Economics Research Papers/Topics

Demographic And Economic Determinants of Variations in Infant Mortality in Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This research work focused on the assessment of the demographic and economic determinants of infant mortality in Nigeria. To achieve the objectives of the study, infant mortality rate (measure of child health outcome) was regressed on government health expenditure, real GDP, inflation, population growth rate and population density in Nigeria. From the results, the major explanatory variables (public expenditure on health, inflation except RGDP) alongside population growth rate and ...


Introduction TheUKisanimportanttradepartnerformanycountriesthatseektoboost theireconomiesthroughtradeandinvestment.TheUK’sproximitytotheEU makesitanaturalchoiceformanycountriesseekingtostrengthenEuropean ties.However,somechallengesmustbeconsideredifacountryisconsidering enteringabilateraltradeagreementwiththeUK.Firstofall,theUK’seconomic performancehasbeenlacklusterinrecentyears.Thismeanstheymaybeless incentivetoagreewithyou,especiallyiftheywantyourcountrytojointheir free-tradezone.Second...

Impact of Government Health and Education Expenditure on Economic Growth in Nigeria: Econometric Approach of Autoregressive Distributive Lag Model (ARDL)

The study examined the impact of the impact of government health and education expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: (i) determine the impact of government health expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria; (ii) ascertain the impact of government education expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria and (iii) evaluate the impact of Primary school enrolment rate on economic growth in Nigeria. This study made use of ex post-facto research design. The data anal...

Impact of Non-Oil tax revenue on economic growth in West Africa: Multivariate panel data approach

This study examined the impact of non-oil tax revenue on economic growth in West African Countries. Specifically, the study sought to: investigate the impact of value added tax on economic growth in West Africa; examine the impact of company tax revenue on economic growth in West Africa; determine the impact of personal tax revenue on economic growth in West Africa. The variables used in the study were value added tax (VAT), company tax revenue (CIT), personal tax revenue (PIT) and real GDP g...

An Economic Study of the Effects of Climate Change on Food Security in Taraba State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the climate change (climate change extreme events and household climate change adaptation practice) effects on the food security status of the households in Taraba State Nigeria. The primary data used in this work was collected using a random sampling selection of three (3) agricultural zones, 5 local government areas, 10 communities, and 120 respondents from the sample frame. The 3 agricultural zones selected were zing, Bali, and Wukari. Five (5) local government ...

The Impact of Inflation on Private Consumption Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page……………………………………………………………………………… i Approval page………………………………………………………….......................... ii Certification…………………………………………………………………………… iii Dedication…………………………………………………………................................ iv Acknowledgement……………………………�...

Oil Revenue Fluctuations, Fiscal Policy Response and Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Every time the economy recesses the role of government intervention as proposed by Keynes again reiterates. However the nature and magnitude of these policies are important to note. It is on this premise that this study examines the impact of oil revenue fluctuations and fiscal policy response on economic growth in Nigeria. The study used data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Annual Reports and Statistical Bulletin, the World Bank Indicators and National Bureau of Statistics. T...

Economic Analysis of Public Expenditure Growth and Optimal Size of Public Sector in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Public expenditure1 is not only used for stimulation of aggregate demand, it is also a useful tool for redistribution of wealth and provision of public goods. Consequently, the size and object of government expenditure becomes a leading policy issue of general concern in most national and international gathering. To proffer the much needed professional guidance on such occasion at the local level, this study therefore carried out economic analysis of public expenditure growth and opt...

Determinants of Nigeria’s Non-Oil Import Demand

ABSTRACT Primarily, the paper assesses the determinants of non-oil import demand with the aim to empirically measure the relative strengths, weaknesses and nature of the determinants, and subsequently assess the extent to which results are in conformity with those previously obtained on a wider aggregate of the Nigerian economy. An econometric method of analysis which encompasses wide range of test was employed, using data from the Nigerian economy over the period 1970 to 2009. Results of the...

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) and Nigerian Capital Market: An Analysis of Bonus Issues and Dividend Announcement.

Abstract The study examined the efficient market hypothesis and Nigerian capital market in relation to information contained in dividend and bonus issues announcement to ascertain the speed at which the market adjust to all the relevant available information on share prices of the listed firms in the main board market. To estimate the speed of adjustment of daily share prices of 33 sampled firms listed in the market in semi-strong form, market model developed by Fama (1969) is employed. From ...

An Empirical Investigation of the Interactions Between Remittance Inflows and Human Capital Development (Implication for the Economic Growth in Nigeria)

ABSTRACT This study analyzes the interactions between remittance inflows and human capital development: implication for economic growth in Nigeria. Using Nigeria most recent data set on remittances inflows, human capital development and economic growth this study investigated how remittances inflow influences education and health spending in Nigeria. To unravel this, we adopted an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. We estimated an error correction equation due to the long-run nature...

Empirical Test of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to test empirically if Nigeria’s pattern of production and trade is consistent with the Heckscher-Ohlin framework. It was necessitated by the fact that Nigeria is abundantly endowed with labour resources, fertile land, and good climatic conditions among others. In addition, there have been varying results among different existing studies of empirical evidence of the Heckscher-Ohlin framework in different countries of the world. Most of these studies showe...

Exchange Rate Variations and Migrants’ Remittances to Nigeria: 1980- 2010

ABSTRACT This study examined the relationship between exchange rate variations and migrants’ remittances to Nigeria. The time-series econometric method of Vector Error Correction (VEC) was applied to estimate the demand-supply equation for remittance transfers. An empirical model that links remittances to its potential determinants was specified and estimated using multivariate Johansen co-integration test and complemented by impulse response and variance decomposition analyses. The key res...

Analysis of Stock Prices and Exchange Rate Interactions in Nigeria

ABSTARCT The need to capture stock market and foreign exchange market nexus in Nigeria is underscored by the rapidly expanding financial markets integration due to trade and financial liberalization policies which seem to have enhanced the inflow of capital as well as accelerated investment/business interactions. Theoretically, the relationship between stock prices and exchange rate can be either positive or negative and can also run either way. This study therefore captures returns/mean and ...

The Impact of Human Capital on Labour Productivity in Manufacturing Industries in Enugu and Anambra States, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This work discusses the effect of human capital on labour productivity in manufacturing industries in Enugu and Anambra States. The study applied the ordinary least squares and the principal component Analysis in the estimation. The evaluation results show that human capital has a positive effect on the sectoral labour productivity level of the industry. Training, Education, Medicare and Research are strongly correlated with productivity. By all econometric standards the statistical ...

106 - 120 Of 1534 Results