Zoology Research Papers/Topics

Methodology In Production Of Local Integrated Fish Meal Our Affordability In Abraka Delta State Nigeria

Fish for food is a vital resource for indigenous people in Nigeria, known for their hyper-prolific proteins and immerse contribution in rich dietary symbolism for daily nutritional healthiness. Due to high cost and shortage in commercialized fish meal, it was deemed to design a formulated preparation and processing techniques for local integrated fish meal which would provide a guide to unmarketable production and the catalyst for commercialization of integrated fish feed production process t...

Density Diversity Assessment Of Macro invertebrates Of River Illah Delta State Nigeria

The inquiry was directed at estimating the even nature of diversity to density quotient of macro benthic invertebrates at River Illah. Macro benthic invertebrates were obtained using kick sampling techniques while water samples were quantified using standard methods of analysis. Results divulge that Odonata and Crustacea were preponderant consisting (18.45%) of total abundance. Waters from River Illah were well oxygenated (5.2 - 6.8 mg/l), contained low BOD5 (2.4 – 3.5 mg/l) and had a moder...

Floor type Characterization Temperature And Humidity Tolerance For Tunga Penetrans Infestation In Igbokoda Ondo State Nigeria

Tunga penetrans, the jigger flea is causal agent of the skin inflammatory disease so-called tungiasis which is considered common with unhygienic, poor and indigent residents of communities in the world. This study illustrates the various floor type characteristics and designated key environmental factors that buoy up infestations in endemic foci. Sand fleas were sampled using a clean white cloth laid on floors of house and verandas and environmental variables determined using EOSUN electronic...

Production Method For Some Insect based Food For Local Consumption In Ondo State Nigeria

Based on the fact that insects are highly nutritional exciting materials with no doubt as future prospects of being included in consumer’s common diet in various countries in the world, they are vital resource proven with varied nutritional aspects and rich in dietary symbolism for daily nutritional healthiness. Due to high cost and shortage in food availability, it was considered to design a local production method for the available in our local community to provide for unmarketable produc...

Physic chemistry And Littoral Macro invertebrate Of Umoni River In Delta State Nigeria

Water use for various human activities is a very high prevalent and demanding pursuit in the world. Many rustic Nigerians fetch and consume waters without proper scrutiny. The study was directed at estimating the physic-chemistry of water and macro benthic invertebrate diversity of Umoni River. Macro benthic invertebrates were obtained using kick sampling techniques while water samples were detailed using standard methods of analysis. Results disclose that Annelida, Ephemeroptera and Coleopte...

Investigating Manure Potentials On Zooplankton Performances And Water Quality In Concrete Pond Culture

An inquiry on the blatant effectiveness of manure on zooplanktons and water quality in a concrete pond culture was reviewed within durations of twelve weeks. Zooplanktons were obtained using scooping net and water sample analysisdetermined using standard techniques. Result revealed a higher culture of zooplanktons using poultry manure than those from cow dungs: 10 zooplankton species belonging to Rotifera, Cladocera and Crustacea was recorded with Brachionuscalyciflorusand Brachionusleydigi, ...

Study On The Performance Of Clarias Gariepinus Fed With Local Integrated Fish Feed

A study on the performance of Clarias gariepinus (fingerlings) fed with integrated fish meal as diet with two various level of formulations was carried out. The feed trial was for 77 days to compare the length-weight gain of fish reared with commercial diets and those reared with 50% and 100% integrated fish meal respectively, the control group were fish fed with commercially procured feed with no integration. The fishes were fed twice on day-to-day basis at 5% body weight for the experimenta...

Schistosoma haematobium and Plasmodium falciparum single and concomitant infections; any association with hematologic abnormalities?

Aim: To assess the association between single infection and co-infection status of the twoparasites with hematologic profiles in school children.Methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was carried out on a total of 202 schoolchildren between ages 6-18 years (mean age 11.5 ± 2.6 years). Urine and blood sampleswere collected by standard methods for concurrent microscopic diagnosis of Schistosomahaematobium and Plasmodium falciparum infections respectively. The following hematologicp...

Vernonia amygdalina: A folkloric herb with anthelminthic properties

Vernonia amygdalina, a widely grown shrub plant in Africa is consumed as vegetable and has high medicinalvalue. It has gained wide application in the treatment and management of various diseases. Theleaves are useful components for herbal medicine constitution. The plant’s activities is a result of diversebioactive compounds isolated from the different parts of the plant. These metabolites have specificallybeen efficacious against parasites especially worms. The mechanisms of activities i...

Plasmodial Infection and Haematological Parameters in Febrile Patients in a Hospital in Oyo Town, South-western Nigeria

A cross-sectional study on Plasmodium infection was conducted among 158 febrile patients (65 malesand 93 females) reporting to Oyo State Hospital, Oyo, South-western Nigeria. Parasitological andhaematological examinations of the blood samples were conducted. An overall infection rate of 29.7%was observed with parasite densities ranging from 96 - 64680 asexual parasites/µL blood. Thepercentages of infected male and female individuals were 27.7 and 31.2%, respectively. The least(12.5%) and the...

Lymphatic Filariasis in Southwestern Nigerian Rural Communities: A Cross-sectional Survey of the Knowledge, Awareness, and Predisposing Factors

AbstractBACKGROUND Nigeria is the second most endemic country in the world for lymphatic filariasis, withcontrol efforts often hampered by poor community awareness and involvement in intervention strategies.OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, perception, and psychosocial aspects of some residents in Nigerian rural communities about lymphatic filariasis in order to develop disease control and intervention strategies with active community involvement.METHODS A standar...


Abstract: Freshwater snails of the genus Bulinus O. F. Müller, 1781 are intermediate hosts for schistosomes, trematode parasites which cause schistosomiasis. The genus includes closely related species complexes with restricted gene flow between populations of each taxon. Despite their importance as intermediate hosts, unambiguous identification of these snails remains challenging. We applied molecular approach to their identification to achieve a better understanding of the epidemiology of s...

16 - 27 Of 27 Results