ABSTRACT Biogas production in third world countries is still un-optimized and produce very minimal outputs. Optimization of biogas quality by increasing the temperature of the bio-digester is quite technical. On the other hand, commercial enzymes used to increase biogas quantity are also expensive and substrate-specific. T. brownii and Acanthaceae spp. extracts were successfully used to hasten saccharification and fermentation of cellulose during the preparation of traditional alcohols. This ...
Abstract The study of duality properties of the spaces of analytic functions contin- ues to attract the attention of many mathematicians. Most studies have concentrated on the re exive Hardy and Bergman spaces both on the unit disk and the upper half-plane. For instance, Zhu, Peloso, among others have determined the duality properties of Hardy and Bergman spaces. For the non-re exive Bergman spaces of the disk, it was proved by Axler that the dual and the predual are identied as big and littl...
Abstract It is well known that in a nite ring with identity, every element is either a zero divisor or a unit. The classication of nite rings is not fully settled. Dierent studies have generated interesting results on certain classes of nite rings. It is worthwhile to note that completely primary nite rings have proved to be useful towards the classication of nite rings. This is due to the fact that a nite ring has a unique maximal ideal if and only if it is a full matrix ring over a complete...
Abstract Microtubules are hollow cylindrical protein structures found in all eukaryotic cells, and essential in several cellular processes, including cell motility, cell division, vesicle tra±ck- ing and maintenance of cell shape. The building block of microtubules, tubulin, is one of the proven targets for anticancer drugs. A microtubule exhibits a remarkable prop- erty, termed dynamic instability, in which it is able to switch stochastically between two distinct states. In one state, the m...
ABSTRACT Steady-state problems in Engineering and Applied Science can be modelled in a way that requires the solution of differential or integro-different in equations, involving the Laplacian equation. Numerical procedures instead of variation and analytical tecniques) are often applied through the finite difference approximations among other techniques. In this research, the finite-difference expressions for two two, three and n-dimensional Laplacian operator based on linear, quadratic and ...
ABSTRACT Several methods which have been adopted to analyze multi-category data yields unsatisfactory results because of strict assumptions regarding normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity. As a result, Multinomial logistic regression is considered as an alternative because it does not assume normality, linearity, or homoscedasticity (Hosmer & Lemeshow, (2000)). The study attempted to use Maximum likelihood estimation and predicted probability to model Maternal Health Care Services data b...
Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgement Chapter One Introduction Background Information Statement of Problems Purpose and Objective of Study Outline Chapter Two - Estimators in Adaptive Cluster Sampling Introduction Ordinary Estimators in Adaptive Sampling The Improved Estimators Forms of Adaptive Sampling Frame Free Adaptive Designs Sampling Without Replacement of Clusters Chapter Three - Model Assisted Adaptive Cluster Sampling Introduction Proposed Model Assist...
ABSTRACT Present work is concerned with solved a coefficient inverse problem of one-dimensional parabolic equation by a higher-order compact finite difference method and we used this a fourth order efficient numerical method to calculate the function u(x, t) and the unknown coefficient a(t) in a parabolic partial differential equation. Also discussed the accuracy and efficiency of the fourth order finite difference formula compare with other finite difference methods such as FTCS explicit sc...
ABSTRACT This Thesis investigates the nature of the parastrophs and derivatives of loops both of Bol-Moufang (Extra, Moufang, Central loops) and non Bol-Moufang (Conjugacy Closed loops) type in general. Extra loops is the case study. By using Fenyves (1968, 1969) definition of Extra loops and the results of Goodaire and Robinson (1982, 1990), this work shows that the parastrophs and derivatives of an Extra loop exist. Taking into consideration Ken Kunen (1996) results, it has been establishe...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the types of strategies used by Grade 12 ordinary level mathematics learners to solve algebraic word problems in Namibian settings in the Kavango East Educational Region. The study used a descriptive qualitative research approach in which the researcher identified the strategies used by Grade 12 learners to solve algebraic word problems. The study used observations and focus group discussions as methods for data collection. The researcher independently conduc...
Abstract This study will investigate the strongness property for nearness and nearness partial frames. We initially revisit the concepts of strong and totally strong nearness frame and study their closures under completion. We also explore the properties of totally strong and uniformly completely regular nearness frames, and study the relationship between them. We show that the category of totally strong nearness frames is coreflective in the category of uniformly completely regular nearness...
ABSTRACT Unsteady heat and mass transfers are important transport phenomena that are found in many engineering and industrial applications. In such systems, the variations in the fluid flow result in variations in the heat flux for fluid-solid temperature difference. In this study, analytical and theoretical investigations of some non-linear problems arising from unsteady heat and mass transfer through porous media are considered. Analytical models are developed. These are non-linear mathem...
Abstract The mathematical study of human pulse wave was studied with the view to gaining an insight into physiological situations. Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) in blood flow is associated with pressure pulse wave arising from ventricular ejection. Solution of the coupled system of non-linear PDEs that arose from the FSI was sought in order to determine pressure. Further study on pressure pulse waves showed that the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations hold well for the propagation of nonl...
ABSTRACT Infectious diseases have become problematic throughout the world, threatening individuals who come into contact with pathogens responsible for transmitting diseases. Pneumoccocal pneumonia, a secondary bacterial infection follows an influenza A infection, responsible for morbidity and mortality in children, elderly and immuno–comprised groups. The aims of this Thesis are to; develop a mathematical model for within–host co–infection of influenza A virus and pneumococcus, model ...