Abstract Due to the 2008 financial crisis, investors have become more risk averse in investing in equities and have increased their holdings in bonds as they are believed to be less risky. However, South African interest rates have been volatile over the past decade due to changes in the inflation rate. This has caused the returns of bond portfolios to be uncertain since bond prices are inversely related to interest rates. It is thus imperative to manage the interest rate risk inherent in bo...
ABSTRACT In this theses, we investigate certain key aspects of mathematical modelling to explain the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, Tumour,diabetes and stroke at the workplace and assess the potential benefits of proposed control strategies. The compartmental epidemiological modelling approach was used in the formulation of the models on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis B (HBv), Tumour and Diabetes pandemic. In each of the cases, the dynamics of the disease was st...
We study the operator commuting and essential commutant of analytic Toeplitz operators module the compact operators and Toeplitz operators in several complex variables and on the Bergman space of the until ball. We show the ordered groups and some exact sequences and the commutator ideal of the Toeplitz algebras of spherical isometries and on the Bergman spaces of the unit ball in the unitary space. We give the lower bounds in the matrix, new estimate for the vector-valued and matrix-va...
In this work we discuss the scope of Lagrangian mechanics and constrained systems. We discuss the problem of central force two–bodies and its formal solution. Also we study the rotations and rigid bodies by using Euler’s equations, Lagrangian description and Legender transformations with some examples and applications.
ABSTRACT This thesis, Design-Reality Gaps in Open Source Information Systems Development: An Action Research Study of Education and Healthcare Systems in Tanzania, presents a theoretical and empirical informed analysis of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) development in the domain of health and education information systems in Tanzania. Historically, FOSS development has been driven by user-developer communities who are also the users of FOSS applications. The use of Foss applications in ...
This study introduces the mechanical elements that are the main components in the dynamic modeling of mechanical systems. It discusses the electrical elements of voltage and current source, resistor, capacitor, inductor, and operational amplifier. We derive mathematical models for electrical systems. The transfer function, enables connecting the input to the output of a dynamic system into the Laplace domain for single-input, single output, multiple-input and multiple output systems. It ...
Twistor theory has been invented by R. Penrose in order to generalize gravity. He introduced a geometrical model for Minkowski space. This geometrical setup has been generalized in solving particle differential equations. In particular zero-rest-mass field equation have been treated this way as a Contour integral of complex twistor function. In our study we consider geometrical interpretations and solutions of conformal field equations. We also studied Twistors in curved space-time and ...
ABSTRACT Let R be a completely primary nite ring of characteristic pk, where p is a prime and k is a positive integer. Such nite rings have been studied extensively in recent years and the tools necessary for describing completely primary nite rings have been available for some time. However, their characterization is not exhaustive. Several attempts have been made in the recent past in the characterization of the unit groups of this class of rings though not in general. The characterization ...
ABSTRACT The classication of Smooth Geometric Manifolds still remains an open problem. The concept of almost contact Riemannian manifolds provides neat descriptions and distinctions between classes of odd and even dimensional manifolds and their geometries. Among the classes that have been extensively studied in the past are the Hermitian, Symplectic, Khalerian, Complex, Contact and Almost Contact manifolds which have applications in M-Theory and supergravity among other areas. The dierential...
ABSTRACT Predator-prey models describe the interaction between two species, the prey which serves as a food source to the predator. The migration of the prey for safety reasons after a predator attack and the predator in search of food, from a patch to another may not be instantaneous. This may be due to barriers such as a swollen river or a busy infrastructure through the natural habitat. Recent predator-prey models have either incorporated a logistic growth for the prey population or a time...
ABSTRACT The study is aimed at modelling drug addiction circle to provide a wide picture of the source of the hard drug addiction problem so as to get to know how to solve the menace that is eating up young adults. A schematic review technique is employed where data from a variety of research articles is analyzed and a collection of the findings described. The logistic model is to be used to describe what happens to the university students since they enrolled till they finish their course and...
ABSTRACT In this thesis we show the retlexivity of a Banach space, that is spaces embedded in their biduals.The concept is realized for the case that the canonical embedding into its bidual is surjective.We characterize u-ideals in Banach spaces having retlexive properties. We show that u-ideal achieves its norm on closed unit ball and for any retlexive Banach space X; u-ideal is always a closed ideal. We also show that u-deal contained in Jacobsonradical is a zero ring.
ABSTRACT Shannon introduced error detection and correction codes to address the growing need of eciency and reliability of code vectors. Ideals in algebraic number system have mainly been used to preserve the notion of unique factorization in rings of algebraic integers and to prove Fermat's Last Theorem. Generators of codes of ideals of polynomial rings have not been fully characterized. Ideals in Noetherian rings are closed in polynomial addition and multiplication. This property has been u...
ABSTRACT Sustainable exploitation of renewable resources such as marine sh has been a con- cern to both ecologists and economists with threats of species extinction due to over - exploitation a stark reality. Fish exhibits co-operative and social characteristics among individuals which increases its survival through predator surveillance and enhanced spawning. Overshing compromises this con - specic interactions and socialism. In this study, a mathematical model of a shery with an Allee eect ...
ABSTRACT As more and more Kenyans attach great value to education, there is need to look at use of instructional products on academic performance of students. Enough evidence abounds to show that students have problems in understanding concepts and skills, which are not systematically presented in mathematics. This study was designed to investigate the instructional potential of instructional plans in the teaching and learning of vectors in mathematics. The study adopted the Solomon Four-grou...