Abstract: In recent years, the Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) have emerged as dynamic class as a crucial source of funding for economic development especially in times of economic crisis. The funds currently managed through various SWF are estimated between 2 and 3 trillion dollars, which is huge in terms of its development value to states that own them. For the developing countries of Africa, the objectives of creating SWF are to provide a resilient source of development in finance. Rwanda is...
Abstract: This thesis examines the role of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa’s multilateral growth, the various factors that lead to their proliferation and the role of globalization in Africa’s multilateral policy. The East African Community integration has been used as a case study to represent Africa multilateralism. To bridge further gaps, the study considered the role of African Regional Trade Agreements in defining their place in multilateral platforms, thereby concluding that Af...
Abstract: The East African Community (EAC) has taken a step forward by implementing a free trade area, customs union and a common market in its region. It is also on the journey of achieving an economic union and eventually a political federation. This implementation of the former requires the removal of all trade barriers in the intra-regional trade. The EAC region has incorporated the removal of trade barriers for efficient regional integration among the member states. However, the region ...
Abstract: Regional integration has been a constant feature in East African region’s states relations. After independence Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania formed the East African Community (EAC) which later collapsed. Attempts to revive integration were successful, culminating in the revival of the community. This study looked at integration of the East African Community during these two periods. The study also focused on the economic interests pursued by the region’s biggest economies namely K...
Abstract: A thriving private sector is central to achieving the objectives of Kenya’s Vision 2030. In fact, the success of Vision 2030 is largely premised on the role of the private sector in achieving the countries growth objectives and, thereby, creating greater wealth and employment opportunities. In general, the private sector in Kenya is vibrant and in good health. Kenya is a promising place to do business, with growing markets and good opportunities. Importantly, there is a widesprea...
Abstract: This study has established that Kenya has been borrowing money unilaterally, multinational, and from global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This has been the case because after gaining independence the country has always envisioned a future where the earning and purchasing power parity of the population is reasonable enough to maintain a high velocity of money and a near full employment status. Part of the vision also includes deve...
Abstract: This study focused on the examining the effects of politics trade in East African Community (EAC) trade and economic integration, with the European Union (EU) examined as setting the pace and can be used as a model in helping other regions to achieve a robust Regional Economic Integration. Regional Economic Integration has enabled countries to focus on issues that are relevant to their state development in many African countries, as well as encourage trade between neighbors. The fo...
This study investigated the potential role of corruption and democracy in the expenditure-economic growth nexus. Economic literature predicts economic growth-enhancing activities of various core functions of government. However, excess government expenditure, in corrupt and undemocratic countries, may slow down the overall performance of the economy through rent-seeking activities, ineffectiveness and engaging in unproductive projects. The research objective is to analyze the role of democrac...
Abstract: Household savingis a crucial determinant of the supply of funds for investment. However, saving trend in Ethiopia particularly in the study area is very low and little is known empirically about its determinants. This study, therefore, was aimed at investigating the determinants of the saving behavior of households in Dire Dawa city, Eastern Ethiopia. Data were collected from four Kebeles and 122 sample households taken from the selected kebeles by using interview schedule. Discrip...
The study analyzes the relationship between private transfers, foreign direct investment (FDI) and official transfers in Ghana. The research relies on the quarterly frequency time series data from the Ghana Statistical Service for the period 2003-2022. Phillips-Perron (PP) test and the Engle-Granger approach were used to investigate the properties of the data concerning unit roots and cointegration respectively. The ordinary least squares (OLS) regression technique and Granger causality test ...
Abstract: The study tests the effect of macroeconomic variables on economic growth, establishes the key drivers of economic growth and the casual relationship between economic growth and macroeconomic variables. Annual macroeconomic data was used for the period 1975-2012. The study employed the Vector error correction model and Vector Autoregression techniques. Findings suggest that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and inflation had a positive effect on economic growth, the key drivers of eco...
Abstract: A new generalized Dagum distribution called the Dagum power series distri butions is introduced and studied. This distribution is obtained by compounding Dagum and other power series distributions. The structural properties of the new distributions are discussed, including explicit algebraic formulas for its survival and hazard functions, quantile function, moments, moment generating function, conditional moments, mean and median deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, distributi...
Abstract: This study examines the relationship between government expenditure on health and economic growth in Botswana. It seeks to test the existence of cointegration and specification of the deterministic components with special reference to the Pantula Principle. This helps to overcome the shortfall of the method by Johansen, which may lead to spurious results by omitting the presence of deterministic components in the analysis. The cointegration approach is used and tested using three m...
Abstract: The study investigates whether policies, both regional and country-specific, should mainly focus on accelerating economic growth in the region to reduce youth unemployment in the SADC region. In this endeavour, the study is based on Okun’s law which prescribes that unemployment rates should generally begin to fall when economic growth rates rise above the economy’s potential. The study uses panel data for selected SADC countries whose annual youth unemployment rate is above the...
Abstract: The study aimed at examining the impact of Covid-19 on the informal sector in Gaborone, Botswana. The problem is that the informal sector has been badly affected by the pandemic. A quantitative research approach was employed, and a quantitative descriptive research design provided a road map that was used to fulfil this research. Convenience sampling was used to gather a sample of 60 participants from the informal sector businesses which employ less than five people and has been op...