Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Influence of Value Innovation Strategy on the Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

Abstract Value innovation is the cornerstone of blue ocean strategy. Value innovation strategy aims at making competition irrelevant. The concept of value innovation strategy is founded on the belief that a business can make its competitors irrelevant in its decision making while at the same time emerging an industry leader. The purpose of this study is to establish the influence of Value Innovation Strategy on the financial performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The target population ...

Factors influencing Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract Proper management of finances in secondary schools is very imperative to their operations. There are, however, serious financial challenges in public secondary schools in Kenya as characterized by unprecedented high fees charged on students. This study evaluated the factors influencing financial management in public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County. Specifically, it analyzed the influence of budget management and financial controls on financial management. The study was guided by ...

Stakeholder Management Strategies and Deposit Taking SACCOs’ Bottom Line in Kenya

Abstract This study sought to establish the relationship between stakeholder generic strategies and the financial performance of deposit taking Savings and Credit Co-operatives societies in Kenya. The SACCO subsector is part of the Kenyan Co-operative sector comprising of both financial and non financial cooperatives. Saving and credit co-operative (SACCO) are the financial cooperatives. They are an important part of the financial sector in Kenya, providing savings, credit and insurance serv...

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy And Financial Performance Of Deposit Taking SACCOs In Kenya

Abstract This study sought to establish the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility strategy and the financial performance of deposit taking Savings and Credit Co-operatives societies in Kenya. The SACCO subsector is part of the Kenyan Co-operative sector comprising of both financial and non financial cooperatives. Saving and credit co-operative (SACCO) are the financial cooperatives. They are an important part of the financial sector in Kenya, providing savings, credit and insu...

Organizational Contingencies Influencing the Adoption of Strategic Management Accounting Practices among Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

Abstract The study sought to contend with the dearth of studies in adoption of Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) practices in manufacturing firms in Kenya with the view of filling this gap. The overall objective of the study was to investigate the organizational contingencies influencing the adoption of SMA practices among manufacturing firms in Kenya. Accordingly, the findings of the study contribute to the flourishing literature on adoption of SMA practices. This study is anchored in t...

Moderating Effect of CEO Tenure and Managerial Experience on Firm Specific Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings

Abstract The study examines the moderating effect of CEO tenure and managerial experience on firm specific determinants of corporate cash holdings among private manufacturing firms in Kenya. The research employed the upper echelons theory to identify CEO characteristics that are linked to various organizational processes and outcomes such as cash holding. This survey-based study selected a sample of 156 private manufacturing firms from the firms registered with the KAM that are located in Na...

Determinants of Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Private Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

Abstract Cash is an important requirement to ensure continued operations, yet excessive cash holdings might result in many problems which include; higher opportunity costs of holding cash, cash abuse, a tool for obtaining the controlled self-interests and the higher agency costs. The study established that there is a negative and insignificant linear relationship between growth opportunities and corporate cash holdings. The study also revealed that leverage is a significant positive determin...

Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure among Private Manufacturing Firms in Kenya: A Survey of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Firms

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing corporate capital structure in private firms in Kenya. Although the capital structure issue has received substantial attentio n, it is noteworthy that most of the empirical work done focuses on data derived from developed economies that have many institutional similarities and their applicability in developing markets such as Kenya is not documented. Yet, the maintenance of an optimal capital structure is considered as...

Moderating effect of government regulations on the relationship between cost recovery and financing of water investments in Nairobi peri-urban markets in Kenya

Abstract Over the last 200 years, most water utilities have been publicly owned and managed. For this reason, public utility firms have been getting financial support from the government in form of subsidies in addition to the revenue they generate internally. However these water utilities have not been able to generate sufficient internal revenue to ensure sustainable financial investments. There has been low level of investment in the sector especially in peri-urban markets mainly due to p...

The impact of front office Sacco activity on Sacco performance in Kenya; A case study of Meru South and Maara district in Tharaka Nithi County in Kenya

Abstract While Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies (Saccos) are an autonomous Association of Persons united voluntarily to meet their economic and social needs, their performance has been affected by low capital base. Their capital base is low, thus limiting loanable funds to members. To cope with this problem, many Saccos have introduced Front Office Sacco Activity (FOSA), in order to strengthen their capital base and liquidity level. FOSAs offer simple banking services to members/cus...

Influence of Organisational Structure on Implementation of Electronic Project Monitoring Information System in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kenya

Abstract The purpose of this article is to explore the influence of organisational structure on implementation of electronic project monitoring information system (e-ProMIS) in public tertiary institutions. It is based on literature review and filed research by employing crosssectional survey research design. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 30 tertiary institutions and a sample size of 162 members of staff selected through stratified random sampling technique. Null hypothesis was...

Effect of Stakeholder Participation in Planning on Performance of Kenyan Alcohol Manufacturing Firms

Abstract Manufacturing companies have a direct impact on national governments and value addition at large. Manufacturing, like other sectors, has felt the effects of a variety of stakeholder engagement factors. Although many companies engage their stakeholders in day-to-day business activities, studies have reported a challenge for them in managing diverse operations in dispersed markets. An examination of the effect of stakeholder participation in planning on the performance of Kenyan alcoh...

Effect of Adjunct Lecturers’ Job Security on Employee Performance: Evidence from Universities in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract This study examined the effect of Adjunct Lecturers’ Job Security on Employee performance: Evidence from Universities in Kakamega County, Kenya. Using a descriptive survey research design, data was collected from a sample of 51 adjunct lecturers from these Universities using structured questionnaires. It was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. For descriptive statistics mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages were used whereas for inferential stati...

Effect of Recruitment Practices of Adjunct Lecturers on Employee Performance: A Survey of Universities in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of recruitment practices of adjunct lecturers on employee performance among universities in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design to collect data from 60adjunct lecturers from four universities within Kakamega County. The study used structured questionnaires to gather information from the respondents. The sampling technique used was stratified sampling and simple random sampling. Descriptive ...

Calibrating Implementation of Strategic Plans Amongst Commercial Banks in Kenya: An Analysis of Leadership Role

Abstract In this age of turbulence, steering an organization to attain remarkable success depends on a leader’s ability to craft and effectively implement strategies. Strategies may fail to be implemented due to poor leadership. The main objective of the study was to examine implementation of strategic plans amongst commercial banks in Kenya: An analysis of leadership role. Specifically the study focused on leadership roles of communication and commitment. The study employed mixed research...

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