Abstract This chapter presented the introduction to the study, background to the study, problem statement, purpose/general objective of the study, specific objectives, research questions, scope of study, significance of the study and the key terms. 1.1 Background The National Agricultural and Advisory Services (NAADS) Programme was created in 2001 by an Act of Parliament to specifically address constraints of lack of access to agricultural information, knowledge and improved technology among ...
ABSTRACT The study on community involvement and conservation of natural resources was conducted in Mabira forest specifically to establish the role played by the community in conservation of natural resources, factors which impend community involvement in conservation, challenges to conservation and solutions for proper conservation. The study involved secondary sources of data where the research related her study to different author’s work and authentication and afterwards she made concl...
ABSTRACT Whereas Uganda employed decentralization policy as one of the techniques for achieving social service delivery and socio-economic development, the country’s highly centralized political system has resulted in the widespread social-economic marginalization of rural areas, very little attention has been focused on analyzing the relationship between socio-economic marginalization and popular participation of community members in identifying issues they face and suggesting solutions to...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the effects of domestic violence on the behavior and welfare of the children in Kasese in Uganda.The problem was the persistentdomestjc violation of behavior and welfare of the children and therefore, to assess the effects of domestic violence on the behavior and child welfare in Kasese and find out the way forward to solve the prevailing violation. The objectives of this study were; to establish the different forms of domestic violence and child abuse...
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of stigma on the lives of PWDs in Entebbe municipality particularly in Kitooro and Entebbe central divisions, all found in Wakiso District central Uganda. The objectives of the study were as follows: o To find out the forms of stigma faced by PWDs in Entebbe municipality. o To analyze the causes of stigma facing PWDs in Entebbe municipality. o To find out how stigma affects the lives of PWDs in Entebbe community. The study took a form of d...
The now over two decades of the existence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic have brought into play a number of actors undertaking numerous interventions to combat its effect. Among the actors have been faith based organizations, local and international, big and small, who have been working patiently, compassionately, and effectively for years in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support. To some players in the field of HIV/AIDS, FBOs have done more harm than good, and criticisms over their work have for y...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the impact of faith based organizations in HIV/AIDS and support in Kamwokya, Kampala. The study objectives were; to identify the impact of healing by faith based organization towards HIV/AIDS care and support in Kamwokya, Kampala, to establish the impact of prevention and HIV testing by faith based organization towards HIV/AIDS care and support in Kamwokya, Kampala and to examine the impact of social support by faith based organization towards HIV/AIDS c...
ABSTRACT This was conducted to find out the impact of FGM on young women’s health. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impacts of FGM on young women’s health. The objective I of the study was to “find out the purpose of FGM and it was found that FGM is practiced for the purpose of cultural identity and initiation of women into adulthood /complete woman. Objective II ought to “find out the effects of the FGM practice and it was f...
Abstract The study set out to establish the negative effects of cultural habits on women’s economic participation in development. The study was conducted at Isinya town in Kenya. The study followed the objectives of the study. A cross sectional study design was used. Data was collected from 100 respondents who were systematically selected. Data was collected using a self administered questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS to get descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that there was n...
ABSTRACT The research carried out on “The violation of child rights and the status of children in displacement camps of Northern Uganda” was aimed at establishing human right violations committed against children in the Pabbo camp in Gulu. The focus of the research also analyzed the socio-economic needs of children in IDP camps of Pabbo, Gulu district. The investigation was also based on the metrics relevant to the rights of children and the effective mechanisms required safeguarding thei...
ABSTRACT HIV/ AIDS has the potential to create severe economic impacts in many African countries. It is different from most other diseases because it strikes people in the most productive age. According to an article that appeared in the New Vison Newspaper on May 25th 2010 written by Chris Ocowun, there is an upsurge inv HIV/AIDS prevalence in Gulu district from 9.4% in 2008, to 16% in 2009, with Gulu Municipality health sub-district leading with 22.1 %. The pandemic HIV virus and the su...
ABSTRACT This research study titled “the Impact of Drug Abuse on the Socio- Economic Development of Youths in Kanyaryeru Sub-County, Kiruhura District. The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which drug abuse has affected the youths socioeconomically especially in the aspects of marginalisation, poverty, crimes and unemployment. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used through Questionn...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to examine staff performance and employee rewarding using a case study of Uganda Clays Kajjansi limited. The study was guided by three objectives including: To identify the different types of rewarding systems being used by Uganda clays Kajjansi Limited. To establish the effects of employee rewarding on staff performance in Uganda clays Kajjansi limited. To establish the relationship between employee rewarding and staff performance in Uganda clays Ka...
ABSTRACT The topic effect of rapid population growth on socio- economic development, the case of Nebbi Town Council (NTC) has been chosen basing on a certain objectives. These objectives include the following: To examine the factors responsible for rapid population growth in the world, Africa, Uganda and Nebbi Town council as case being studied: Investigate the measures that can be put in place to control population growth; and To establish the opinion or the attitude of people in the world, ...
ABSTRACT The study on the influence of alcohol used on t~mily we! fare was conducted in industrial division, Mbale district, eastern Uganda. With the objective of assessing the salient causes of alcoholism in industrial division, examining the effects alcoholism on ftTmily ~s elftire and explore the mechanisms for controlling alcoholism to enhance family welt~re. A cross-sectional research design was used, a sample of 50 respondents were selected took part in the answering the questions in th...