ABSTRACT The project titled “Students’ Records Management Information System” was undertaken to help the management of Uganda Martyrs High School, Lubaga to manage information capturing of students’ records needed for registration, storage. processing and ensuring data security, consistency and integrity. These records include academic results, fees payments and registration information. The system development model the researcher used was waterfall model. One of the objectives was ...
ABSTRACT The past decade has seen a huge increase in the implementation and use of Electronic document and records management systems (EDRMS) in many public spheres. From the available literature, it seems that Government organisations and companies have been lagging behind in this regard. This Project rep011 investigates GESES Records Management System. This is being used by GESES Uganda Limited where traditional systems were found to be completely manual and subject to numerous problems li...
ABSTRACT This project research is mainly based on developing a high speed sales and advertising application. It track sales, enters customization data, calculate amount payable, and produce reports on the different transaction stages. Data is entered into the database using the input forms of customer’s registration. The context diagram as shown in the later chapters will show how data flows in the database and the attributes connected to the entities. Data management should be given first...
Data management systems have a great impact on the day to day activities of most organizations. They among others provide data accessibility, integrity, and security of information. Today, the trend of most organizations has shifted from traditional way of storing data to a modern and organized way. Because of this, Kiryandongo hospital could not be left behind and it frilly shares the advantages of database system. This system has enabled Kiryandongo hospital to keep track of patient’...
Abstract The Integrated Human Resource and Payroll Management System is a system that is developed to manage employees’ information and their financial records in companies and other institutions. The purpose is to make sure that the employees are punctual in reporting to work and paid in accordance to their perfonnance. The administrator is the only person who can sign up new employees, delete employees, change passwords and provide new ones and make any changes to the database. The system...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this project is to design an online Reporters’ Record Management System with a view of improving data capture, management, retrieval and Production of timely reports so as to improve the performance of the Amnesty Commission. Currently, the Amnesty Commission’s infomntion management system is manual. Under the system, agents (Senior Resettlement Officers) collect survey forms fiom the headquarters then transport them to their respective regions. Information...
Abstract This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study and the objectives of the study, the scope of the study and the justification of the study. 1.1 Background of the study The Group’s headquarters are located on Mukwano Road in Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. The coordinates of the company headquarters are:OO 18 50N, 325923E (Latitude:O.3 137; Longitude:32.5923) The group has manufacturing facilities and assets in Masindi District, Li...
ABSTRACT This Project describes the role of a database in improving performance of a commercial enterprise. The main purpose of the study will be to establish an appropriate database management system to help in facilitating and maintaining the growth of a company, The results of the study will inspire company CEO’s and database managers and assistants even in other areas to design better systems for successful integration of information while setting up the database management system. It ...
This project report documents the detailed steps for implementation of an e learning management system for students’ easy mode of learning. Currently the students wish to access their information whenever needed. The project will be able to help students access their information and interact with their lecturers through the system, Lecturers will use less time in interacting with their students, know the number of their students in their class. Students’ records will be easy to acces...
Abstract K.M music and video library is located along Entebbe—Kampala highway at Ab~nta Ahabiri. K.M music and video library is privately owned and it puts into a high state of class for customers who utilize its facilities that is to say, in terms of video compact discs, digital video discs, to mention among other sorts of all audio and video Medias in place. K.M music and video library was started in the year 2006.At it’s start, the video library had registered a few customers by then, ...
Abstract Star Ways Tours and Travel Agency is a large international (East Africa) travel agency that has its headquarters in Nairobi city on Accra road with a branch in Kampala city on Buganda road near the Central Police Station and opposite the Constitutional Square. It deals with the transportation of people and goods to and from in the different parts of its operations. The agency was initiated in the year 2000 and it has been greatly developing due to the steady increase in the number of...
This Report describes the Design and Implementation of a I)atabase Management System (DBMS) for Kim Town Council — a Local Government found in Wakiso I)istrict. Uganda The System was developed to reduce the problems associated with the traditional file based management system in the ‘town Council . using Microsoft Access and Visual Basic 6.0. It undensent the different stages of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as feasibility study. system design. testing and implementat...
This project is entitled A Secure Distribution Customer Relationship Database Management System For a Real Estate Agency covering Records computerization of Royal Palm estates data. A database is designed to store Estates information for easy access, retrieval and use of estates information in serving the clients. The user interface is designed in visual basic to allow easy search and retrieval of estate’s data and the system is able to produce reports for management planning. Data in ...
ABSTRACT ‘Ibis project proposes the do’ elopment of school fee payment management system for a public secondar) school in kericho district. Ken>a. This secondary school is called Stafford high school. The proposed system will be desktop application. The system will help in keeping track of fee payments records and storage ofthese records. The project first discusses the background of the study where the current s> stem will be explained and then defines the problem statement. The project...
ABSTRACT Following The landing of the fiber optic cable in East Africa and its going live businesses, institutions and organizations have been on rush to improve their services and maximize their profits. This has made e-commerce and e-learning a reality in east Africa. Due to this progress there has been an enormous competition in the use of internet in e business and e-learning and whoever makes the best use of it emerges as a survivor in the competitive sector. This proposal therefore pr...