit, and follow up students’ details and staf...
ABSTRACT This dissertation has extensively looked into all aspects of VoIP communications technology and information presented in preceding chapters, which build up a solid frame work to discuss the conceptual design model and investigate features that could be incorporated for actual projects, with parameters that are tested on field values, the dissertation follows a five course model, for answering different questions, both technical and business like, around central issues, that have been...
ABSTRACTThis dissertation mainly looked into all aspects of VoIP communications technology and information presented in preceding chapters, which build up a super frame work to discuss the conceptual design model and investigate features that could be incorporated for actual projects, with parameters that are tested on field values, the dissertation follows a five course model, for answering different questions, around central issues, that have been crucial to explanation of the topic; starti...
ABSTRACT An Inventory Control System defines a series of processes and actions involved in capturing raw data, processing data into useable information and disseminating information to use in the needed form. The system is a general purpose set of instruction that facilitates the process of defining, construction, controlling and manipulation of databases for various applications; this Inventory Control System describes the database as a collection of data, typically describing the activities...