CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The popularity of fast food is indicative of changing lifestyles, the growingtrend of convenience and consumers needs for value for money.Despite all the threats that fast food industry is currently facing like risingcommodity prices, an excessive supply of fast food outlets, in the market, loadshedding and hygiene scandals, the fast food industry is still shaving remarkablegrowth. There is a perceived increase in the number of fast f...
The purpose of this research study was to determine the effect of organisational ethics on employee performance, using Access bank plc Abuja as a case study. The underlining objective of this study was to evaluate employee commitment to the organization’s ethics and to determine the extent to which organizational ethics influence employee toward increased performance. A multiple linear regression model was used to test the null hypotheses proposed for this study. A structured questionnaire...
Abstract This research work focused on the impact of manpower training and development on organizational growth. Poor performance of workers, High labour turnover and decline in customer patronage were the major problems that inspired this research work. The objectives of the study were to investigate the impact of manpower training and development on the performance of staff and to ascertain how manpower training and development affect labour turnover. Descriptive research design was used...
ABSTRACT A borrower's savings capacity and collateral are associated with the amount of loan to be granted by afinancial institution. Most often, when a debt is created, it becomes difficult to recover due to poormanagement by the lender as well as loan diversion by the borrower consequent to inability to payback. Hence, this study investigated the challenges of debt management in First Bank of Nigeria Plc. IkotEkpene. Questionnair...
In today’s world information is considered as important as other factors like capital, human resources and material. But the most important task is finding the right information which can support the business process and work task (Kurt Sandkuhl, 2007). The right information available to the right person and on the right time can make a significant difference in the work tasks and business processes in an organisation; in fact if the right information is not available to the user then he ha...
CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYThe world today has embraced globalisation, a complicated process, focusing on how events,decisions and activities in one part of the world can have consequences in other parts of theworld (Lee & Collin 2005), to achieve a defined business purpose. However, just when wethought we had seen the depth to which an otherwise healthy economy can reach, worldevents continue to occur that change every business plan significantly (Lalli, 2003). Thehars...
ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to establish the effect of market segmentation on the corporate profitability of telecommunication companies. The researcher had intended to establish the effect of market segmentation on the corporate profitability of telecommunication companies. The questionnaire was used as the survey method of collecting primary data for the study. Data was collected from primary sources and multiple regression was used for data analysis. The regression result of th...
CHAPTER ONE1.0. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The StudyThe first chapter of this study gives a brief introduction on the subject matter,followed by the statement of problem, purpose of the study, as well as researchquestions and research hypothesis. Furthermore, we take a look at thesignificance of the study, then we analyse the scope and limitations of the studybefore concluding the chapter with the definition of terms.Managing reward is largely ...
ABSTRACT This research work is aimed at investigating the impact of planning and control as a management function on the survival of small scale business in Benin City, Edo state. Descriptive survey was adopted for this research. Primary source of data collection was utilized and a total of 100 questionnaires was sampled and, used for this research. Descriptive statistics using SPSS was used to analyse the data from the questionnaire. The result from the study showed that proper planning and ...
The research study is designed to analyze social responsibility performance of organizations in Nigeria, especially Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited. Businesses do not operate in a vacuum rather it operates on land inhabited by people. Therefore, for the business to survive it must liaise with its host communities. We took a holistic view of social responsibility programmes; exposed problems encountered and made suggestion the way to improve. To achieve our objective, seventy (70) copies of the ...
Abstract Poor planning process and ignoring managerial roles in road transportation system have crippled development and the collapse of many economic and social activities which have resulted in dissatisfaction among the customers in the industry. This is characterized by poor management that has resulted in the loss of life and property including damages worth unquantifiable amount of money. The title of this project is an evaluation of transport management and customer satisfaction in La...
ABSTRACT This study examines the Influence of Organizational Structure on Organizational Effectiveness. The sample comprised of fifty employees from four different banks. Questionnaire were constructed to administer the subjects. The hypotheses were formulated and tested using chi-square non-parametric analysis to determine the Influence of Organizational structure on Organizational Effectiveness. The data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistical analysis which was processed using...
Abstract Evaluation of government policies to improve performance of small business sector has provoked a great deal of debate and empirical enquiries in recent years. Initially economists were of the opinion that government policies have no impact on business cycle but after the great depression of the 1930s, Keynes showed that government policies could affect business cycle. For example, if government imposes taxes and duties that are not commensurate with its profit margin on a particular ...
ABSTRACT The researcher as a sine qua non in the economy viewed Effects of Power Supply on the performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. However, firms suffer tremendous cost due to serious supply deficit of electricity in Nigeria, which greatly hampers businesses, especially the small-scale enterprise. The researcher used both primary and secondary methods of data collection, presented the data in tables using simple percentages and chi-square to analyze the data obtained. The fin...