Development Finance Research Papers/Topics

The Effects Of Intergovernmental Transfers On The Incentive For Local Governments To Generate Own Revenue In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study empirically examines the effect of Central Government transfers to Local Assemblies on their ability to internally generate revenue in Ghana. The study used data from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development for 216 districts in Ghana from 2013 to 2017. Employing panel data and using random effects and fixed effects estimation techniques in estimating the models and correcting for serial correlation and heteroskedasticity, the study found no significant relat...

Analysis Of Risk Management Practices Of Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes) In The Construction Sector Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The importance of assessing the risk management practices by the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in the recent times has been underscored by research. In this study, an analysis of risk management practices of the SMEs in the construction sector of Ghana is assess to determine the level of awareness, the extent of its application and the potential impact on the construction business. This study is a follow up to previous studies risk management practices in the construction...

The Effect Of External Debt On Economic Growth In Ghana: An Ardl Approach

ABSTRACT This study investigated the long and short-run impact of external debt on economic growth in the context of Ghana using the sample period spanning from 1980 to 2016. The study also examined the Ghana’s external debt trend analysis over the sample period considered for this study. Theoretical and empirical evidences indicates that external debt can either exert negative or positive impacts on economic growth depending on how the external funds acquired is injected into the economy. ...

Digital Financial Services-A Financial Inclusion Enabler: A Case Study Of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited

ABSTRACT There is an increased growth of the use digital financial services in the world. Many banks, financial institutions, savings and loans companies are establishing and implementing the use of these services to bridge financial inclusion. A study was conducted at Zenith Bank Ghana Limited to see the benefit of digital financial services among their clients and its contribution to financial inclusion. This study was done to determine the relationship between financial inclusion and digit...

The Impact Of The Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (Gifmis) On Accountability And Transparency; A Case Study Of Ministry Of Lands And Natural Resources.

ABSTRACT Studies have established that effective and efficient public financial management is one of the most effective ways ensuring accountability and hence promote good governance. Failure to attain financial accountability serves as a breeding ground for weak public accounting, poor expenditure control, cash mismanagement and the mismanagement of financial records. In order to achieve financial accountability, there is the need for a system that ensures effective financial management. The...

Assessing The Effectiveness of Deregulation on Non-Performing Loans in Some Selected Banks in Ghana

ABSTRACT  The financial sector plays an important role in every country in terms of resource mobilization and allocation. It is deemed by many scholars as the pivot around which economies evolve. Banks are globally regarded as the major player in financial sector. The expansion in the activities of banks that include, but not limited to, securities markets, fund management, insurance, to a large extent, can be attributed to deregulation in the financial sector. The study sought to examine th...

The Impact of Debt Financing on The Performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and recognize the link between debt financing and performance and choosing appropriate measures to evaluate and analyze the financial status of State-Owned Enterprises. The major aim is to determine the level of debt financing among StateOwned Enterprises in Ghana. The study investigated the relationship between debt financing and performance of 22 State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) over a four-year period (2014 – 2017) using regression mode...

The Relationship Among International Trade, Financial Development And Economic Growth

ABSTRACT In this study, the relationship between economic growth, international trade and financial development in Ghana is explored. The study uses annual time series data extracted from the World Development Indicators from 1997 to 2017. Findings from Ordinary Least Squares estimations show the net imports have a statistically significant negative relationship with economic growth while broad money has a positive but insignificant relationship with economic growth. Additionally, broad mone...

Role Of Capital Adequacy On Bank Lending And Performance In Ghana

ABSTRACT Banks play important roles in national economies and their continuous stability is regarded highly. One of the measures of financial soundness is capital adequacy, which is the ratio of a bank’s primary capital to its risk weighted assets. This study set out to examine how capital adequacy is related to bank performance and lending. The analysis was done using both primary data from questionnaires issued to key bank staff as well as data from the annual financial reports of banks. ...

The Effect Of Government Size, Foreign Direct Investment, On Economic Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT It has long been argued that a country cannot develop without government. However, researchers have diverse opinions with regards to the impact of government size on economic growth. Whiles some researchers (Ahuja, 2013; Zareen & Qayyum, 2014) argue that large government size is most likely to enhance economic growth, other researchers (Armey, 1995; Vedder & Gallaway, 1998) believe that higher government expenditure has a tendency to harm economic growth. The third group of researche...

Towards The Promotion of Small And Medium- Sized Enterprises: A Study on Challenges of Financing in Ghana

ABSTRACT Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are largely touted as the means through which a country’s development goals and objectives can be realized. The prospects of SMEs include employment opportunities, sources of income, sources of government revenue. In spite of the prospects that these enterprises offer to the development of any economy, there are hindrances confronting the development and growth of the sector. Literature on SMEs financing illustrates that there is a knowled...


ABSTRACT An effective monetary policy mechanism ensures general macroeconomic stability which can foster private sector development an engine of growth. A sustained economic growth provides employment, income and tax revenues, which reduces poverty. Despite the number of studies on monetary policy and economic growth, there are however disagreements with regards to the impact of monetary policy on economic growth. Whiles some researchers argue that money supply determines economic growth at c...

Budgeting For Result; The Introduction of Programme Based Budgeting in Ghana

ABSTRACT  This research assessed the implementation of the Programme Based Budgeting system in Ghana since its introduction in 2014 to 2018 at the central government level. Four main thematic areas were used to determine whether the introduction of Programme Based Budgeting (PBB) has really led to Budgeting for Results. These include strategic allocation of Public resources, efficient utilisation of Public resources, and attainment of government priorities. The research work also focused on ...

Donor Aid And The Financial Performance Of Rural And Community Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT Rural and Community Banks (RCBs) in Ghana play a very important role in the financial intermediation agenda for the rural populace in Ghana. The concept of donor aid has been identified as a key sustainable approach to ending poverty in Africa through the injection of funds and the provision of technical support for the thriving of rural activities such as farming and fishing. An understanding of factors that improve the financial performance of RCBs is important for the achievement ...

Assessing The Effect Of Corporate Governance On The Financial Performance And Market Value Of Firms Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange

Abstract The main aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of corporate governance on the financial performance and market value of firms listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. Based on the aim of the study, the study specifically seeks to examine the relationship between board size and financial performance, to investigate the relationship between board composition and financial performance as well as to assess the influence of board committee structures on financial performance of...

16 - 30 Of 36 Results